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concerning christian liberty-第5部分

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look also to the second。 This also is an office of faith: that it 
honours with the utmost veneration and the highest reputation Him 
in whom it believes; inasmuch as it holds Him to be truthful and 
worthy of belief。 For there is no honour like that reputation of 
truth and righteousness with which we honour Him in whom we 
believe。 What higher credit can we attribute to any one than 
truth and righteousness; and absolute goodness? On the other 
hand; it is the greatest insult to brand any one with the 
reputation of falsehood and unrighteousness; or to suspect him of 
these; as we do when we disbelieve him。

Thus the soul; in firmly believing the promises of God; holds Him 
to be true and righteous; and it can attribute to God no higher 
glory than the credit of being so。 The highest worship of God is 
to ascribe to Him truth; righteousness; and whatever qualities we 
must ascribe to one in whom we believe。 In doing this the soul 
shows itself prepared to do His whole will; in doing this it 
hallows His name; and gives itself up to be dealt with as it may 
please God。 For it cleaves to His promises; and never doubts that 
He is true; just; and wise; and will do; dispose; and provide for 
all things in the best way。 Is not such a soul; in this its 
faith; most obedient to God in all things? What commandment does 
there remain which has not been amply fulfilled by such an 
obedience? What fulfilment can be more full than universal 
obedience? Now this is not accomplished by works; but by faith 

On the other hand; what greater rebellion; impiety; or insult to 
God can there be; than not to believe His promises? What else is 
this; than either to make God a liar; or to doubt His truththat 
is; to attribute truth to ourselves; but to God falsehood and 
levity? In doing this; is not a man denying God and setting 
himself up as an idol in his own heart? What then can works; done 
in such a state of impiety; profit us; were they even angelic or 
apostolic works? Rightly hath God shut up all; not in wrath nor 
in lust; but in unbelief; in order that those who pretend that 
they are fulfilling the law by works of purity and benevolence 
(which are social and human virtues) may not presume that they 
will therefore be saved; but; being included in the sin of 
unbelief; may either seek mercy; or be justly condemned。

But when God sees that truth is ascribed to Him; and that in the 
faith of our hearts He is honoured with all the honour of which 
He is worthy; then in return He honours us on account of that 
faith; attributing to us truth and righteousness。 For faith does 
truth and righteousness in rendering to God what is His; and 
therefore in return God gives glory to our righteousness。 It is 
true and righteous that God is true and righteous; and to confess 
this and ascribe these attributes to Him; this it is to be true 
and righteous。 Thus He says; 〃Them that honour Me I will honour; 
and they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed〃 (1 Sam。 ii。 
30)。 And so Paul says that Abraham's faith was imputed to him for 
righteousness; because by it he gave glory to God; and that to us 
also; for the same reason; it shall be imputed for righteousness; 
if we believe (Rom。 iv。)。

The third incomparable grace of faith is this: that it unites the 
soul to Christ; as the wife to the husband; by which mystery; as 
the Apostle teaches; Christ and the soul are made one flesh。 Now 
if they are one flesh; and if a true marriagenay; by far the 
most perfect of all marriagesis accomplished between them (for 
human marriages are but feeble types of this one great marriage); 
then it follows that all they have becomes theirs in common; as 
well good things as evil things; so that whatsoever Christ 
possesses; that the believing soul may take to itself and boast 
of as its own; and whatever belongs to the soul; that Christ 
claims as His。

If we compare these possessions; we shall see how inestimable is 
the gain。 Christ is full of grace; life; and salvation; the soul 
is full of sin; death; and condemnation。 Let faith step in; and 
then sin; death; and hell will belong to Christ; and grace; life; 
and salvation to the soul。 For; if He is a Husband; He must needs 
take to Himself that which is His wife's; and at the same time; 
impart to His wife that which is His。 For; in giving her His own 
body and Himself; how can He but give her all that is His? And; 
in taking to Himself the body of His wife; how can He but take to 
Himself all that is hers?

In this is displayed the delightful sight; not only of communion; 
but of a prosperous warfare; of victory; salvation; and 
redemption。 For; since Christ is God and man; and is such a 
Person as neither has sinned; nor dies; nor is condemned; nay; 
cannot sin; die; or be condemned; and since His righteousness; 
life; and salvation are invincible; eternal; and almighty;when 
I say; such a Person; by the wedding…ring of faith; takes a share 
in the sins; death; and hell of His wife; nay; makes them His 
own; and deals with them no otherwise than as if they were His; 
and as if He Himself had sinned; and when He suffers; dies; and 
descends to hell; that He may overcome all things; and since sin; 
death; and hell cannot swallow Him up; they must needs be 
swallowed up by Him in stupendous conflict。 For His righteousness 
rises above the sins of all men; His life is more powerful than 
all death; His salvation is more unconquerable than all hell。

Thus the believing soul; by the pledge of its faith in Christ; 
becomes free from all sin; fearless of death; safe from hell; and 
endowed with the eternal righteousness; life; and salvation of 
its Husband Christ。 Thus He presents to Himself a glorious bride; 
without spot or wrinkle; cleansing her with the washing of water 
by the word; that is; by faith in the word of life; 
righteousness; and salvation。 Thus He betrothes her unto Himself 
〃in faithfulness; in righteousness; and in judgment; and in 
lovingkindness; and in mercies〃 (Hosea ii。 19; 20)。

Who then can value highly enough these royal nuptials? Who can 
comprehend the riches of the glory of this grace? Christ; that 
rich and pious Husband; takes as a wife a needy and impious 
harlot; redeeming her from all her evils and supplying her with 
all His good things。 It is impossible now that her sins should 
destroy her; since they have been laid upon Christ and swallowed 
up in Him; and since she has in her Husband Christ a 
righteousness which she may claim as her own; and which she can 
set up with confidence against all her sins; against death and 
hell; saying; 〃If I have sinned; my Christ; in whom I believe; 
has not sinned; all mine is His; and all His is mine;〃 as it is 
written; 〃My beloved is mine; and I am His〃 (Cant。 ii。 16)。 This 
is what Paul says: 〃Thanks be to God; which giveth us the victory 
through our Lord Jesus Christ;〃 victory over sin and death; as he 
says; 〃The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the 
law〃 (1 Cor。 xv。 56; 57)。

》From all this you will again understand why so much importance is 
attributed to faith; so that it alone can fulfil the law and 
justify without any works。 For you see that the First 
Commandment; which says; 〃Thou shalt worship one God only;〃 is 
fulfilled by faith alone。 If you were nothing but good works from 
the soles of your feet to the crown of your head; you would not 
be worshipping God; nor fulfilling the First Commandment; since 
it is impossible to worship God without ascribing to Him the 
glory of truth and of universal goodness; as it ought in truth to 
be ascribed。 Now this is not done by works; but only by faith of 
heart。 It is not by working; but by believing; that we glorify 
God; and confess Him to be true。 On this ground faith alone is 
the righteousness of a Christian man; and the fulfilling of all 
the commandments。 For to him who fulfils the first the task of 
fulfilling all the rest is easy。

Works; since they are irrational things; cannot glorify God; 
although they may be done to the glory of God; if faith be 
present。 But at present we are inquiring; not into the quality of 
the works done; but into him who does them; who glorifies God; 
and brings forth good works。 This is faith of heart; the head and 
the substance of all our righteousness。 Hence that is a blind and 
perilous doctrine which teaches that the commandments are 
fulfilled by works。 The commandments must have been fulfilled 
previous to any good works; and good works follow their 
fulfillment; as we shall see。

But; that we may have a wider view of that grace which our inner 
man has in Christ; we must know that in the Old Testament God 
sanctified to Himself every first…born male。 The birthright was 
of great value; giving a superiority over the rest by the double 
honour of priesthood and kingship。 For the first…born brother was 
priest and lord of all the rest。

Under this figure was foreshown Christ; the true and only 
First…born of God the Father and of the Virgin Mary; and a true 
King and Priest; not in a fleshly and earthly sense。 For His 
kingdom is not of this world; it is in heavenly and spiri
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