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the master of mrs. chilvers-第7部分

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proof。  'He is searching for it on the deskfinds it。'  Yus; 'ere
'tis。  'To GINGER。'  Catch 'old。

'JAWBONES and GINGER hold it displayed。'  That's the one; sir。

ST。 HERBERT  Why is the working man; for pictorial purposes; always
a carpenter?

GINGER  It's the skirt we object to。

GEOFFREY  The skirt!  What's wrong with the skirt?

GINGER  Well; it's only been out of fashion for the last three
years; that's all。

GEOFFREY  Oh!  I see。  'To ST。 HERBERT。'  We've been hitting them
below the belt。  What do you think I ought to do about it?

ST。 HERBERT  What would you have thought yourself; three weeks ago?

GEOFFREY  You and I have been friends ever since we were boys。  You
rather like me; don't you?

ST。 HERBERT  'Puzzled。'  Yes。

GEOFFREY  If I were to suddenly hit you on the nose; what would

ST。 HERBERT  I understand。  Woman has suddenly started hitting man
on the nose。  Her excuse being that she really couldn't keep her
hands off him any longer。

JAWBONES  'He has pinned the poster to the wall。'  They begun it。
To 'ear them talk; you'd think as man had never done anything

GEOFFREY  He's quite right。  Their posters are on every hoarding:
〃Who's made all the Muddles?  Man!〃  〃Men's Promises!  Why; it's
all Froth!〃  〃Woman this Time!〃  I suppose it will have to go。

JAWBONES  'Hopefully。'  Up; sir?

GEOFFREY  No; Jawbones。  Into the dust…heap with the rest。

'JAWBONES is disgusted。  GINGER is triumphant。'

GEOFFREY  I must talk to Sigsby。  He's taking the whole thing too
seriously。  It will be some time before we reach that stage。  'To
JAWBONES。'  Ask Mrs。 Chinn to bring me a cup of tea。

'JAWBONES goes out。'

'He seats himself at table and takes up some correspondence。  To
GINGER。'  Are you waiting for any one?

GINGER  A letter from her ladyship。  'She picks up from the desk
and hands him the letter SIGSBY had thrown there。'  Her ladyship
thought you ought to be consulted。

GEOFFREY  'He reads the short letter with a gathering frownhands
it across to ST。 HERBERT。'

ST。 HERBERT  'Having read; he passes it back in silence。'

GEOFFREY  'To GINGER。'  Do you know the contents of this letter?

GINGER  The matter has been discussed among usinformally。

GEOFFREY  Tell Lady Mogton I'lltalk to her myself on the subject。

GINGER  Thank you。  'She collects her etceteras。'  Good afternoon。

GEOFFREY  'Shortly。'  Good afternoon。

GINGER  'She bows graciously to ST。 HERBERT; who responds。  Goes

GEOFFREY  The devil of it is that it's the truth。

ST。 HERBERT  Somebody was bound to say it; sooner or later!

GEOFFREY  Yes; but one's own wife!  This is a confoundedly awkward

ST。 HERBERT  'He comes to him; stands looking down at him。'  Did it
never occur to you; when you were advocating equal political rights
for women; that awkward situations might arise?

GEOFFREY  'He leans back in his chair。'  Do you remember Tommy the
Terrier; as they used to call him in the Housewas always
preaching Socialism?

ST。 HERBERT  Quite the most amusing man I ever met!

GEOFFREY  And not afraid of being honest。  Do you remember his
answer when somebody asked him what he would do if Socialism; by
any chance; really became established in England?  He had just
married an American heiress。  He said he should emigrate。  I am
still convinced that woman is entitled to equal political rights
with man。  I didn't think it was coming in my time。  There are
points in the problem remaining to be settled before we can arrive
at a working solution。  This is one of them。  'He takes up the
letter and reads。'  〃Are you prepared to have as your
representative a person who for six months out of every year may be
incapacitated from serving you?〃  It's easy enough to say I
oughtn't to allow my supporters to drag in the personal element。  I
like it even less myself。  But what's the answer?

'JAWBONES enters with a tray。'

JAWBONES  'Places tray on table。'  Tea's coming in a minute; sir。
'He is clearing away。'

GEOFFREY  Never mind all that。  'He hands him a slip。'  Take this
to the printers。  Tell them I must have a proof to…night。

JAWBONES  Yes; sir。  'Finds his cap and goes out。'

ST。 HERBERT  The answer; I should say; would be that the majority
of women will continue to find something better to do。  The women
who will throw themselves into politics will be the unattached
women; the childless women。  'In an instant he sees his mistake;
but it is too late。'

GEOFFREY  'He rises; crosses to the desk; throws into a waste…
paper…basket a piece of crumpled paper that was in his hand; then
turns。  The personal note has entered into the discussion。'  The
women who WANT to be childlesswhat about them?

ST。 HERBERT  'He shrugs his shoulders。'  Are there any such?

GEOFFREY  There are women who talk openly of woman's share in the
general scheme being a 〃burden〃 on heran 〃incubus。〃

ST。 HERBERT  A handful of cranks。  To the normal woman motherhood
has always been the one supreme desire。

GEOFFREY  Because children crowned her with honour。  The barren
woman was despised。  All that is changing。  This movement is adding
impulse to it。

ST。 HERBERT  Movements do not alter instincts。

GEOFFREY  But they do。  Ever since man emerged from the jungle he
has been shedding his instinctsshaping them to new desires。
Where do you find this all…prevailing instinct towards maternity?
Among the women of society; who sacrifice it without a moment's
hesitation to their vanityto their mere pleasures?  The middle…
class womanshe; too; is demanding 〃freedom。〃  Children; servants;
the home!they are too much for her 〃nerves。〃  And now there comes
this new development; appealing to the intellectual woman。  Is
there not danger of her preferring political ambition; the
excitement of public life; to what has come to be regarded as the
〃drudgery〃 of turning four walls into a home; of peopling the
silence with the voices of the children?  'He crosses to the table…
…lays his hand again upon the open letter。'  How do you know that
this may not be her answer〃I have no children。  I never mean to
have children〃?

'SIGSBY enters in company with BEN LAMB; M。P。  LAMB is a short;
thick…set; good…tempered man。'

Ah; Lamb; how are you?

LAMB  'They greet one another。'  How are things going?

SIGSBY  They're not going at all well。

GEOFFREY  Sigsby was ever the child of despondency。

SIGSBY  Yes; and so will you be when you find yourself at the
bottom of the poll。

GEOFFREY  'The notion takes him by surprise。'

LAMB  It's going to be a closer affair than any of us thought。
It's the joke of the thing that appears to have got hold of them。
They want to see what will happen。

GEOFFREY  Man's fatal curiosity concerning the eternal feminine!

SIGSBY  Yes; and they won't have to pay for it。  That will be our

ST。 HERBERT  'To SIGSBY。'  What do you think they'll do; supposing
by any chance Mrs。 Chilvers should head the poll?

SIGSBY  How do you mean〃what'll they do?〃

ST。 HERBERT  Do you think they'll claim the seat?

SIGSBY  Claim the seat!  What do you think they're out fortheir
health?  Get another six months' advertisement; if they don't get
anything else。  Meanwhile what's our positionjust at the
beginning of our ministerial career?

GEOFFREY  They will not claim the seat。

SIGSBY  How do you know?

GEOFFREY  I know my wife。

LAMB  'After a moment's silence。'  Quite sure you do?

GEOFFREY  'Turns。'

LAMB  Ever seen a sheep fighting mad?  I have。  Damned sight worse
than the old ram。

GEOFFREY  She doesn't fight the ram。

LAMB  'He makes a sweeping movement that takes in the room; the
electionall things。'  What's all this?  We thought woman hadn't
got the fighting instinctthat we 〃knew her。〃  My boy; we're in
the infants' class。

SIGSBY  If you want to be his Majesty's Under…Secretary for Home
Affairs; you take my tip; guv'nor; you'll win this election。

GEOFFREY  What more can I do than I'm doing?  How can I countenance
this sort of thing?  'He indicates the posters。'  Declare myself
dead against the whole movement?

LAMB  You'll do it later。  May as well do it soon。

GEOFFREY  Why must I do it?

LAMB  Because you're beginning to find out what it means。

'A pause。  The door is open。  ANNYS is standing there。'

ANNYS  Dare we venture into the enemy's camp?

'She enters; laughing; followed by ELIZABETH and PHOEBE。 ANNYS is
somewhat changed from the grave; dreamy ANNYS of a short week ago。
She is brimming over with vitalityexcitement。  There is a
decisiveness; an egoism; about her that seems new to her。  The
women's skirts make a flutter。  A breeze seems to have entered。
ANNYS runs to her husband。  For the moment the election fades away。
They are all smiles; tenderness for one another。'

ANNYS  Don't tell; will you?  Mamma would be so shocked。  Do you
know you haven't been near me for three days?

GEOFFREY  Umph!  I like that。  Where were you last night?

ANNYS  Last night?  In the neighbourhood of Leicester Square till
three o'clock。  Oh; Geoff; there's such a lot wants altering!

'She turns to greet the others。'

GEOFFREY  Your ruining your health won't do 
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