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the essays of montaigne, v16-第1部分

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The Essays of Montaigne; V16

by Michel de Montaigne

Translated by Charles Cotton

Edited by William Carew Hazilitt



VI。       Of Coaches。
VII。      Of the Inconvenience of Greatness。
VIII。     Of the Art of Conference。



It is very easy to verify; that great authors; when they write of causes;
not only make use of those they think to be the true causes; but also of
those they believe not to be so; provided they have in them some beauty
and invention: they speak true and usefully enough; if it be ingeniously。
We cannot make ourselves sure of the supreme cause; and therefore crowd a
great many together; to see if it may not accidentally be amongst them:

               〃Namque unam dicere causam
          Non satis est; verum plures; unde una tamen sit。〃

     'Lucretius; vi。 704。 The sense is in the preceding passage。'

Do you ask me; whence comes the custom of blessing those who sneeze?
We break wind three several ways; that which sallies from below is too
filthy; that which breaks out from the mouth carries with it some
reproach of gluttony; the third is sneezing; which; because it proceeds
from the head and is without offence; we give it this civil reception: do
not laugh at this distinction; they say 'tis Aristotle's。

I think I have seen in Plutarch' (who of all the authors I know; is he
who has best mixed art with nature; and judgment with knowledge); his
giving as a reason for the; rising of the stomach in those who are at
sea; that it is occasioned by fear; having first found out some reason by
which he proves that fear may produce such an effect。  I; who am very
subject to it; know well that this cause concerns not me; and I know it;
not by argument; but by necessary experience。  Without instancing what
has been told me; that the same thing often happens in beasts; especially
hogs; who are out of all apprehension of danger; and what an acquaintance
of mine told me of himself; that though very subject to it; the
disposition to vomit has three or four times gone off him; being very
afraid in a violent storm; as it happened to that ancient:

          〃Pejus vexabar; quam ut periculum mihi succurreret;〃

          '〃I was too ill to think of danger。〃 (Or the reverse:)
          〃I was too frightened to be ill。〃Seneca; Ep。; 53。 2'

I was never afraid upon the water; nor indeed in any other peril (and I
have had enough before my eyes that would have sufficed; if death be
one); so as to be astounded to lose my judgment。  Fear springs sometimes
as much from want of judgment as from want of courage。  All the dangers I
have been in I have looked upon without winking; with an open; sound; and
entire sight; and; indeed; a man must have courage to fear。  It formerly
served me better than other help; so to order and regulate my retreat;
that it was; if not without fear; nevertheless without affright and
astonishment; it was agitated; indeed; but not amazed or stupefied。
Great souls go yet much farther; and present to us flights; not only
steady and temperate; but moreover lofty。  Let us make a relation of that
which Alcibiades reports of Socrates; his fellow in arms: 〃I found him;〃
says he; 〃after the rout of our army; him and Lachez; last among those
who fled; and considered him at my leisure and in security; for I was
mounted on a good horse; and he on foot; as he had fought。  I took
notice; in the first place; how much judgment and resolution he showed;
in comparison of Lachez; and then the bravery of his march; nothing
different from his ordinary gait; his sight firm and regular; considering
and judging what passed about him; looking one while upon those; and then
upon others; friends and enemies; after such a manner as encouraged
those; and signified to the others that he would sell his life dear to
any one who should attempt to take it from him; and so they came off; for
people are not willing to attack such kind of men; but pursue those they
see are in a fright。〃  That is the testimony of this great captain; which
teaches us; what we every day experience; that nothing so much throws us
into dangers as an inconsiderate eagerness of getting ourselves clear of

     〃Quo timoris minus est; eo minus ferme periculi est。〃

     '〃When there is least fear; there is for the most part least
     danger。〃Livy; xxii。 5。'

Our people are to blame who say that such an one is afraid of death; when
they would express that he thinks of it and foresees it: foresight is
equally convenient in what concerns us; whether good or ill。  To consider
and judge of danger is; in some sort; the reverse to being astounded。
I do not find myself strong enough to sustain the force and impetuosity
of this passion of fear; nor of any other vehement passion whatever: if I
was once conquered and beaten down by it; I should never rise again very
sound。  Whoever should once make my soul lose her footing; would never
set her upright again: she retastes and researches herself too
profoundly; and too much to the quick; and therefore would never let the
wound she had received heal and cicatrise。  It has been well for me that
no sickness has yet discomposed her: at every charge made upon me; I
preserve my utmost opposition and defence; by which means the first that
should rout me would keep me from ever rallying again。  I have no after…
game to play: on which side soever the inundation breaks my banks; I lie
open; and am drowned without remedy。  Epicurus says; that a wise man can
never become a fool; I have an opinion reverse to this sentence; which
is; that he who has once been a very fool; will never after be very wise。
God grants me cold according to my cloth; and passions proportionable to
the means I have to withstand them: nature having laid me open on the one
side; has covered me on the other; having disarmed me of strength; she
has armed me with insensibility and an apprehension that is regular; or;
if you will; dull。

I cannot now long endure (and when I was young could much less) either
coach; litter; or boat; and hate all other riding but on horseback; both
in town and country。  But I can bear a litter worse than a coach; and; by
the same reason; a rough agitation upon the water; whence fear is
produced; better than the motions of a calm。  At the little jerks of
oars; stealing the vessel from under us; I find; I know not how; both my
head and my stomach disordered; neither…can I endure to sit upon a
tottering chair。  When the sail or the current carries us equally; or
that we are towed; the equal agitation does not disturb me at all; 'tis
an interrupted motion that offends me; and most of all when most slow: I
cannot otherwise express it。  The physicians have ordered me to squeeze
and gird myself about the bottom of the belly with a napkin to remedy
this evil; which however I have not tried; being accustomed to wrestle
with my own defects; and overcome them myself。

Would my memory serve me; I should not think my time ill spent in setting
down here the infinite variety that history presents us of the use of
chariots in the service of war: various; according to the nations and
according to the age; in my opinion; of great necessity and effect; so
that it is a wonder that we have lost all knowledge of them。  I will only
say this; that very lately; in our fathers' time; the Hungarians made
very advantageous use of them against the Turks; having in every one of
them a targetter and a musketeer; and a number of harquebuses piled ready
and loaded; and all covered with a pavesade like a galliot 'Canvas
spread along the side of a ship of war; in action to screen the movements
of those on board。'  They formed the front of their battle with three
thousand such coaches; and after the cannon had played; made them all
pour in their shot upon the enemy; who had to swallow that volley before
they tasted of the rest; which was no little advance; and that done;
these chariots charged into their squadrons to break them and open a way
for the rest; besides the use they might make of them to flank the
soldiers in a place of danger when marching to the field; or to cover a
post; and fortify it in haste。  In my time; a gentleman on one of our
frontiers; unwieldy of body; and finding no horse able to carry his
weight; having a quarrel; rode through the country in a chariot of this
fashion; and found great convenience in it。  But let us leave these
chariots of war。

As if their effeminacy 'Which Cotton translates: 〃as if the
insignificancy of coaches。〃 'had not been sufficiently known by better
proofs; the last kings of our first race travelled in a chariot drawn by
four oxen。  Marc Antony was the first at Rome who caused himself to be
drawn in a coach by lions; and a singing wench with him。

     'Cytheris; the Roman courtezan。Plutarch's Life of Antony; c。 3。
     This; was the same person who is introduced by Gallus under the name
     of Lycoris。  Gallus doubtless knew her personally。'

Heliogabalus did since as much; calling himself Cybele; the mother of the
gods; and also drawn by tigers; taking upon him the person of the god
Bacchus; he also 
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