the ruby of kishmoor-第1部分
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The Ruby of Kishmoor
By Howard Pyle
I。 Jonathan Rugg
II。 The Mysterious Lady with the Silver Veil
III。 The Terrific Encounter with the One…eyed Little Gentleman in
IV。 The Momentous Adventure with the Stranger with the Silver
V。 The Unexpected Encounter with the Sea…captain with the
Broken Nose
VI。 The Conclusion of the Adventure with the Lady with the
Silver Veil
A very famous pirate of his day was Captain Robertson Keitt。
Before embarking upon his later career of infamy; he was; in the
beginning; very well known as a reputable merchant in the island
of Jamaica。 Thence entering; first of all; upon the business of
the African trade; he presently; by regular degrees; became a
pirate; and finally ended his career as one of the most renowned
freebooters of history。
The remarkable adventure through which he at once reached the
pinnacle of success; and became in his profession the most famous
figure of his day; was the capture of the Rajah of Kishmoor's
great ship; The Sun of the East。 In this vessel was the Rajah's
favorite Queen; who; together with her attendants; were set upon
a pilgrimage to Mecca。 The court of this great Oriental potentate
was; as may be readily supposed; fairly a…glitter with gold and
jewels; so that; what with such personal adornments that the
Queen and her attendants had fetched with them; besides an ample
treasury for the expenses of the expedition; an incredible prize
of gold and jewels rewarded the freebooters for their successful
Among the precious stones taken in this great purchase was the
splendid ruby of Kishmoor。 This; as may be known to the reader;
was one of the world's greatest gems; and was unique alike both
for its prodigious size and the splendor of its color。 This
precious jewel the Rajah of Kishmoor had; upon a certain
occasion; bestowed upon his Queen; and at the time of her capture
she wore it as the centre…piece of a sort of a coronet which
encircled her forehead and brow。
The seizure by the pirate of so considerable a person as that of
the Queen of Kishmoor; and of the enormous treasure that he found
aboard her ship; would alone have been sufficient to have
established his fame。 But the capture of so extraordinary a prize
as that of the rubywhich was; in itself; worth the value of an
entire Oriental kingdomexalted him at once to the very highest
pinnacle of renown。
Having achieved the capture of this incredible prize; our captain
scuttled the great ship and left her to sink with all on board。
Three Lascars of the crew alone escaped to bear the news of this
tremendous disaster to an astounded world。
As may readily be supposed; it was now no longer possible for
Captain Keitt to hope to live in such comparative obscurity as he
had before enjoyed。 His was now too remarkable a figure in the
eyes of the world。 Several expeditions from various parts were
immediately fitted out against him; and it presently became no
longer compatible with his safety to remain thus clearly outlined
before the eyes of the world。 Accordingly; he immediately set
about seeking such security as he might now hope to find; which
he did the more readily since he had now; and at one cast; so
entirely fulfilled his most sanguine expectations of good…fortune
and of fame。
Thereafter; accordingly; the adventures of our captain became of
a more apocryphal sort。 It was known that he reached the West
Indies in safety; for he was once seen at Port Royal and twice at
Spanish Town; in the island of Jamaica。 Thereafter; however; he
disappeared; nor was it until several years later that the world
heard anything concerning him。
One day a certain Nicholas Duckworthy; who had once been gunner
aboard the pirate captain's own ship; The Good Fortune; was
arrested in the town of Bristol in the very act of attempting to
sell to a merchant of that place several valuable gems from a
quantity which he carried with him tied up in a red bandanna
In the confession of which Duckworthy afterward delivered himself
he declared that Captain Keitt; after his great adventure; having
sailed from Africa in safety; and so reached the shores of the
New World; had wrecked The Good Fortune on a coral reef off the
Windward Islands; that he then immediately deserted the ship; and
together with Duckworthy himself; the sailing…master (who was a
Portuguese); the captain of a brig The Bloody Hand (a consort of
Keitt's); and a villainous rascal named Hunt (who; occupying no
precise position among the pirates; was at once the instigator of
and the partaker in the greatest part of Captain Keitt's
wickednesses); made his way to the nearest port of safety。 These
five worthies at last fetched the island of Jamaica; bringing
with them all of the jewels and some of the gold that had been
captured from The Sun of the East。
But; upon coming to a division of their booty; it was presently
discovered that the Rajah's ruby had mysteriously disappeared
from the collection of jewels to be divided。 The other pirates
immediately suspected their captain of having secretly purloined
it; and; indeed; so certain were they of his turpitude that they
immediately set about taking means to force a confession from
In this; however; they were so far unsuccessful that the captain;
refusing to yield to their importunities; had suffered himself to
die under their hands; and had so carried the secret of the
hiding…place of the great rubyif he possessed such a
secretalong with him。
Duckworthy concluded his confession by declaring that in his
opinion he himself; the Portuguese sailing…master; the captain of
The Bloody Hand; and Hunt were the only ones of Captain Keitt's
crew who were now alive; for that The Good Fortune must have
broken up in a storm; which immediately followed their desertion
of her; in which event the entire crew must inevitably have
It may be added that Duckworthy himself was shortly hanged; so
that; if his surmise was true; there was now only three left
alive of all that wicked crew that had successfully carried to
its completion the greatest adventure which any pirate in the
world had ever; perhaps; embarked upon。
I。 Jonathan Rugg
You may never know what romantic aspirations may lie hidden
beneath the most sedate and sober demeanor。
To have observed Jonathan Rugg; who was a tall; lean;
loose…jointed young Quaker of a somewhat forbidding aspect; with
straight; dark hair and a bony; overhanging forehead set into a
frown; a pair of small; deep…set eyes; and a square jaw; no one
would for a moment have suspected that he concealed beneath so
serious an exterior any appetite for romantic adventure。
Nevertheless; finding himself suddenly transported; as it were;
from the quiet of so sober a town as that of Philadelphia to the
tropical enchantment of Kingston; in the island of Jamaica; the
night brilliant with a full moon that swung in an opal sky; the
warm and luminous darkness replete with the mysteries of a
tropical night; and burdened with the odors of a land breeze; he
suddenly discovered himself to be overtaken with so vehement a
desire for some unwonted excitement that; had the opportunity
presented itself; he felt himself ready to embrace any adventure
with the utmost eagerness; no matter whither it would have
conducted him。
At home (where he was a clerk in the counting…house of a leading
merchant; by name Jeremiah Doolittle); should such idle fancies
have come to him; he would have looked upon himself as little
better than a fool; but now that he found himself for the first
time in a foreign country; surrounded by such strange and unusual
sights and sounds; all conducive to extravagant imaginations; the
wish for some extraordinary and altogether unusual experience
took possession of him with a singular vehemence to which he had
heretofore been altogether a stranger。
In the street where he stood; which was of a shining whiteness
and which reflected the effulgence of the moonlight with an
incredible distinction; he observed; stretching before him; long
lines of white garden walls; overtopped by a prodigious
luxuriance of tropical foliage。
In these gardens; and set close to the street; stood several
pretentious villas and mansions; the slatted blinds and curtains
of the windows of which were raised to admit of the freer
entrance of the cool and balmy air of the night。 From within
there issued forth bright lights; together with the exhilarating
sound of merry voices laughing and talking; or perhaps a song
accompanied by the tinkling music of a spinet or of a guitar。 An
occasional group of figures; clad in light and summer…like
garments; and adorned with gay and startling colors; passed him
through the moonlight; so that what with the brightness and
warmth of the night; together with all these unusual sights and
sounds; it appeared to Jonathan Rugg that he was rather the
inhabitant of some extraordinary land of enchantment and
unreality than a dweller upon that sober and solid world in which
he had hereto
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