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the essays of montaigne, v4-第8部分

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commonly reproach his memory withal; as he did in choosing a gentle and
submissive way for the effecting his purpose; and in endeavouring to
quiet this storm; rather by obeying than commanding; and by entreaty
rather than remonstrance; and I am inclined to believe; that a gracious
severity; with a soldierlike way of commanding; full of security and
confidence; suitable to the quality of his person; and the dignity of his
command; would have succeeded better with him; at least; he had perished
with greater decency and; reputation。  There is nothing so little to be
expected or hoped for from this many…headed monster; in its fury; as
humanity and good nature; it is much more capable of reverence and fear。
I should also reproach him; that having taken a resolution (in my
judgment rather brave than rash) to expose himself; weak and naked; in
this tempestuous sea of enraged madmen; he ought to have stuck to his
text; and not for an instant to have abandoned the high part he had
undertaken; whereas; coming to discover his danger nearer hand; and his
nose happening to bleed; he again changed that demiss and fawning
countenance he had at first put on; into another of fear and amazement;
filling his voice with entreaties and his eyes with tears; and;
endeavouring so to withdraw and secure his person; that carriage more
inflamed their fury; and soon brought the effects of it upon him。

It was upon a time intended that there should be a general muster of
several troops in arms (and that is the most proper occasion of secret
revenges; and there is no place where they can be executed with greater
safety); and there were public and manifest appearances; that there was
no safe coming for some; whose principal and necessary office it was to
review them。  Whereupon a consultation was held; and several counsels
were proposed; as in a case that was very nice and of great difficulty;
and moreover of grave consequence。  Mine; amongst the rest; was; that
they should by all means avoid giving any sign of suspicion; but that the
officers who were most in danger should boldly go; and with cheerful and
erect countenances ride boldly and confidently through the ranks; and
that instead of sparing fire (which the counsels of the major part tended
to) they should entreat the captains to command the soldiers to give
round and full volleys in honour of the spectators; and not to spare
their powder。  This was accordingly done; and served so good use; as to
please and gratify the suspected troops; and thenceforward to beget a
mutual and wholesome confidence and intelligence amongst them。

I look upon Julius Caesar's way of winning men to him as the best and
finest that can be put in practice。  First; he tried by clemency to make
himself beloved even by his very enemies; contenting himself; in detected
conspiracies; only publicly to declare; that he was pre…acquainted with
them; which being done; he took a noble resolution to await without
solicitude or fear; whatever might be the event; wholly resigning himself
to the protection of the gods and fortune: for; questionless; in this
state he was at the time when he was killed。

A stranger having publicly said; that he could teach Dionysius; the
tyrant of Syracuse; an infallible way to find out and discover all the
conspiracies his subjects could contrive against him; if he would give
him a good sum of money for his pains; Dionysius hearing of it; caused
the man to be brought to him; that he might learn an art so necessary to
his preservation。  The man made answer; that all the art he knew; was;
that he should give him a talent; and afterwards boast that he had
obtained a singular secret from him。  Dionysius liked the invention; and
accordingly caused six hundred crowns to be counted out to him。
'Plutarch; Apothegms。' It was not likely he should give so great a
sum to a person unknown; but upon the account of some extraordinary
discovery; and the belief of this served to keep his enemies in awe。
Princes; however; do wisely to publish the informations they receive of
all the practices against their lives; to possess men with an opinion
they have so good intelligence that nothing can be plotted against them;
but they have present notice of it。  The Duke of Athens did a great many
foolish things in the establishment of his new tyranny over Florence:
but this especially was most notable; that having received the first
intimation of the conspiracies the people were hatching against him; from
Matteo di Morozzo; one of the conspirators; he presently put him to
death; to suppress that rumour; that it might not be thought any of the
city disliked his government。

I remember I have formerly read a story'In Appian's Civil Wars; book
iv。。' of some Roman of great quality who; flying the tyranny of the
Triumvirate; had a thousand times by the subtlety of as many inventions
escaped from falling into the hands of those that pursued him。  It
happened one day that a troop of horse; which was sent out to take him;
passed close by a brake where he was squat; and missed very narrowly of
spying him: but he considering; at this point; the pains and difficulties
wherein he had so long continued to evade the strict and incessant
searches that were every day made for him; the little pleasure he could
hope for in such a kind of life; and how much better it was for him to
die once for all; than to be perpetually at this pass; he started from
his seat; called them back; showed them his form;'as of a squatting
hare。' and voluntarily delivered himself up to their cruelty; by that
means to free both himself and them from further trouble。  To invite a
man's enemies to come and cut his throat; seems a resolution a little
extravagant and odd; and yet I think he did better to take that course;
than to live in continual feverish fear of an accident for which there
was no cure。  But seeing all the remedies a man can apply to such a
disease; are full of unquietness and uncertainty; 'tis better with a
manly courage to prepare one's self for the worst that can happen; and to
extract some consolation from this; that we are not certain the thing we
fear will ever come to pass。



I was often; when a boy; wonderfully concerned to see; in the Italian
farces; a pedant always brought in for the fool of the play; and that the
title of Magister was in no greater reverence amongst us: for being
delivered up to their tuition; what could I do less than be jealous of
their honour and reputation?  I sought indeed to excuse them by the
natural incompatibility betwixt the vulgar sort and men of a finer
thread; both in judgment and knowledge; forasmuch as they go a quite
contrary way to one another: but in this; the thing I most stumbled at
was; that the finest gentlemen were those who most despised them; witness
our famous poet Du Bellay

          〃Mais je hay par sur tout un scavoir pedantesque。〃

          'Of all things I hate pedantic learning。〃Du Bellay'

And 'twas so in former times; for Plutarch says that Greek and Scholar
were terms of reproach and contempt amongst the Romans。  But since; with
the better experience of age; I find they had very great reason so to do;
and that

          〃Magis magnos clericos non sunt magis magnos sapientes。〃'

     '〃The greatest clerks are not the wisest men。〃  A proverb given in
     Rabelais' Gargantua; i。 39。'

But whence it should come to pass; that a mind enriched with the
knowledge of so many things should not become more quick and sprightly;
and that a gross and vulgar understanding should lodge within it; without
correcting and improving itself; all the discourses and judgments of the
greatest minds the world ever had; I am yet to seek。  To admit so many
foreign conceptions; so great; and so high fancies; it is necessary (as a
young lady; one of the greatest princesses of the kingdom; said to me
once; speaking of a certain person) that a man's own brain must be
crowded and squeezed together into a less compass; to make room for the
others; I should be apt to conclude; that as plants are suffocated and
drowned with too much nourishment; and lamps with too much oil; so with
too much study and matter is the active part of the understanding which;
being embarrassed; and confounded with a great diversity of things; loses
the force and power to disengage itself; and by the pressure of this
weight; is bowed; subjected; and doubled up。  But it is quite otherwise;
for our soul stretches and dilates itself proportionably as it fills; and
in the examples of elder times; we see; quite contrary; men very proper
for public business; great captains; and great statesmen very learned

And; as to the philosophers; a sort of men remote from all public
affairs; they have been sometimes also despised by the comic liberty of
their times; their opinions and manners making them appear; to men of
another sort; ridiculous。  Would you make them judges of a lawsuit; of
the actions of men? they are ready to take it upon them; and straight
begin to examine if there be life; if there be motion; if man be any
other than an ox; '〃If Montaigne has copied all this from Plato's
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