the master of mrs. chilvers-第11部分
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SIGSBY What are the latest figures? Do you know?
'PHOEBE enters。'
JANET I forget the numbers。 Mrs。 Chilvers is forty ahead。
PHOEBE Forty ahead! 'To JANET。' Did you order the band?
LAMB 'To SIGSBY。' The Dock division was against him to a man;
that Shipping Bill has upset them。
JANET No。 I didn't think we should want the band。
PHOEBE Not want it! My dear girl …
JANET Perhaps Lady Mogton has ordered it; I'll ask her。 'She goes
SIGSBY Hadn't you better 〃Wait and see〃? It isn't over yet。
PHOEBE We may as well have it! It can play the Dead March in
〃Saul〃 if you win。 'She laughs。'
SIGSBY 'Grunts。 To LAMB。' Are you coming?
'He goes out。'
LAMB Yes。 'To ST。 HERBERT。' Are you coming?
ST。 HERBERT Hardly worth while; nearly over; isn't it?
LAMB It generally takes an hour and a half。 'He looks at his
watch。' Another forty minutes。 Perhaps less。 'He goes out。'
PHOEBE I do love to make him ratty。 Wish it wasn't poor old Geoff
we were fighting。
ST。 HERBERT When I marry; it will be the womanly woman。
PHOEBE No chance for me then?
ST。 HERBERT I don't say that。 I can see you taking your political
opinions from your husband; and thinking them your own。
PHOEBE Good heavens!
ST。 HERBERT The brainy woman will think for herself。 And then I
foresee some lively breakfast tables。
PHOEBE Humph! No fear; I suppose; of a man taking his views from
his wife and thinking them his own?
ST。 HERBERT That may be the solution。 The brainy woman will have
to marry the manly man。
'GINGER enters。'
JAWBONES 'He is on his knees blowing the fire。 In a low growl。'
Shut the door!
GINGER Can't till I'm inside; can I? 'Shuts it。' Where's Lady
JAWBONES I don't know。
PHOEBE What do you want her for?
GINGER Only to tell her that I can't find Chilvers。
PHOEBE Isn't she here?
GINGER Not unless she's come while I've been out。
'JANET enters。'
JANET Oh; Lady Mogton …
PHOEBE 'Interrupting her。' Isn't Annys here?
JANET No。 'To GINGER。' Haven't you found her?
GINGER 'Shakes her head。' Been everywhere I could think of。
PHOEBE 'To herself。' She couldn't have gone home? Is there a
telephone here?
JANET The room's locked up。
JAWBONES There's one at 118; High Street。 Shall I go; miss?
PHOEBE No; thanks。 I'll go myself。 Oh; what about the band?
JANET Lady Mogton says she'd like it。 If it isn't too tired。
GINGER It's at Sell's Coffee…'ouse in Piggott Street。 I 'eard
them practising。
PHOEBE Good。 I shan't be more than a few minutes。
ST。 HERBERT I'll come with you; if I may? I've got some news that
may be of use to you。
PHOEBE Do。 'To GINGER。' Stop here; I may want you。
'PHOEBE and ST。 HERBERT go out。'
JANET How was Mrs。 Chilvers seeming this afternoon?
GINGER Never 'eard 'er speak better; miss。
JANET Did you stop to the end?
GINGER Not quite。 Mrs。 Spender wanted some shopping done。
'JANET goes out。'
GINGER Can I 'elp yer?
JAWBONES Yer might hold the piper while I blow。
'The fire begins to burn。'
GINGER It's getting brighter。
JAWBONES That's caught it。
GINGER Wonderful what a little coaxing will do。
JAWBONES 'He is still squatting on his heels; folding up the
paper。 He looks up。' Ain't yer ever thought of that; instead of
worrying about the vote?
GINGER 'She moves away。' You don't understand us wimmin。
JAWBONES 'He has risen。 He pauses in his folding of the paper。'
Don't say that。
GINGER Why should we coax yerfor our rights?
JAWBONES Because it's the easiest way of getting 'em。
GINGER 'She has become oratorical。' Our appeal is not to man
'with upraised hand' but to Justice!
JAWBONES Oh! And what does the lidy say?
GINGER 'Descending。' 'Ow do yer mean?
JAWBONES To your appeal。 Is she goin' to give 'em to yer ? You
tike my tip: if yer in a 'urry; you get a bit on accountfrom
Man。 'Ere。 'He dives into his pocket; produces; wrapped up in
tissue paper; a ring; which he exhibits to her。' That's a bit more
in your line。
GINGER 'Her eyes sparkle。 She takes the ring in her hand。 Then
problems come to her。' Why do yer want me; William?
JAWBONES Because; in spite of all; I love yer。
GINGER 'She looks into the future。' What will I be? A general
servant; without wages。
JAWBONES The question; as it seems to me; is; which of us two is
the biggest fool? Instead of thirty bob a week in my pocket to
spend as I likeguess I'll 'ave to be content with three 'alf…
GINGER Seven an' six! Rather a lot; Bill; out o' thirty bob。
Don't leave much for me an' the children。
JAWBONES I shall 'ave to get my dinners。
GINGER I could mike yer somethin' tasty to tike with yer。 Then
with; saythree shillings …
JAWBONES 'Ere'He is on the point of snatching back the ring。 He
encounters her eyes。 There is a moment's battle。 The Eternal
Feminine conquers。' Will yer always look as sweet as yer do now?
GINGER Always; Bill。 So long as yer good to me!
'She slips the ring over her finger; still with her eyes drawing
him。 He catches her to him in fierce passion; kisses her。'
'A loud shrill female cheer comes from the crowd。 The cheer is
renewed and renewed。'
JAWBONES 'He breaks away and goes to the window。' 'Ullo! What
are they shoutin' about now? 'He looks out。' It's the Donah!
GINGER Mrs。 Chilvers?
JAWBONES Yus。 Better not get wearin' itmay shock their
GINGER 'She gazes rapturously at the ring as she draws it off。'
It is a beauty! I do love yer; Bill。
'There enter ANNYS and ELIZABETH。 ANNYS is excited; she is
laughing and talking。'
ANNYS 'Laughing while she rearranges her hat and hair。' A little
embarrassing。 That red…haired girlshe carried me right up the
steps。 I was afraid she would …
'JAWBONES has been quick enough to swing a chair into place just in
time to receive her。'
'She recovers herself。' Thank you。
ELIZABETH 'She hands ANNYS a smelling…bottle。 To JAWBONES。' Open
the window a few inches。
'He does so。 Some woman; much interrupted; is making a speech。'
'JANET opens the door a little way and looks in。'
JANET Oh; it is you! I am glad!
'She goes out again。'
ELIZABETH Are the others all here?
GINGER 'Er ladyship is watching the counting。 Miss Phoebe 'as
just gone out …
'PHOEBE enters。'
Oh; 'ere she is。
PHOEBE Hullo! 'She is taking off her things。' Wherever have you
been? We've been scouring the neighbourhood …
'LADY MOGTON enters; followed by JANET。'
I say; you're looking jolly chippy。
ELIZABETH We had an extra enthusiastic meeting。 She spoke for
rather a long time。 I made her come home with me and lie down。 I
think she is all right now。
LADY MOGTON Would you like to see a doctor?
PHOEBE There is a very good man close here。 'She turns to
JAWBONES; who is still near the window。' Gordon …
ANNYS 'Interrupting。' No。 Please don't。 I am quite all right。
I hate strange doctors。
PHOEBE Well; let me send for Whitby; he could be here in twenty
ANNYS I wish you would all leave me alone。 There's absolutely
nothing to fuss about whatever。 We pampered womenwe can't
breathe the same air that ordinary mortals have to。 We ought to be
ashamed of ourselves。
PHOEBE 'To herself。' Obstinate pig。
'She catches JAWBONES' eye; unnoticed by the others; she takes him
aside。 They whisper。'
ANNYS How is it going?
LADY MOGTON You must be prepared for winning。 'She puts again the
question that ANNYS has frequently been asked to answer during the
last few days。' What are you going to do?
'MRS。 MOUNTCALM…VILLIERS enters; as usual in a flutter of
'They brush her back into silence。 ELIZABETH takes charge of her。'
ANNYS 'She has risen。' You think it wise tactics; to make it
impossible for Geoffrey to be anything else in the future but our
LADY MOGTON 'Contemptuously。' You are thinking of him; and not of
the cause。
ANNYS And if I were! Haven't I made sacrifice enough?more than
any of you will ever know。 Ayand would make more; if I felt it
was demanded of me。 I don't! 'Her burst of anger is finished。
She turns; smiling。' I'm much more cunning than you think。 There
will be other elections we shall want to fight。 With the Under…
Secretary for Home Affairs in sympathy with us; the Government will
find it difficult to interfere。 Don't you see how clever I am?
'JAWBONES; having received his instructions from PHOEBE; has
slipped out unobserved。 He has beckoned to GINGER; she has
followed him。 PHOEBE has joined the group。'
MRS。 MOUNTCALM…VILLIERS。 There's something in that。
JANET Is Mr。 Chilvers still in sympathy with us?
PHOEBE Of course he is。 A bit rubbed up the wrong way just at
present; that's our fault。 When Annys goes down; early next mouth;
to fight the Exchange Division of Manchester; we shall have him
with us。
'A moment。'
LADY MOGTON Where do you get that from?
PHOEBE From St。 Herbert。 The present member is his cousin。 They
say he can't live more than a we
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