the ruby of kishmoor-第8部分
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foreignerwho upon his part assaulted me with a pistol; with
every intention of murdering me and thus obtaining possession of
that same little trifle。〃
And did he;〃 exclaimed the lady; 〃have long; black mustachios;
and did he have silver ear…rings in his ears?〃
〃Yes;〃 said Jonathan; 〃he did。〃
〃That;〃 cried the lady; could have been none other than Captain
Keitt's Portuguese sailing…master; who must have been spying upon
Hunt! Tell me what happened next!〃
〃He would have taken my life;〃 said Jonathan; 〃but in the
struggle that followed he shot himself accidentally with his own
pistol; and died at my very feet。 I do not know what would have
happened to me if a sea…captain had not come and proffered his
〃A sea…captain!〃 she exclaimed; 〃and had he a flat face and a
broken nose?〃
〃Indeed he had;〃 replied Jonathan。
〃That;〃 said the lady; 〃must have been Captain Keitt's pirate
partnerCaptain Willitts; of The Bloody Hand。 He was doubtless
spying upon the Portuguese。〃
〃He induced me;〃 said Jonathan; 〃to carry the two bodies down to
the wharf。 Having inveigled me therewhere; I suppose; he
thought no one could interferehe assaulted me; and endeavored
to take the ivory ball away from me。 In my efforts to escape we
both fell into the water; and he; striking his head upon the edge
of the wharf; was first stunned and then drowned。〃
〃Thank God!〃 cried the lady; with a transport of fervor; and
clasping her jewelled hands together。 〃At last I am free of those
who have heretofore persecuted me and threatened my very life
itself! You have asked to behold my face; I will now show it to
you! Heretofore I have been obliged to keep it concealed lest;
recognizing me; my enemies should have slain me。〃 As she spoke
she drew aside her veil; and disclosed to the vision of our hero
a countenance of the most extraordinary and striking beauty。 Her
luminous eyes were like those of a Jawa; and set beneath
exquisitely arched and pencilled brows。 Her forehead was like
lustrous ivory and her lips like rose…leaves。 Her hair; which was
as soft as the finest silk; was fastened up in masses of
ravishing abundance。 〃I am;〃 said she; 〃the daughter of that
unfortunate Captain Keitt; who; though weak and a pirate; was not
so wicked; I would have you know; as he has been painted。 He
would; doubtless; have been an honest man had he not been led
astray by the villain Hunt; who so nearly compassed your own
destruction。 He returned to this island before his death; and
made me the sole heir of all that great fortune which he had
gatheredperhaps not by the most honest meansin the waters of
the Indian Ocean。 But the greatest treasure of all that fortune
bequeathed to me was a single jewel which you yourself have just
now defended with a courage and a fidelity that I cannot
sufficiently extol。 It is that priceless gem known as the Ruby of
Kishmoor。 I will show it to you。〃 Hereupon she took the little
ivory ball in her hand; and; with a turn of her beautiful wrists;
unscrewed a lid so nicely and cunningly adjusted that no eye
could have detected where it was joined to the parent globe。
Within was a fleece of raw silk containing an object which she
presently displayed before the astonished gaze of our hero。 It
was a red stone of about the bigness of a plover's egg; and which
glowed and flamed with such an exquisite and ruddy brilliancy as
to dazzle even Jonathan's inexperienced eyes。 Indeed; he did not
need to be informed of the priceless value of the treasure; which
he beheld in the rosy palm extended toward him。 How long he gazed
at this extraordinary jewel he knew not; but he was aroused from
his contemplation by the sound of the lady's voice addressing
him。 〃The three villains;〃 said she; 〃who have this day met their
deserts in a violent and bloody death; had by an accident
obtained knowledge that this jewel was in my possession。 Since
then my life has hung upon a thread; and every step that I have
taken has been watched by these enemies; the most cruel and
relentless that it was ever the lot of any unfortunate to
possess。 From the mortal dangers of their machinations you have
saved me; exhibiting a courage and a determination that cannot be
sufficiently applauded。 In this you have earned my deepest
admiration and regard。 I would rather;〃 she cried; 〃intrust my
life and my happiness to you than into the keeping of any man
whom I have ever known! I cannot hope to reward you in such a way
as to recompense you for the perils into which my necessities
have thrust you; but yet〃and here she hesitated; as though
seeking for words in which to express herself〃but yet if you
are willing to accept of this jewel; and all of the fortune that
belongs to me; together with the person of poor Evaline Keitt
herself; not only the stone and the wealth; but the woman also;
are yours to dispose of as you see fit!〃
Our hero was so struck aback at this unexpected turn that he knew
not upon the instant what reply to make。 〃Friend;〃 said he; at
last; 〃I thank thee extremely for thy offer; and; though I would
not be ungracious; it is yet borne in upon me to testify to thee
that as to the stone itself and the fortuneof which thou
speakest; and of which I very well know the historyI have no
inclination to receive either the one or the other; both the
fruits of theft; rapine; and murder。 The jewel I have myself
beheld three times stained; as it were; with the blood of my
fellow…man; so that it now has so little value in my sight that I
would not give a peppercorn to possess it。 Indeed; there is no
inducement in the world that could persuade me to accept it; or
even to take it again into my hand。 As to the rest of thy
generous offer; I have only to say that I am; four months hence;
to be married to a very comely young woman of Kensington; in
Pennsylvania; by name Martha Dobbs; and therefore I am not at all
at liberty to consider my inclinations in any other direction。〃
Having so delivered himself; Jonathan bowed with such ease as his
stiff and awkward joints might command; and thereupon withdrew
from the presence of the charmer; who; with cheeks suffused with
blushes and with eyes averted; made no endeavor to detain him。
So ended the only adventure of moment that ever happened to him
in all his life。 For thereafter he contented himself with such
excitement as his mercantile profession and his extremely
peaceful existence might afford。
In conclusion it may be said that when the worthy Jonathan Rugg
was married to Martha Dobbs; upon the following June; some
mysterious friend presented to the bride a rope of pearls of such
considerable value that when they were realized into money our
hero was enabled to enter into partnership with his former patron
the worthy Jeremiah Doolittle; and that; having made such a
beginning; he by…and…by arose to become; in his day; one of the
leading merchants of his native town of Philadelphia。
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