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Buonaparte is of the continental; and I place in the same line of
insult to the human understanding; the pretension of conquering the
ocean; to establish continental rights; as that of conquering the
continent; to restore maritime rights。 No; my dear Madam; the object
of England is the _permanent dominion of the ocean_; and the
_monopoly of the trade of the world_。 To secure this; she must keep
a larger fleet than her own resources will maintain。 The resources
of other nations; then; must be impressed to supply the deficiency of
her own。 This is sufficiently developed and evidenced by her
successive strides towards the usurpation of the sea。 Mark them;
from her first war after William Pitt the little; came into her
administration。 She first forbade to neutrals all trade with her
enemies in time of war; which they had not in time of peace。 This
deprived them of their trade from port to port of the same nation。
Then she forbade them to trade from the port of one nation to that of
any other at war with her; although a right fully exercised in time
of peace。 Next; instead of taking vessels only _entering_ a
blockaded port; she took them over the whole ocean; if destined to
that port; although ignorant of the blockade; and without intention
to violate it。 Then she took them returning from that port; as if
infected by previous infraction of blockade。 Then came her paper
blockades; by which she might shut up the whole world without sending
a ship to sea; except to take all those sailing on it; as they must;
of course; be bound to some port。 And these were followed by her
orders of council; forbidding every nation to go to the port of any
other; without coming first to some port of Great Britain; there
paying a tribute to her; regulated by the cargo; and taking from her
a license to proceed to the port of destination; which operation the
vessel was to repeat with the return cargo on its way home。
According to these orders; we could not send a vessel from St。 Mary's
to St。 Augustine; distant six hours' sail; on our own coast; without
crossing the Atlantic four times; twice with the outward cargo; and
twice with the inward。 She found this too daring and outrageous for
a single step; retracted as to certain articles of commerce; but left
it in force as to others which constitute important branches of our
exports。 And finally; that her views may no longer rest on
inference; in a recent debate; her minister declared in open
parliament; that the object of the present war is a _monopoly of
In some of these atrocities; France kept pace with her fully in
speculative wrong; which her impotence only shortened in practical
execution。 This was called retaliation by both; each charging the
other with the initiation of the outrage。 As if two combatants might
retaliate on an innocent bystander; the blows they received from each
other。 To make war on both would have been ridiculous。 In order;
therefore; to single out any enemy; we offered to both; that if
either would revoke its hostile decrees; and the other should refuse;
we would interdict all intercourse whatever with that other; which
would be war of course; as being an avowed departure from neutrality。
France accepted the offer; and revoked her decrees as to us。 England
not only refused; but declared by a solemn proclamation of her Prince
Regent; that she would not revoke her orders _even as to us_; until
those of France should be annulled _as to the whole world_。 We
thereon declared war; and with abundant additional cause。
In the mean time; an examination before parliament of the
ruinous effects of these orders on her own manufacturers; exposing
them to the nation and to the world; their Prince issued a palinodial
proclamation; _suspending_ the orders on certain conditions; but
claiming to renew them at pleasure; as a matter of right。 Even this
might have prevented the war; if done and known here before its
declaration。 But the sword being once drawn; the expense of arming
incurred; and hostilities in full course; it would have been unwise
to discontinue them; until effectual provision should be agreed to by
England; for protecting our citizens on the high seas from
impressment by her naval commanders; through error; voluntary or
involuntary; the fact being notorious; that these officers; entering
our ships at sea under pretext of searching for their seamen; (which
they have no right to do by the law or usage of nations; which they
neither do; nor ever did; as to any other nation but ours; and which
no nation ever before pretended to do in any case;) entering our
ships; I say; under pretext of searching for and taking out their
seamen; they took ours; native as well as naturalised; knowing them
to be ours; merely because they wanted them; insomuch; that no
American could safely cross the ocean; or venture to pass by sea from
one to another of our own ports。 It is not long since they impressed
at sea two nephews of General Washington; returning from Europe; and
put them; as common seamen; under the ordinary discipline of their
ships of war。 There are certainly other wrongs to be settled between
England and us; but of a minor character; and such as a proper spirt
of conciliation on both sides would not permit to continue them at
war。 The sword; however; can never again be sheathed; until the
personal safety of an American on the ocean; among the most important
and most vital of the rights we possess; is completely provided for。
As soon as we heard of her partial repeal of her orders of
council; we offered instantly to suspend hostilities by an armistice;
if she would suspend her impressments; and meet us in arrangements
for securing our citizens against them。 She refused to do it;
because impracticable by any arrangement; as she pretends; but; in
truth; because a body of sixty to eighty thousand of the finest
seamen in the world; which we possess; is too great a resource for
manning her exaggerated navy; to be relinquished; as long as she can
keep it open。 Peace is in her hand; whenever she will renounce the
practice of aggression on the persons of our citizens。 If she thinks
it worth eternal war; eternal war we must have。 She alleges that the
sameness of language; of manners; of appearance; renders it
impossible to distinguish us from her subjects。 But because we speak
English; and look like them; are we to be punished? Are free and
independent men to be submitted to their bondage?
England has misrepresented to all Europe this ground of the
war。 She has called it a new pretension; set up since the repeal of
her orders of council。 She knows there has never been a moment of
suspension of our reclamations against it; from General Washington's
time inclusive; to the present day: and that it is distinctly stated
in our declaration of war; as one of its principal causes。 She has
pretended we have entered into the war to establish the principle of
‘free bottoms; free goods;' or to protect her seamen against her own
right over them。 We contend for neither of these。 She pretends we
are partial to France; that we have observed a fraudulent and
unfaithful neutrality between her and her enemy。 She knows this to
be false; and that if there has been any inequality in our
proceedings towards the belligerents; it has been in her favor。 Her
ministers are in possession of full proofs of this。 Our accepting at
once; and sincerely; the mediation of the virtuous Alexander; their
greatest friend; and the most aggravated enemy of Buonaparte;
sufficiently proves whether we have partialities on the side of her
enemy。 I sincerely pray that this mediation may produce a just
peace。 It will prove that the immortal character; which has first
stopped by war the career of the destroyer of mankind; is the friend
of peace; of justice; of human happiness; and the patron of
unoffending and injured nations。 He is too honest and impartial to
countenance propositions of peace derogatory to the freedom of the
Shall I apologise to you; my dear Madam; for this long
political letter? But yours justifies the subject; and my feelings
must plead for the unreserved expression of them; and they have been
the less reserved; as being from a private citizen; retired from all
connection with the government of his country; and whose ideas;
expressed without communication with any one; are neither known; nor
imputable to them。
The dangers of the sea are now so great; and the possibilities
of interception by sea and land such; that I shall subscribe no name
to this letter。 You will know from whom it comes; by its reference
to the date of time and place of yours; as well as by its subject in
answer to that。 This omission must not lessen in your view the
assurances of my great esteem; of my sincere sympathies for the share
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