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the essays of montaigne, v10-第10部分

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logical and Aristotelian dispositions of parts are of no use。  I would
have a man begin with the main proposition。  I know well enough what
death and pleasure are; let no man give himself the trouble to anatomise
them to me。  I look for good and solid reasons; at the first dash; to
instruct me how to stand their shock; for which purpose neither
grammatical subtleties nor the quaint contexture of words and
argumentations are of any use at all。  I am for discourses that give the
first charge into the heart of the redoubt; his languish about the
subject; they are proper for the schools; for the bar; and for the
pulpit; where we have leisure to nod; and may awake; a quarter of an hour
after; time enough to find again the thread of the discourse。  It is
necessary to speak after this manner to judges; whom a man has a design
to gain over; right or wrong; to children and common people; to whom a
man must say all; and see what will come of it。  I would not have an
author make it his business to render me attentive: or that he should cry
out fifty times Oyez!  as the heralds do。  The Romans; in their religious
exercises; began with 'Hoc age' as we in ours do with 'Sursum corda';
these are so many words lost to me: I come already fully prepared from my
chamber。  I need no allurement; no invitation; no sauce; I eat the meat
raw; so that; instead of whetting my appetite by these preparatives; they
tire and pall it。  Will the licence of the time excuse my sacrilegious
boldness if I censure the dialogism of Plato himself as also dull and
heavy; too much stifling the matter; and lament so much time lost by a
man; who had so many better things to say; in so many long and needless
preliminary interlocutions?  My ignorance will better excuse me in that
I understand not Greek so well as to discern the beauty of his language。
I generally choose books that use sciences; not such as only lead to
them。  The two first; and Pliny; and their like; have nothing of this Hoc
age; they will have to do with men already instructed; or if they have;
'tis a substantial Hoc age; and that has a body by itself。  I also
delight in reading the Epistles to Atticus; not only because they contain
a great deal of the history and affairs of his time; but much more
because I therein discover much of his own private humours; for I have a
singular curiosity; as I have said elsewhere; to pry into the souls and
the natural and true opinions of the authors; with whom I converse。  A
man may indeed judge of their parts; but not of their manners nor of
themselves; by the writings they exhibit upon the theatre of the world。
I have a thousand times lamented the loss of the treatise Brutus wrote
upon Virtue; for it is well to learn the theory from those who best know
the practice。

But seeing the matter preached and the preacher are different things;
I would as willingly see Brutus in Plutarch; as in a book of his own。
I would rather choose to be certainly informed of the conference he had
in his tent with some particular friends of his the night before a
battle; than of the harangue he made the next day to his army; and of
what he did in his closet and his chamber; than what he did in the public
square and in the senate。  As to Cicero; I am of the common opinion that;
learning excepted; he had no great natural excellence。  He was a good
citizen; of an affable nature; as all fat; heavy men; such as he was;
usually are; but given to ease; and had; in truth; a mighty share of
vanity and ambition。  Neither do I know how to excuse him for thinking
his poetry fit to be published; 'tis no great imperfection to make ill
verses; but it is an imperfection not to be able to judge how unworthy
his verses were of the glory of his name。  For what concerns his
eloquence; that is totally out of all comparison; and I believe it will
never be equalled。  The younger Cicero; who resembled his father in
nothing but in name; whilst commanding in Asia; had several strangers one
day at his table; and; amongst the rest; Cestius seated at the lower end;
as men often intrude to the open tables of the great。  Cicero asked one
of his people who that man was; who presently told him his name; but he;
as one who had his thoughts taken up with something else; and who had
forgotten the answer made him; asking three or four times; over and over
again; the same question; the fellow; to deliver himself from so many
answers and to make him know him by some particular circumstance; 〃'tis
that Cestius;〃 said he; 〃of whom it was told you; that he makes no great
account of your father's eloquence in comparison of his own。〃  At which
Cicero; being suddenly nettled; commanded poor Cestius presently to be
seized; and caused him to be very well whipped in his own presence; a
very discourteous entertainer!  Yet even amongst those; who; all things
considered; have reputed his; eloquence incomparable; there have been
some; who have not stuck to observe some faults in it: as that great
Brutus his friend; for example; who said 'twas a broken and feeble
eloquence; 'fyactam et elumbem'。  The orators also; nearest to the age
wherein he lived; reprehended in him the care he had of a certain long
cadence in his periods; and particularly took notice of these words;
'esse videatur'; which he there so often makes use of。  For my part; I
more approve of a shorter style; and that comes more roundly off。  He
does; though; sometimes shuffle his parts more briskly together; but 'tis
very seldom。  I have myself taken notice of this one passage:

              〃Ego vero me minus diu senem mallem;
               quam esse senem; antequam essem。〃

     '〃I had rather be old a brief time; than be old before old age。
     〃Cicero; De Senect。; c。 10。'

The historians are my right ball; for they are pleasant and easy; and
where man; in general; the knowledge of whom I hunt after; appears more
vividly and entire than anywhere else:

     'The easiest of my amusements; the right ball at tennis being that
     which coming to the player from the right hand; is much easier
     played with。Coste。'

the variety and truth of his internal qualities; in gross and piecemeal;
the diversity of means by which he is united and knit; and the accidents
that threaten him。  Now those that write lives; by reason they insist
more upon counsels than events; more upon what sallies from within; than
upon what happens without; are the most proper for my reading; and;
therefore; above all others; Plutarch is the man for me。  I am very sorry
we have not a dozen Laertii;'Diogenes Laertius; who wrote the Lives of
the Philosophers' or that he was not further extended; for I am equally
curious to know the lives and fortunes of these great instructors of the
world; as to know the diversities of their doctrines and opinions。  In
this kind of study of histories; a man must tumble over; without
distinction; all sorts of authors; old and new; French or foreign; there
to know the things of which they variously treat。  But Caesar; in my
opinion; particularly deserves to be studied; not for the knowledge of
the history only; but for himself; so great an excellence and perfection
he has above all the rest; though Sallust be one of the number。  In
earnest; I read this author with more reverence and respect than is
usually allowed to human writings; one while considering him in his
person; by his actions and miraculous greatness; and another in the
purity and inimitable polish of his language; wherein he not only excels
all other historians; as Cicero confesses;  but; peradventure; even
Cicero himself; speaking of his enemies with so much sincerity in his
judgment; that; the false colours with which he strives to palliate his
evil cause; and the ordure of his pestilent ambition excepted; I think
there is no fault to be objected against him; saving this; that he speaks
too sparingly of himself; seeing so many great things could not have been
performed under his conduct; but that his own personal acts must
necessarily have had a greater share in them than he attributes to them。

I love historians; whether of the simple sort; or of the higher order。
The simple; who have nothing of their own to mix with it; and who only
make it their business to collect all that comes to their knowledge; and
faithfully to record all things; without choice or discrimination; leave
to us the entire judgment of discerning the truth。  Such; for example;
amongst others; is honest Froissart; who has proceeded in his undertaking
with so frank a plainness that; having committed an error; he is not
ashamed to confess and correct it in the place where the finger has been
laid; and who represents to us even the variety of rumours that were then
spread abroad; and the different reports that were made to him; 'tis the
naked and inform matter of history; and of which every one may make his
profit; according to his understanding。  The more excellent sort of
historians have judgment to pick out what is most worthy to be known;
and; of two reports; to examine which is the most likely to be true: from
the condition of princes and their humours; they conclude their counsels;
and attribute to them words pr
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