the essays of montaigne, v16-第6部分
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but were turned into baboons。 What impressions will not the weakness of
human belief admit? After the death of this fourth sun; the world was
twenty…five years in perpetual darkness: in the fifteenth of which a man
and a woman were created; who restored the human race: ten years after;
upon a certain day; the sun appeared newly created; and since the account
of their year takes beginning from that day: the third day after its
creation the ancient gods died; and the new ones were since born daily。
After what manner they think this last sun shall perish; my author knows
not; but their number of this fourth change agrees with the great
conjunction of stars which eight hundred and odd years ago; as
astrologers suppose; produced great alterations and novelties in the
As to pomp and magnificence; upon the account of which I engaged in this
discourse; neither Greece; Rome; nor Egypt; whether for utility;
difficulty; or state; can compare any of their works with the highway to
be seen in Peru; made by the kings of the country; from the city of Quito
to that of Cusco (three hundred leagues); straight; even; five…and…twenty
paces wide; paved; and provided on both sides with high and beautiful
walls; and close by them; and all along on the inside; two perennial
streams; bordered with beautiful plants; which they call moly。 In this
work; where they met with rocks and mountains; they cut them through; and
made them even; and filled up pits and valleys with lime and stone to
make them level。 At the end of every day's journey are beautiful
palaces; furnished with provisions; vestments; and arms; as well for
travellers as for the armies that are to pass that way。 In the estimate
of this work I have reckoned the difficulty which is especially
considerable in that place; they did not build with any stones less than
ten feet square; and had no other conveniency of carriage but by drawing
their load themselves by force of arm; and knew not so much as the art of
scaffolding; nor any other way of standing to their work; but by throwing
up earth against the building as it rose higher; taking it away again
when they had done。
Let us here return to our coaches。 Instead of these; and of all other
sorts of carriages; they caused themselves to be carried upon men's
shoulders。 This last king of Peru; the day that he was taken; was thus
carried betwixt two upon staves of gold; and set in a chair of gold in
the middle of his army。 As many of these sedan…men as were killed to
make him fall (for they would take him alive); so many others (and they
contended for it) took the place of those who were slain; so that they
could never beat him down; what slaughter soever they made of these
people; till a horseman; seizing upon him; brought him to the ground。
Since we cannot attain unto it; let us revenge our selves by railing at
it; and yet it is not absolutely railing against anything to proclaim its
defects; because they are in all things to be found; how beautiful or how
much to be coveted soever。 Greatness has; in general; this manifest
advantage; that it can lower itself when it pleases; and has; very near;
the choice of both the one and the other condition; for a man does not
fall from all heights; there are several from which one may descend
without falling down。 It does; indeed; appear to me that we value it at
too high a rate; and also overvalue the resolution of those whom we have
either seen or heard have contemned it; or displaced themselves of their
own accord: its essence is not so evidently commodious that a man may
not; with out a miracle; refuse it。 I find it a very hard thing to
undergo misfortunes; but to be content with a moderate measure of
fortune; and to avoid greatness; I think a very easy matter。 'Tis;
methinks; a virtue to which I; who am no conjuror; could without any
great endeavour arrive。 What; then; is to be expected from them that
would yet put into consideration the glory attending this refusal;
wherein there may lurk worse ambition than even in the desire itself;
and fruition of greatness? Forasmuch as ambition never comports itself
better; according to itself; than when it proceeds by obscure and
unfrequented ways。
I incite my courage to patience; but I rein it as much as I can towards
desire。 I have as much to wish for as another; and allow my wishes as
much liberty and indiscretion; but yet it never befell me to wish for
either empire or royalty; or the eminency of those high and commanding
fortunes: I do not aim that way; I love myself too well。 When I think to
grow greater; 'tis but very moderately; and by a compelled and timorous
advancement; such as is proper for me in resolution; in prudence; in
health; in beauty; and even in riches too; but this supreme reputation;
this mighty authority; oppress my imagination; and; quite contrary to
that other;'Julius Caesar。' I should; peradventure; rather choose to
be the second or third in Perigord than the first at Paris at least;
without lying; rather the third at Paris than the first。 I would neither
dispute with a porter; a miserable unknown; nor make crowds open in
adoration as I pass。 I am trained up to a moderate condition; as well by
my choice as fortune; and have made it appear; in the whole conduct of my
life and enterprises; that I have rather avoided than otherwise the
climbing above the degree of fortune wherein God has placed me by my
birth; all natural constitution is equally just and easy。 My soul is
such a poltroon; that I measure not good fortune by the height; but by
the facility。
But if my heart be not great enough; 'tis open enough to make amends; at
any one's request; freely to lay open its weakness。 Should any one put
me upon comparing the life of L。 Thorius Balbus; a brave man; handsome;
learned; healthful; understanding; and abounding in all sorts of
conveniences and pleasures; leading a quiet life; and all his own; his
mind well prepared against death; superstition; pain; and other
incumbrances of human necessity; dying; at last; in battle; with his
sword in his hand; for the defence of his country; on the one part; and
on the other part; the life of M。 Regulus; so great and high as is known
to every one; and his end admirable; the one without name and without
dignity; the other exemplary and glorious to a wonder。 I should
doubtless say; as Cicero did; could I speak as well as he。
'Cicero; De Finibus; ii。 20; gives the preference to Regulus; and
proclaims him the happier man。'
But if I was to compare them with my own; I should then also say that the
first is as much according to my capacity; and from desire; which I
conform to my capacity; as the second is far beyond it; that I could not
approach the last but with veneration; the other I could readily attain
by use。
Let us return to our temporal greatness; from which we are digressed。 I
disrelish all dominion; whether active or passive。 Otanes; one of the
seven who had right to pretend to the kingdom of Persia; did as I should
willingly have done; which was; that he gave up to his competitors his
right of being promoted to it; either by election or by lot; provided
that he and his might live in the empire out of all authority and
subjection; those of the ancient laws excepted; and might enjoy all
liberty that was not prejudicial to these; being as impatient of
commanding as of being commanded。
The most painful and difficult employment in the world; in my opinion; is
worthily to discharge the office of a king。 I excuse more of their
mistakes than men commonly do; in consideration of the intolerable weight
of their function; which astounds me。 'Tis hard to keep measure in so
immeasurable a power; yet so it is that it is; even to those who are not
of the best nature; a singular incitement to virtue to be seated in a
place where you cannot do the least good that shall not be put upon
record; and where the least benefit redounds to so many men; and where
your talent of administration; like that of preachers; principally
addresses itself to the people; no very exact judge; easy to deceive; and
easily content。 There are few things wherein we can give a sincere
judgment; by reason that there are few wherein we have not; in some sort;
a private interest。 Superiority and inferiority; dominion and subjection
are bound to a natural envy and contest; and must of necessity
perpetually intrench upon one another。 I believe neither the one nor the
other touching the rights of the other party; let reason therefore; which
is inflexible and without passion; determine when we can avail ourselves
of it。 'Tis not above a month ago that I read over; two Scottish authors
contending upon this subject; of whom he who stands for the people makes
the king to be in a worse condition than a carter; he who writes for
monarchy places him some degrees above God in power and sovereignty。
Now; the incommodity of greatness that I have taken to remark in this
place; upon some occasion that has lately put it into my head; is this:
there is not; peradventure; anything more pleasant in the commerce of
many th
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