the master of mrs. chilvers-第2部分
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downstairslooked in with an order for the theatre。
HAKE So I thought it best to ask no questions。
PHOEBE Thank you。
HAKE Thank you; miss。 'He goes out。'
ELIZABETH Can nothing be done to rouse the working…class woman out
of her apathy?
PHOEBE Well; if you ask me; I think a good deal has been done。
ELIZABETH Oh; what's the use of our deceiving ourselves? The
great mass are utterly indifferent。
JANET 'She is seated in an easy…chair near the fire。' I was
talking to a woman only yesterdayin Bethnal Green。 She keeps a
husband and three children by taking in washing。 〃Lord; miss;〃 she
laughed; 〃what would we do with the vote if we did have it? Only
one thing more to give to the men。〃
PHOEBE That's rather good。
ELIZABETH The curse of it is that it's true。 Why should they put
themselves out merely that one man instead of another should
dictate their laws to them?
PHOEBE My dear girl; precisely the same argument was used against
the Second Reform Bill。 What earthly difference could it make to
the working men whether Tory Squire or Liberal capitalist ruled
over them? That was in 1868。 To…day; fifty…four Labour Members
sit in Parliament。 At the next election they will hold the
ELIZABETH Ah; if we could only hold out THAT sort of hope to them!
'ANNYS enters。 She is in outdoor costume。 She kisses PHOEBE;
shakes hands with the other two。 ANNYS's age is about twenty…five。
She is a beautiful; spiritual…looking creature; tall and graceful;
with a manner that is at the same time appealing and commanding。
Her voice is soft and caressing; but capable of expressing all the
emotions。 Her likeness to her younger sister PHOEBE is of the
slightest: the colouring is the same; and the eyes that can flash;
but there the similarity ends。 She is simply but well dressed。
Her soft hair makes a quiet but wonderfully effective frame to her
ANNYS 'She is taking off her outdoor things。' Hope I'm not late。
I had to look in at Caxton House。 Why are we holding it here?
PHOEBE Mamma's instructions。 Can't tell you anything more except
that I gather the matter's important; and is to be kept secret。
ANNYS Mamma isn't here; is she?
PHOEBE 'Shakes her head。' Reaches St。 Pancras at two…forty。
'Looks at her watch。' Train's late; I expect。
'HAKE has entered。'
ANNYS 'She hands HAKE her hat and coat。' Have something ready in
case Lady Mogton hasn't lunched。 Is your master in?
HAKE A messenger came for him soon after you left; ma'am。 I was
to tell you he would most likely be dining at the House。
ANNYS Thank you。
'HAKE goes out。'
ANNYS 'To ELIZABETH。' I so want you to meet Geoffrey。 He'll
alter your opinion of men。
ELIZABETH My opinion of men has been altered once or twiceeach
time for the worse。
ANNYS Why do you dislike men?
ELIZABETH 'With a short laugh。' Why does the slave dislike the
PHOEBE Oh; come off the perch。 You spend five thousand a year
provided for you by a husband that you only see on Sundays。 We'd
all be slaves at that price。
ELIZABETH The chains have always been stretched for the few。 My
sympathies are with my class。
ANNYS But men like Geoffreymen who are devoting their whole time
and energy to furthering our cause; what can you have to say
against them?
ELIZABETH Simply that they don't know what they're doing。 The
French Revolution was nursed in the salons of the French nobility。
When the true meaning of the woman's movement is understood we
shall have to get on without the male sympathiser。
'A pause。'
ANNYS What do you understand is the true meaning of the woman's
ELIZABETH The dragging down of man from his position of supremacy。
What else can it mean?
ANNYS Something much better。 The lifting up of woman to be his
ELIZABETH My dear Annys; the men who to…day are advocating votes
for women are doing so in the hope of securing obedient supporters
for their own political schemes。 In New Zealand the working man
brings his female relations in a van to the poll; and sees to it
that they vote in accordance with his orders。 When man once grasps
the fact that woman is not going to be his henchman; but his rival;
men and women will face one another as enemies。
'The door opens。 HAKE announces LADY MOGTON and DORIAN ST。
HERBERT。 LADY MOGTON is a large; strong…featured woman; with a
naturally loud voice。 She is dressed with studied carelessness。
DORIAN ST。 HERBERT; K。C。; is a tall; thin man; about thirty。 He is
elegantly; almost dandily dressed。'
ANNYS 'Kissing her mother。' Have you had lunch?
LADY MOGTON In the train。
PHOEBE 'Who has also kissed her mother and shaken hands with ST。
HERBERT。' We are all here except Villiers。 She's coming。 Did you
have a good meeting?
LADY MOGTON Fairly。 Some young fool had chained himself to a
pillar and thrown the key out of window。
PHOEBE What did you do?
LADY MOGTON Tied a sack over his head and left him there。
'She turns aside for a moment to talk to ST。 HERBERT; who has taken
some papers from his despatch…box。'
ANNYS 'To ELIZABETH。' We must finish out our talk some other
time。 You are quite wrong。
LADY MOGTON We had better begin。 I have only got half an hour。
JANET I saw Mrs。 Villiers。 She promised she'd come。
LADY MOGTON You should have told her we were going to be
photographed。 Then she'd have been punctual。 'She has taken her
seat at the table。 ST。 HERBERT at her right。' Better put another
chair in case she does turn up。
JANET 'Does so。' Shall I take any notes?
LADY MOGTON No。 'To ANNYS。' Give instructions that we are not to
be interrupted for anything。 'ANNYS rings bell。'
ST。 HERBERT 'He turns to PHOEBE; on his right。' Have you heard
the latest?
There was an old man of Hong Kong;
Whose language was terribly strong。
'Enter HAKE。 He brings a bottle and glass; which he places。'
ANNYS Oh; Hake; please; don't let us be interrupted for anything。
If Mrs。 Mountcalm…Villiers comes; show her up。 But nobody else。
HAKE Yes; ma'am。
ST。 HERBERT 'Continuing。'
It wasn't the words
That frightened the birds;
'Twas the 'orrible double…entendre。
LADY MOGTON 'Who has sat waiting in grim silence。' Have you
ST。 HERBERT Quite finished。
LADY MOGTON Thank you。 'She raps for silence。' You will
understand; please; all; that this is a private meeting of the
Council。 Nothing that transpires is to be allowed to leak out。
'There is a murmur。' Silence; please; for Mr。 St。 Herbert。
ST。 HERBERT Before we begin; I should like to remind you; ladies;
that you are; all of you; persons mentally deficient …
'The door opens。 MRS。 MOUNTCALM…VILLIERS enters; announced by
HAKE。 She is a showily…dressed; flamboyant lady。'
'HAKE goes out。'
MRS。 MOUNTCALM…VILLIERS I AM so sorry。 I have only just this
minute'She catches sight of ST。 HERBERT。' You naughty creature;
why weren't you at my meeting last night? The Rajah came with both
his wives。 We've elected them; all three; honorary members。
LADY MOGTON Do you mind sitting down?
MRS。 MOUNTCALM…VILLIERS Here; dear? 'She takes the vacant chair。'
So nice of you。 I read about your meeting。 What a clever idea!
LADY MOGTON 'Cuts her short。' Yes。 We are here to consider a
very important matter。 By way of commencement Mr。 St。 Herbert has
just reminded us that in the eye of the law all women are
MRS。 MOUNTCALM…VILLIERS I know; dear。 Isn't it shocking?
ST。 HERBERT Deplorable; but of course not your fault。 I mention
it because of its importance to the present matter。 Under Clause A
of the Act for the Better Regulation; &c。; &c。; all persons
〃mentally deficient〃 are debarred from becoming members of
Parliament。 The classification has been held to include idiots;
infants; and women。
'An interruption。 LADY MOGTON hammers。'
Bearing this carefully in mind; we proceed。 'He refers to his
notes。' Two years ago a bye…election took place for the South…west
division of Belfast。
MRS。 MOUNTCALM…VILLIERS My dear; may I? It has just occurred to
me。 Why do we never go to Ireland?
LADY MOGTON For various sufficient reasons。
MRS。 MOUNTCALM…VILLIERS So many of the Irish members have
expressed themselves quite sympathetically。
LADY MOGTON We wish them to continue to do so。 'Turns to ST。
HERBERT。' I'm sorry。
ST。 HERBERT A leader of the Orange Party was opposed by a
Nationalist; and the proceedings promised to be lively。 They
promised for a while to be still livelier; owing to the nomination
at the last moment of the local lunatic。
PHOEBE 'To ANNYS。' This is where we come in。
ST。 HERBERT There is always a local lunatic; who; if harmless; is
generally a popular character。 James Washington McCaw appears to
have been a particularly cheerful specimen。 One of his
eccentricities was to always have a skipping…rope in his pocket;
wherever the traffic allowed it; he would go through the streets
skipping。 He said it kept him warm。 Another of his tricks was to
let off fireworks from the roof of his house wheneve
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