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  Soc。 And is not destruction universally admitted to be the

opposite of generation?

  Pro。 Certainly。

  Soc。 Then he who chooses thus; would choose generation and

destruction rather than that third sort of life; in which; as we

were saying; was neither pleasure nor pain; but only the purest

possible thought。

  Pro。 He who would make us believe pleasure to be a good is

involved in great absurdities; Socrates。

  Soc。 Great; indeed; and there is yet another of them。

  Pro。 What is it?

  Soc。 Is there not an absurdity in arguing that there is nothing good

or noble in the body; or in anything else; but that good is in the

soul only; and that the only good of the soul is pleasure; and that

courage or temperance or understanding; or any other good of the soul;

is not really a good?…and is there not yet a further absurdity in

our being compelled to say that he who has a feeling of pain and not

of pleasure is bad at the time when he is suffering pain; even

though he be the best of men; and again; that he who has a feeling

of pleasure; in so far as he is pleased at the time when he is

pleased; in that degree excels in virtue?

  Pro。 Nothing; Socrates; can be more irrational than all this。

  Soc。 And now; having subjected pleasure to every sort of test; let

us not appear to be too sparing of mind and knowledge: let us ring

their metal bravely; and see if there be unsoundness in any part;

until we have found out what in them is of the purest nature; and then

the truest elements both of pleasure and knowledge may be brought up

for judgment。

  Pro。 Right。

  Soc。 Knowledge has two parts…the one productive; and the other


  Pro。 True。

  Soc。 And in the productive or handicraft arts; is not one part

more akin to knowledge; and the other less; and may not the one part

be regarded as the pure; and the other as the impure?

  Pro。 Certainly。

  Soc。 Let us separate the superior or dominant elements in each of


  Pro。 What are they; and how do you separate them?

  Soc。 I mean to say; that if arithmetic; mensuration; and weighing be

taken away from any art; that which remains will not be much。

  Pro。 Not much; certainly。

  Soc。 The rest will be only conjecture; and the better use of the

senses which is given by experience and practice; in addition to a

certain power of guessing; which is commonly called art; and is

perfected by attention and pains。

  Pro。 Nothing more; assuredly。

  Soc。 Music; for instance; is full of this empiricism; for sounds are

harmonized; not by measure; but by skilful conjecture; the music of

the flute is always trying to guess the pitch of each vibrating

note; and is therefore mixed up with much that is doubtful and has

little which is certain。

  Pro。 Most true。

  Soc。 And the same will be found to hold good of medicine and

husbandry and piloting and generalship。

  Pro。 Very true。

  Soc。 The art of the builder; on the other hand; which uses a

number of measures and instruments; attains by their help to a greater

degree of accuracy than the other arts。

  Pro。 How is that?

  Soc。 In ship…building and house…building; and in other branches of

the art of carpentering; the builder has his rule; lathe; compass;

line; and a most ingenious machine for straightening wood。

  Pro。 Very true; Socrates。

  Soc。 Then now let us divide the arts of which we were speaking

into two kinds…the arts which; like music; are less exact in their

results; and those which; like carpentering; are more exact。

  Pro。 Let us make that division。

  Soc。 Of the latter class; the most exact of all are those which we

just now spoke of as primary。

  Pro。 I see that you mean arithmetic; and the kindred arts of

weighing and measuring。

  Soc。 Certainly; Protarchus; but are not these also distinguishable

into two kinds?

  Pro。 What are the two kinds?

  Soc。 In the first place; arithmetic is of two kinds; one of which is

popular; and the other philosophical。

  Pro。 How would you distinguish them?

  Soc。 There is a wide difference between them; Protarchus; some

arithmeticians reckon unequal units; as for example; two armies; two

oxen; two very large things or two very small things。 The party who

are opposed to them insist that every unit in ten thousand must be the

same as every other unit。

  Pro。 Undoubtedly there is; as you say; a great difference among

the votaries of the science; and there may be reasonably supposed to

be two sorts of arithmetic。

  Soc。 And when we compare the art of mensuration which is used in

building with philosophical geometry; or the art of computation

which is used in trading with exact calculation; shall we say of

either of the pairs that it is one or two?

  Pro。 On the analogy of what has preceded; I should be of opinion

that they were severally two。

  Soc。 Right; but do you understand why I have discussed the subject?

  Pro。 I think so; but I should like to be told by you。

  Soc。 The argument has all along been seeking a parallel to pleasure;

and true to that original design; has gone on to ask whether one

sort of knowledge is purer than another; as one pleasure is purer than


  Pro。 Clearly; that was the intention。

  Soc。 And has not the argument in what has preceded; already shown

that the arts have different provinces; and vary in their degrees of


  Pro。 Very true。

  Soc。 And just now did not the argument first designate a

particular art by a common term; thus making us believe in the unity

of that art; and then again; as if speaking of two different things;

proceed to enquire whether the art as pursed by philosophers; or as

pursued by non philosophers; has more of certainty and purity?

  Pro。 That is the very question which the argument is asking。

  Soc。 And how; Protarchus; shall we answer the enquiry?

  Pro。 O Socrates; we have reached a point at which the difference

of clearness in different kinds of knowledge is enormous。

  Soc。 Then the answer will be the easier。

  Pro。 Certainly; and let us say in reply; that those arts into

which arithmetic and mensuration enter; far surpass all others; and

that of these the arts or sciences which are animated by the pure

philosophic impulse are infinitely superior in accuracy and truth。

  Soc。 Then this is your judgment; and this is the answer which;

upon your authority; we will give to all masters of the art of


  Pro。 What answer?

  Soc。 That there are two arts of arithmetic; and two of

mensuration; and also several other arts which in like manner have

this double nature; and yet only one name。

  Pro。 Let us boldly return this answer to the masters of whom you

speak; Socrates; and hope for good luck。

  Soc。 We have explained what we term the most exact arts or sciences。

  Pro。 Very good。

  Soc。 And yet; Protarchus; dialectic will refuse to acknowledge us;

if we do not award to her the first place。

  Pro。 And pray; what is dialectic?

  Soc。 Clearly the science which has to do with all that knowledge

of which we are now speaking; for I am sure that all men who have a

grain of intelligence will admit that the knowledge which has to do

with being and reality; and sameness and unchangeableness; is by far

the truest of all。 But how would you decide this question; Protarchus?

  Pro。 I have often heard Gorgias maintain; Socrates; that the art

of persuasion far surpassed every other; this; as he says; is by far

the best of them all; for to it all things submit; not by

compulsion; but of their own free will。 Now; I should not like to

quarrel either with you or with him。

  Soc。 You mean to say that you would like to desert; if you were

not ashamed?

  Pro。 As you please。

  Soc。 May I not have led you into a misapprehension?

  Pro。 How?

  Soc。 Dear Protarchus; I never asked which was the greatest or best

or usefullest of arts or sciences; but which had clearness and

accuracy; and the greatest amount of truth; however humble and

little useful an art。 And as for Gorgias; if you do not deny that

his art has the advantage in usefulness to mankind; he will not

quarrel with you for saying that the study of which I am speaking is

superior in this particular of essential truth; as in the comparison

of white colours; a little whiteness; if that little be only pure; was

said to be superior in truth to a great mass which is impure。 And

now let us give our best attention and consider well; not the

comparative use or reputation of the sciences; but the power or

faculty; if there be such; which the soul has of loving the truth; and

of doing all things for the sake of it; let us search into the pu
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