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pendulums from both of our points of observation; and not merely the
measures of them; should be delivered to the Philosophical Society;
to be measured under their eye and direction。
As this is really a work of common and equal interest to
England and the United States; perhaps it would be still more
respectful to make our proposition to her Royal Society in the
outset; and to agree with them on a partition of the work。 In this
case; any commencement of actual experiments on our part should be
provisional only; and preparatory to the ultimate results。 We might;
in the meantime; provisionally also; form a table adapted to the
length of the pendulum of 45 degrees; according to the most approved
estimates; including those of the French commissioners。 This would
serve to introduce the subject to the foreign societies; in the way
before proposed; reserving to ourselves the charge of communicating
to them a more perfect one; when that shall have been completed。
We may even go a step further; and make a general table of the
measures; weights and coins of all nations; taking their value
hypothetically for the present; from the tables in the commercial
dictionary of the encyclopedia methodique; which are very extensive;
and have the appearance of being made with great labor and exactness。
To these I expect we must in the end recur; as a supplement for the
measures which we may fail to obtain from other countries directly。
Their reference is to the foot or inch of Paris; as a standard; which
we may convert into parts of the second pendulum of 45 degrees。
I have thus; my dear sir; committed to writing my general ideas
on this subject; the more freely as they are intended merely as
suggestions for consideration。 It is not probable they offer
anything which would not have occurred to the committee itself。 My
apology on offering them must be found in your request。 My
confidence in the committee; of which I take for granted you are one;
is too entire to have intruded a single idea but on that ground。
Be assured of my affectionate and high esteem and respect。
_To John Adams_
_Monticello; Jan。 21; 1812_
DEAR SIR I thank you before hand (for they are not yet
arrived) for the specimens of homespun you have been so kind as to
forward me by post。 I doubt not their excellence; knowing how far
you are advanced in these things in your quarter。 Here we do little
in the fine way; but in coarse and midling goods a great deal。 Every
family in the country is a manufactory within itself; and is very
generally able to make within itself all the stouter and midling
stuffs for it's own cloathing and household use。 We consider a sheep
for every person in the family as sufficient to clothe it; in
addition to the cottom; hemp and flax which we raise ourselves。 For
fine stuff we shall depend on your Northern manufactures。 Of these;
that is to say; of company establishments; we have none。 We use
little machinery。 The Spinning Jenny and loom with the flying
shuttle can be managed in a family; but nothing more complicated。
The economy and thriftiness resulting from our household manufactures
are such that they will never again be laid aside; and nothing more
salutary for us has ever happened than the British obstructions to
our demands for their manufactures。 Restore free intercourse when
they will; their commerce with us will have totally changed it's
form; and the articles we shall in future want from them will not
exceed their own consumption of our produce。
A letter from you calls up recollections very dear to my mind。
It carries me back to the times when; beset with difficulties and
dangers; we were fellow laborers in the same cause; struggling for
what is most valuable to man; his right of self…government。 Laboring
always at the same oar; with some wave ever ahead threatening to
overwhelm us and yet passing harmless under our bark; we knew not
how; we rode through the storm with heart and hand; and made a happy
port。 Still we did not expect to be without rubs and difficulties;
and we have had them。 First the detention of the Western posts: then
the coalition of Pilnitz; outlawing our commerce with France; and the
British enforcement of the outlawry。 In your day French
depredations: in mine English; and the Berlin and Milan decrees: now
the English orders of council; and the piracies they authorise: when
these shall be over; it will be the impressment of our seamen; or
something else: and so we have gone on; and so we shall go on;
puzzled and prospering beyond example in the history of man。 And I
do believe we shall continue to growl; 'i。e。; grow' to multiply and
prosper until we exhibit an association; powerful; wise and happy;
beyond what has yet been seen by men。 As for France and England;
with all their pre…eminence in science; the one is a den of robbers;
and the other of pirates。 And if science produces no better fruits
than tyranny; murder; rapine and destitution of national morality; I
would rather wish our country to be ignorant; honest and estimable as
our neighboring savages are。
But whither is senile garrulity leading me? Into politics; of
which I have taken final leave。 I think little of them; and say
less。 I have given up newspapers in exchange for Tacitus and
Thucydides; for Newton and Euclid; and I find myself much the
happier。 Sometimes indeed I look back to former occurrences; in
remembrance of our old friends and fellow laborers; who have fallen
before us。 Of the signers of the Declaration of Independance I see
now living not more than half a dozen on your side of the Potomak;
and; on this side; myself alone。 You and I have been wonderfully
spared; and myself with remarkable health; and a considerable
activity of body and mind。 I am on horseback 3。 or 4。 hours of every
day; visit 3。 or 4。 times a year a possession I have 90 miles
distance; performing the winter journey on horseback。 I walk little
however; a single mile being too much for me; and I live in the midst
of my grandchildren; one of whom has lately promoted me to be a great
grandfather。 I have heard with pleasure that you also retain good
health; and a greater power of exercise in walking than I do。 But I
would rather have heard this from yourself; and that; writing a
letter; like mine; full of egotisms; and of details of your health;
your habits; occupations and enjoyments; I should have the pleasure
of knowing that; in the race of life; you do not keep; in it's
physical decline; the same distance ahead of me which you have done
in political honors and atchievements。 No circumstances have
lessened the interest I feel in these particulars respecting
yourself; none have suspended for one moment my sincere esteem for
you; and I now salute you with unchanged affections and respect。
_To John Adams_
_Monticello; June 11; 1812_
DEAR SIR By our post preceding that which brought your
letter of May 21; I had recieved one from Mr。 Malcolm on the same
subject with yours; and by the return of the post had stated to the
President my recollections of him。 But both of your letters were
probably too late; as the appointment had been already made; if we
may credit the newspapers。
You ask if there is any book that pretends to give any account
of the traditions of the Indians; or how one can acquire an idea of
them? Some scanty accounts of their traditions; but fuller of their
customs and characters are given us by most of the early travellers
among them。 These you know were chiefly French。 Lafitau; among
them; and Adair an Englishman; have written on this subject; the
former two volumes; the latter one; all in 4to 'quarto'。 But
unluckily Lafitau had in his head a preconcieved theory on the
mythology; manners; institutions and government of the antient
nations of Europe; Asia; and Africa; and seems to have entered on
those of America only to fit them into the same frame; and to draw
from them a confirmation of his general theory。 He keeps up a
perpetual parallel; in all those articles; between the Indians of
America; and the antients of the other quarters of the globe。 He
selects therefore all the facts; and adopts all the falsehoods which
favor his theory; and very gravely retails such absurdities as zeal
for a theory could alone swallow。 He was a man of much classical and
scriptural reading; and has rendered his book not unentertaining。 He
resided five years among the Northern Indians; as a Missionary; but
collects his matter much more from the writings of others; than from
his own observation。
Adair too had his kink。 He believed all the Indians of
American to be descended from the Jews: the same law
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