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three ghost stories-第2部分

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In a word; I should have set this man down as one of the safest of

men to be employed in that capacity; but for the circumstance that

while he was speaking to me he twice broke off with a fallen colour;

turned his face towards the little bell when it did NOT ring; opened

the door of the hut (which was kept shut to exclude the unhealthy

damp); and looked out towards the red light near the mouth of the

tunnel。  On both of those occasions; he came back to the fire with

the inexplicable air upon him which I had remarked; without being

able to define; when we were so far asunder。

Said I; when I rose to leave him; 〃You almost make me think that I

have met with a contented man。〃

(I am afraid I must acknowledge that I said it to lead him on。)

〃I believe I used to be so;〃 he rejoined; in the low voice in which

he had first spoken; 〃but I am troubled; sir; I am troubled。〃

He would have recalled the words if he could。  He had said them;

however; and I took them up quickly。

〃With what?  What is your trouble?〃

〃It is very difficult to impart; sir。  It is very; very difficult to

speak of。  If ever you make me another visit; I will try to tell


〃But I expressly intend to make you another visit。  Say; when shall

it be?〃

〃I go off early in the morning; and I shall be on again at ten to…

morrow night; sir。〃

〃I will come at eleven。〃

He thanked me; and went out at the door with me。  〃I'll show my

white light; sir;〃 he said; in his peculiar low voice; 〃till you

have found the way up。  When you have found it; don't call out!  And

when you are at the top; don't call out!〃

His manner seemed to make the place strike colder to me; but I said

no more than; 〃Very well。〃

〃And when you come down to…morrow night; don't call out!  Let me ask

you a parting question。  What made you cry; 'Halloa!  Below there!'


〃Heaven knows;〃 said I。  〃I cried something to that effect〃

〃Not to that effect; sir。  Those were the very words。  I know them


〃Admit those were the very words。  I said them; no doubt; because I

saw you below。〃

〃For no other reason?〃

〃What other reason could I possibly have?〃

〃You had no feeling that they were conveyed to you in any

supernatural way?〃


He wished me good…night; and held up his light。  I walked by the

side of the down Line of rails (with a very disagreeable sensation

of a train coming behind me) until I found the path。  It was easier

to mount than to descend; and I got back to my inn without any


Punctual to my appointment; I placed my foot on the first notch of

the zigzag next night; as the distant clocks were striking eleven。

He was waiting for me at the bottom; with his white light on。  〃I

have not called out;〃 I said; when we came close together; 〃may I

speak now?〃  〃By all means; sir。〃  〃Good…night; then; and here's my

hand。〃  〃Good…night; sir; and here's mine。〃  With that we walked

side by side to his box; entered it; closed the door; and sat down

by the fire。

〃I have made up my mind; sir;〃 he began; bending forward as soon as

we were seated; and speaking in a tone but a little above a whisper;

〃that you shall not have to ask me twice what troubles me。  I took

you for some one else yesterday evening。  That troubles me。〃

〃That mistake?〃

〃No。  That some one else。〃

〃Who is it?〃

〃I don't know。〃

〃Like me?〃

〃I don't know。  I never saw the face。  The left arm is across the

face; and the right arm is waved;violently waved。  This way。〃

I followed his action with my eyes; and it was the action of an arm

gesticulating; with the utmost passion and vehemence; 〃For God's

sake; clear the way!〃

〃One moonlight night;〃 said the man; 〃I was sitting here; when I

heard a voice cry; 'Halloa!  Below there!'  I started up; looked

from that door; and saw this Some one else standing by the red light

near the tunnel; waving as I just now showed you。  The voice seemed

hoarse with shouting; and it cried; 'Look out!  Look out!'  And then

attain; 'Halloa!  Below there!  Look out!'  I caught up my lamp;

turned it on red; and ran towards the figure; calling; 'What's

wrong?  What has happened?  Where?'  It stood just outside the

blackness of the tunnel。  I advanced so close upon it that I

wondered at its keeping the sleeve across its eyes。  I ran right up

at it; and had my hand stretched out to pull the sleeve away; when

it was gone。〃

〃Into the tunnel?〃 said I。

〃No。  I ran on into the tunnel; five hundred yards。  I stopped; and

held my lamp above my head; and saw the figures of the measured

distance; and saw the wet stains stealing down the walls and

trickling through the arch。  I ran out again faster than I had run

in (for I had a mortal abhorrence of the place upon me); and I

looked all round the red light with my own red light; and I went up

the iron ladder to the gallery atop of it; and I came down again;

and ran back here。  I telegraphed both ways; 'An alarm has been

given。  Is anything wrong?'  The answer came back; both ways; 'All


Resisting the slow touch of a frozen finger tracing out my spine; I

showed him how that this figure must be a deception of his sense of

sight; and how that figures; originating in disease of the delicate

nerves that minister to the functions of the eye; were known to have

often troubled patients; some of whom had become conscious of the

nature of their affliction; and had even proved it by experiments

upon themselves。  〃As to an imaginary cry;〃 said I; 〃do but listen

for a moment to the wind in this unnatural valley while we speak so

low; and to the wild harp it makes of the telegraph wires。〃

That was all very well; he returned; after we had sat listening for

a while; and he ought to know something of the wind and the wires;

he who so often passed long winter nights there; alone and watching。

But he would beg to remark that he had not finished。

I asked his pardon; and he slowly added these words; touching my

arm; …

〃Within six hours after the Appearance; the memorable accident on

this Line happened; and within ten hours the dead and wounded were

brought along through the tunnel over the spot where the figure had


A disagreeable shudder crept over me; but I did my best against it。

It was not to be denied; I rejoined; that this was a remarkable

coincidence; calculated deeply to impress his mind。  But it was

unquestionable that remarkable coincidences did continually occur;

and they must be taken into account in dealing with such a subject。

Though to be sure I must admit; I added (for I thought I saw that he

was going to bring the objection to bear upon me); men of common

sense did not allow much for coincidences in making the ordinary

calculations of life。

He again begged to remark that he had not finished。

I again begged his pardon for being betrayed into interruptions。

〃This;〃 he said; again laying his hand upon my arm; and glancing

over his shoulder with hollow eyes; 〃was just a year ago。  Six or

seven months passed; and I had recovered from the surprise and

shock; when one morning; as the day was breaking; I; standing at the

door; looked towards the red light; and saw the spectre again。〃  He

stopped; with a fixed look at me。

〃Did it cry out?〃

〃No。  It was silent。〃

〃Did it wave its arm?〃

〃No。  It leaned against the shaft of the light; with both hands

before the face。  Like this。〃

Once more I followed his action with my eyes。  It was an action of

mourning。  I have seen such an attitude in stone figures on tombs。

〃Did you go up to it?〃

〃I came in and sat down; partly to collect my thoughts; partly

because it had turned me faint。  When I went to the door again;

daylight was above me; and the ghost was gone。〃

〃But nothing followed?  Nothing came of this?〃

He touched me on the arm with his forefinger twice or thrice giving

a ghastly nod each time:…

〃That very day; as a train came out of the tunnel; I noticed; at a

carriage window on my side; what looked like a confusion of hands

and heads; and something waved。  I saw it just in time to signal the

driver; Stop!  He shut off; and put his brake on; but the train

drifted past here a hundred and fifty yards or more。  I ran after

it; and; as I went along; heard terrible screams and cries。  A

beautiful young lady had died instantaneously in one of the

compartments; and was brought in here; and laid down on this floor

between us。〃

Involuntarily I pushed my chair back; as I looked from the boards at

which he pointed to himself。

〃True; sir。  True。  Precisely as it happened; so I tell it you。〃

I could think of nothing to say; to any purpose; and my mouth was

very dry。  The wind and the wires took up the story with a long

lamenting wail。

He resumed。  〃Now; sir; mark this; a
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