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the master of mrs. chilvers-第9部分

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I am not an accomplice。

PEEKIN  An accomplice!  Is the ignorant servant…girlfirst lured
into the public…house; cajoled; tricked; deceived by false
promisesthe half…starved shop…girl in the hands of the practised
libertineis she an accomplice?

MRS。 PEEKIN  'A dowdily…dressed; untidy woman; but the face is
sweet and tender。'  Ah; Mr。 Chilvers; if you could only hear the
stories that I have heard from dying lips。

GEOFFREY  Very pitiful; my dear lady。  And; alas; only too old。
But there are others。  It would not be fair to blame always the

ANNYS  'Unnoticed; drawn by the subject; she has risen and come
down。'  Perhaps not。  But the punishment always falls on the woman。
Is THAT quite fair?

GEOFFREY  'He is irritated at ANNYS'S incursion into the
discussion。'  My dear Annys; that is Nature's law; not man's。  All
man can do is to mitigate it。

PEEKIN  That is all we ask。  The suffering; the shame; must always
be the woman's。  Surely that is sufficient。

GEOFFREY  What do you propose?

MISS BORLASSE  'In her deep; fierce tones。'  That all children born
out of wedlock should be a charge upon the rates。

MISS RICKETTS  'A slight; fair; middle…aged woman; with a nervous
hesitating manner。'  Of course; only if the mother wishes it。

GEOFFREY  'The proposal staggers him。  But the next moment it
inspires him with mingled anger and amusement。'  My dear; good
people; have you stopped for one moment to consider what the result
of your proposal would be?

PEEKIN  For one thing; Mr。 Chilvers; the adding to the populace of
healthy children in place of the stunted and diseased abortions
that is all that these poor women; out of their scanty earnings;
can afford to present to the State。

GEOFFREY  Humph!  That incidentally it would undermine the whole
institution of marriage; let loose the flood…gates that at present
hold immorality in check; doesn't appear to trouble you。  That the
law must be altered to press less heavily upon the womanthat the
man must be made an equal sharer in the penaltyall that goes
without saying。  The remedy you propose would be a thousand times
worse than the disease。

ANNYS  And meanwhile?  Until you have devised this scheme 'there is
a note of contempt in her voice' under which escape for the man
will be impossible?

GEOFFREY  The evil must continue。  As other evils have to until the
true remedy is found。

PEEKIN  'He has hurriedly consulted with the others。  All have
risenhe turns to GEOFFREY。'  You will not support our demand?

GEOFFREY  Support it!  Do you mean that you cannot yourselves see
that you are holding out an indemnity to every profligate; male and
female; throughout the landthat you would be handicapping; in the
struggle for existence; every honest man and woman desirous of
bringing up their children in honour and in love?  Your suggestion
is monstrous!

PEEKIN  'The little man is not without his dignity。'  We apologise;
Mr。 Chilvers; for having taken up your time。

GEOFFREY  I am sorry the matter was one offering so little chance
of agreement。

PEEKIN  We will make only one slight further trespass on your
kindness。  Mrs。 Chilvers; if one may judge; would seem to be more
in sympathy with our views。  Might weit would be a saving of time
and shoe leather 'he smiles'might we take this opportunity of
laying our case before her?

GEOFFREY  It would be useless。

'A short silence。  ANNYS; with ELIZABETH and PHOEBE a little behind
her; stands right。  LAMB; SIGSBY; and ST。 HERBERT are behind
GEOFFREY centre。  The DEPUTATION is left。'

HOPPER  Do we gather that in this election you speak for both

GEOFFREY  In matters of common decency; yes。  My wife does not
associate herself with movements for the encouragement of vice。

'There is another moment's silence。'

ANNYS  But; Geoffrey; dearwe should not be encouraging the evil。
We should still seek to find the man; to punish him。  The woman
would still suffer …

GEOFFREY  My dear Annys; this is neither the time nor place for you
and me to argue out the matter。  I must ask you to trust to my

ANNYS  I can understand your refusing; but why do you object to my

GEOFFREY  Because I do not choose for my wife's name to be linked
with a movement that I regard as criminal。  I forbid it。

'It was the moment that was bound to come。  The man's instincts;
training; have involuntarily asserted themselves。  Shall the woman
yield?  If so; then down goes the whole movementher claim to
freedom of judgment; of action; in all things。  All watch the
struggle with breathless interest。'

ANNYS  'She speaks very slowly; very quietly; but with a new note
in her voice。'  I am sorry; but I have given much thought to this
matter; andI do not agree with you。

MRS。 PEEKIN  You will help us?

ANNYS  I will do what I can。

PEEKIN  'He takes from his pocket a folded paper。'  It is always so
much more satisfactory when these things are in writing。
Candidates; with the best intentions in the world; are apt to
forget。  'He has spread the paper on a corner of the table。  He has
in his hand his fountain…pen。'

ANNYS  'With a smile。'  I am not likely to forget; but if you wish
it'She approaches the table。'

GEOFFREY  'He interposes。  His voice is very low; almost a
whisper。'  My wife will not sign。

ANNYS  'She also speaks low; but there is no yielding in her
voice。'  I am not only your wife。  I have a duty also to others。

GEOFFREY  It is for you to choose。  'He leaves the way open to

'The silence can almost be felt。  She moves to the table; takes up
the paper。  It contains but a few lines of writing。  Having read
it; she holds out her hand for the pen。  PEEKIN puts it in her
hand。  With a firm hand she signs; folds the paper; and returns it
to him。  She remains standing by the table。  With the removal of
the tension there comes a rustle; a breaking of the silence。'

MISS RICKETTS  'She seizes ANNYS's hand; hanging listlessly by her
side; and; stooping; kisses it。'

MISS BORLASSE  That is all; isn't it?

PEEKIN  We thank you; Mrs。 Chilvers。  Good afternoon。

ANNYS  'The natural reaction is asserting itself。  She pulls
herself together sufficiently to murmur her answer。'  Good

MRS。 PEEKIN  'The DEPUTATION is moving away; she takes from her
waist a small bunch of flowers; and; turning; places them in
ANNYS'S hand。'

ANNYS  'She smiles; remains standing silent; the flowers in her

'〃Good afternoons〃 are exchanged with some of the others。

PEEKIN  Good afternoon; Mr。 Chilvers。

GEOFFREY  'Who has moved away。'  Good afternoon。

'The DEPUTATION joins SIGSBY by the door。  He leads them out。'

ELIZABETH  'To PHOEBE。'  Are you going my way?

PHOEBE  'She glances round at ANNYS。'  Yes; I'll come with you。

ST。 HERBERT  I will put you into a bus; if you will let me。  We
don't sport many cabs in East Poplar。  'He is helping ELIZABETH
with her cloak。'

ELIZABETH  Thank you。

LAMB  I've got to go up West。  'To GEOFFREY。'  Will you be at the
House this evening?

GEOFFREY  'He is standing by the desk pretending to look at some
papers'。  I shall look in about ten o'clock。

LAMB  One or two things I want to say to you。  Goodbye for the

GEOFFREY  Goodbye!

PHOEBE  Goodbye; old man。  'She stretches out her hand。'

GEOFFREY  Goodbye。  'She shakes hands with a smile; exchanges a
casual 〃goodbye〃 with ELIZABETH。'

'They go towards the door。'

'SIGSBY re…enters。'

SIGSBY  'To LAMB。'  Are you going?

LAMB  Yes。  I'll see you to…morrow morning。  About ten o'clock。

SIGSBY  I shall be here。  'He exchanges a 〃good afternoon〃 with the

'They go out。  SIGSBY crosses and goes into the other room。'

ANNYS  'She has let fall the flowers on the table。  She crosses to
where GEOFFREY still stands by the desk; his back towards her。  She
stretches out her hand; touches him。  He does not move。'  Geoffrey!

'But still he takes no notice。'

I am so sorry。  We must talk it over quietlyat home。

GEOFFREY  'He turns。'  Home!  I have no home。  I have neither
children nor wife。  I KEEP a political opponent。

'ANNYS starts back with a cry。  He crosses in front of her and
seats himself at the table。  The flowers are lying there; he throws
them into the waste…paper basket。'

ANNYS  'She puts on her cloak; moves towards the door。  Half…way
she pauses; makes a movement towards him。  But he will not see。
Then a hard look comes into her eyes; and without another word she
goes out; leaving the door open。'

'SIGSBY is heard moving in the other room。'

GEOFFREY  'He is writing。'  Sigsby。

SIGSBY  Hallo!

GEOFFREY  That poster I told young Gordon I wouldn't sanction; 〃The
Woman spouting politics; the Man returning to a slattern's home。〃

'SIGSBY enters。'

SIGSBY  I have countermanded them。

GEOFFREY  Countermand them again。  We shall want a thousand。

SIGSBY  'Can hardly believe his ears。'

GEOFFREY  'With a gesture round the room。'  All of them。  〃A Man
for Men!〃  〃Save the Children!〃  〃Guard your Homes!〃  All the
damned collection。  Order as many as you want。

SIGSBY  'His excitement rising。'  I can go ahead。  You mean it?

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