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the essays of montaigne, v4-第5部分

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should hide; or remove it to some other place?  He returned them answer;
that they should stir nothing from thence; and only take care of
themselves; for he was sufficient to look to what belonged to him。
'Herodotus; viii。 36。'。

The Christian religion has all the marks of the utmost utility and
justice: but none more manifest than the severe injunction it lays
indifferently upon all to yield absolute obedience to the civil
magistrate; and to maintain and defend the laws。  Of which; what a
wonderful example has the divine wisdom left us; that; to establish the
salvation of mankind; and to conduct His glorious victory over death and
sin; would do it after no other way; but at the mercy of our ordinary
forms of justice subjecting the progress and issue of so high and so
salutiferous an effect; to the blindness and injustice of our customs
and observances; sacrificing the innocent blood of so many of His elect;
and so long a loss of so many years; to the maturing of this inestimable
fruit?  There is a vast difference betwixt the case of one who follows
the forms and laws of his country; and of another who will undertake to
regulate and change them; of whom the first pleads simplicity; obedience;
and example for his excuse; who; whatever he shall do; it cannot be
imputed to malice; 'tis at the worst but misfortune:

          〃Quis est enim; quem non moveat clarissimis monumentis
          testata consignataque antiquitas?〃

     '〃For who is there that antiquity; attested and confirmed by the
     fairest monuments; cannot move?〃Cicero; De Divin。; i。 40。'

besides what Isocrates says; that defect is nearer allied to moderation
than excess: the other is a much more ruffling gamester; for whosoever
shall take upon him to choose and alter; usurps the authority of judging;
and should look well about him; and make it his business to discern
clearly the defect of what he would abolish; and the virtue of what he is
about to introduce。

This so vulgar consideration is that which settled me in my station; and
kept even my most extravagant and ungoverned youth under the rein; so as
not to burden my shoulders with so great a weight; as to render myself
responsible for a science of that importance; and in this to dare; what
in my better and more mature judgment; I durst not do in the most easy
and indifferent things I had been instructed in; and wherein the temerity
of judging is of no consequence at all; it seeming to me very unjust to
go about to subject public and established customs and institutions; to
the weakness and instability of a private and particular fancy (for
private reason has but a private jurisdiction); and to attempt that upon
the divine; which no government will endure a man should do; upon the
civil laws; with which; though human reason has much more commerce than
with the other; yet are they sovereignly judged by their own proper
judges; and the extreme sufficiency serves only to expound and set forth
the law and custom received; and neither to wrest it; nor to introduce
anything; of innovation。  If; sometimes; the divine providence has gone
beyond the rules to which it has necessarily bound and obliged us men;
it is not to give us any dispensation to do the same; those are
masterstrokes of the divine hand; which we are not to imitate; but to
admire; and extraordinary examples; marks of express and particular
purposes; of the nature of miracles; presented before us for
manifestations of its almightiness; equally above both our rules and
force; which it would be folly and impiety to attempt to represent and
imitate; and that we ought not to follow; but to contemplate with the
greatest reverence: acts of His personage; and not for us。  Cotta very
opportunely declares:

     〃Quum de religione agitur; Ti。 Coruncanium; P。 Scipionem;
     P。 Scaevolam; pontifices maximos; non Zenonem; aut Cleanthem;
     aut Chrysippum; sequor。〃

     '〃When matter of religion is in question; I follow the high priests
     T。 Coruncanius; P。 Scipio; P。 Scaevola; and not Zeno; Cleanthes; or
     Chrysippus。〃Cicero; De Natura Deor。; iii。 2。'

God knows; in the present quarrel of our civil war; where there are a
hundred articles to dash out and to put in; great and very considerable;
how many there are who can truly boast; they have exactly and perfectly
weighed and understood the grounds and reasons of the one and the other
party; 'tis a number; if they make any number; that would be able to give
us very little disturbance。  But what becomes of all the rest; under what
ensigns do they march; in what quarter do they lie?  Theirs have the same
effect with other weak and ill…applied medicines; they have only set the
humours they would purge more violently in work; stirred and exasperated
by the conflict; and left them still behind。  The potion was too weak to
purge; but strong enough to weaken us; so that it does not work; but we
keep it still in our bodies; and reap nothing from the operation but
intestine gripes and dolours。

So it is; nevertheless; that Fortune still reserving her authority in
defiance of whatever we are able to do or say; sometimes presents us with
a necessity so urgent; that 'tis requisite the laws should a little yield
and give way; and when one opposes the increase of an innovation that
thus intrudes itself by violence; to keep a man's self in so doing; in
all places and in all things within bounds and rules against those who
have the power; and to whom all things are lawful that may in any way
serve to advance their design; who have no other law nor rule but what
serves best to their own purpose; 'tis a dangerous obligation and an
intolerable inequality:

               〃Aditum nocendi perfido praestat fides;〃

          '〃Putting faith in a treacherous person; opens the door to
          harm。〃 Seneca; OEdip。; act iii。; verse 686。'

forasmuch as the ordinary discipline of a healthful state does not
provide against these extraordinary accidents; it presupposes a body that
supports itself in its principal members and offices; and a common
consent to its obedience and observation。  A legitimate proceeding is
cold; heavy; and constrained; and not fit to make head against a
headstrong and unbridled proceeding。  'Tis known to be to this day cast
in the dish of those two great men; Octavius and Cato; in the two civil
wars of Sylla and Caesar; that they would rather suffer their country to
undergo the last extremities; than relieve their fellow…citizens at the
expense of its laws; or be guilty of any innovation; for in truth; in
these last necessities; where there is no other remedy; it would;
peradventure; be more discreetly done; to stoop and yield a little to
receive the blow; than; by opposing without possibility of doing good;
to give occasion to violence to trample all under foot; and better to
make the laws do what they can; when they cannot do what they would。
After this manner did he'Agesilaus。' who suspended them for four…and…
twenty hours; and he who; for once shifted a day in the calendar; and
that other 'Alexander the Great。' who of the month of June made a
second of May。  The Lacedaemonians themselves; who were so religious
observers of the laws of their country; being straitened by one of their
own edicts; by which it was expressly forbidden to choose the same man
twice to be admiral; and on the other side; their affairs necessarily
requiring; that Lysander should again take upon him that command; they
made one Aratus admiral; 'tis true; but withal; Lysander went general of
the navy; and; by the same subtlety; one of their ambassadors being sent
to the Athenians to obtain the revocation of some decree; and Pericles
remonstrating to him; that it was forbidden to take away the tablet
wherein a law had once been engrossed; he advised him to turn it only;
that being not forbidden; and Plutarch commends Philopoemen; that being
born to command; he knew how to do it; not only according to the laws;
but also to overrule even the laws themselves; when the public necessity
so required。



Jacques Amiot; grand almoner of France; one day related to me this story;
much to the honour of a prince of ours (and ours he was upon several very
good accounts; though originally of foreign extraction);'The Duc de
Guise; surnamed Le Balafre。'that in the time of our first commotions;
at the siege of Rouen;'In 1562' this prince; having been advertised
by the queen…mother of a conspiracy against his life; and in her letters
particular notice being given him of the person who was to execute the
business (who was a gentleman of Anjou or of Maine; and who to this
effect ordinarily frequented this prince's house); discovered not a
syllable of this intelligence to any one whatever; but going the next day
to the St。 Catherine's Mount;'An eminence outside Rouen overlooking the
Seine。  D。W。' from which our battery played against the town (for it
was during the time of the siege); and having in company with him the
said lord almoner; and another bishop; he saw this gentleman; who had
been denoted to him; and presently sent for him; to whom; being come
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