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napoleon bonaparte, v10-第14部分

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fortifications of the town; and when you have inspected everything; you
will return quickly and meet me at Stolpen。  Report to me exactly the
real state of affairs; as well as the opinion of Marshal Saint…Cyr and
the Duke of Bassano。  Set out。〃  The colonel left immediately at a
gallop; though he had eaten nothing as yet that day。

The next evening at eleven o'clock; Colonel Gourgaud returned to the
Emperor; after performing all the requirements of his mission。  Meanwhile
the allied army had descended into the plain of Dresden; and had already
made some attacks upon the advance posts。  It resulted from information
given by the colonel that when the King of Naples arrived; the city;
which had been in a state of complete demoralization; now felt that its
only hope was in the Emperor's arrival。

In truth; hordes of Cossacks were already in sight of the faubourgs;
which they threatened to attack; and their appearance had compelled the
inhabitants of these faubourgs to take refuge in the interior of the
city。  〃As I left;〃 said Colonel Gourgaud; 〃I saw a village in flames
half a league from the great gardens; and Marshal Gouvion Saint…Cyr was
preparing to evacuate that position。  〃But after all;〃 said the Emperor
eagerly; 〃what is the opinion of the Duke of Bassano?〃〃Sire; the Duke
of Bassano does not think that we can hold out twenty…four hours。〃〃And
you?〃〃I; Sire?  I think that Dresden will be taken to…morrow if your
Majesty is not there。〃〃I can then rely upon what you tell me?〃
〃Sire; I will answer for it with my head。〃

Then his Majesty summoned General Haxo; and said to him; his finger on
the map; 〃Vandamme is advancing by way of Pirna beyond the Elbe。  The
eagerness of the enemy in penetrating as far as Dresden has been extreme。
Vandamme will find himself in his rear。  I intend to sustain his movement
with my whole army; but I am uneasy as to the fate of Dresden; and am not
willing to sacrifice that city。  I can reach it in a few hours; and I
shall do so; although it grieves me much to abandon a plan which if well
executed might furnish the means of routing all the allies at one blow。
Happily Vandamme is still in sufficient strength to supplement the
general movement by attacks at special points which will annoy the enemy。
Order him; then; to go from Pirna to Ghiesubel; to gain the defiles of
Peterswalde; and when intrenched in this impregnable position; to await
the result of operations under the walls of Dresden。  I reserve for him
the duty of receiving the swords of the vanquished。  But in order to do
this it is necessary that he should keep his wits about him; and pay no
attention to the tumult made by the terrified inhabitants。  Explain to
General Vandamme exactly what I expect of him。  Never will he have a
finer opportunity to gain the marshal's baton。〃

General Haxo set out instantly; and the Emperor made Colonel Gourgaud
reenter his apartment; and ordered him to take a fresh horse; and return
to Dresden more quickly than he had come; in order to announce his
arrival。  〃The old guard will precede me;〃 said his Majesty。  〃I hope
that they will have no more fear when they see that。〃

On the morning of the 26th the Emperor was seated on his horse on the
bridge of Dresden; and began; amid cries of joy from both the young and
old guard; to make dispositions for the terrible battle which lasted
three days。

It was ten o'clock in the morning when the inhabitants of Dresden; now
reduced to despair; and speaking freely of capitulation; witnessed his
Majesty's arrival。  The scene changed suddenly; and to the most complete
discouragement succeeded most entire confidence; especially when the
haughty cuirassiers of Latour…Maubourg defiled over the bridge; holding
their heads high; and their eyes fixed on the neighboring hillsides
covered by the enemy's lines。  The Emperor immediately alighted at the
palace of the king; who was preparing to seek an asylumn in the new town;
but whose intentions were changed by the arrival of this great man。  The
interview was extremely touching。

I cannot undertake to describe all the occurrences of those memorable
days; in which the Emperor covered himself with glory; and was more
exposed to danger than he had ever been at any time。  Pages; equerries;
and aides…decamp fell dead around him; balls pierced the stomach of his
horse; but nothing could touch him。  The soldiers saw this and redoubled
their ardor; and also their confidence and admiration。  I shall simply
state that the Emperor did not re…enter the chateau until midnight; and
then spent the hours until daylight dictating orders; while promenading
up and down the room with great strides; until at break of day he
remounted his horse。  The weather was horrible; and the rain lasted the
whole day。  In the evening; the enemy being completely routed; the
Emperor returned to the palace in a frightful condition。  From the time
he mounted his horse; at six o'clock in the morning; the rain had not
ceased a single instant; and he was so wet that it could be said without
any figure of speech that the water ran down into his boots from the
collar of his coat; for they were entirely filled with it。  His hat of
very fine beaver was so ruined that it fell down over his shoulders; his
buff belt was perfectly soaked with water; in fact a man just drawn out
of the river would not be wetter than the Emperor。  The King of Saxony;
who awaited him; met him in this condition; and embraced him as a
cherished son who had just escaped a great danger; and this excellent
prince's eyes were full of tears as he pressed the saviour of his capital
to his heart。  After a few reassuring and tender words from the Emperor;
his Majesty entered his apartments; leaving everywhere traces of the
water which dripped from every part of his clothing; and I had much
difficulty in undressing him。  Knowing that the Emperor greatly enjoyed a
bath after a fatiguing day; I had it prepared; but as he felt unusually
fatigued; and in addition to this began to shiver considerably; his
Majesty preferred retiring to his bed; which I hurriedly warmed。  Hardly
had the Emperor retired; however; than he had Baron Fain; one of his
secretaries; summoned to read his accumulated correspondence; which was
very voluminous。  After this he took his bath; but had remained in it
only a few moments when he was seized with a sudden sickness accompanied
by vomiting; which obliged him to retire to bed。

His Majesty said to me; 〃My dear Constant; a little rest is absolutely
indispensable to me; see that I am not awaked except for matters of the
gravest importance; say this to Fain。〃  I obeyed the Emperor's orders;
after which I took my position in the room in front of his Majesty's
chamber; watching with the attention of a sentinel on duty lest he should
be awakened; or any one should even approach his apartment。

The next morning the Emperor rang very early; and I entered his room
immediately; anxious to know how he had passed the night。  I found him
almost entirely restored; and in fine spirits。  He told me; however; that
he had had a short attack of fever。  I must here remark that it was the
only time the Emperor had fever; and during the whole time I was with him
I never saw him ill enough to keep his bed for twenty…four hours。  He
rose at his usual hour; and when he descended was intensely gratified by
the fine appearance made by the battalion on duty。  Those brave
grenadiers; who the evening before had served as his escort; and
reentered Dresden with him in a most pitiable condition; this morning he
saw ranged in the court of the palace in splendid condition; and bearing
arms as brilliant as if it were a day of parade on the Place du
Carrousel。  These brave fellows had spent the night polishing their arms;
and drying themselves around great fires which they had kindled for the
purpose; having thus preferred the satisfaction of presenting themselves
in faultless condition before their Emperor's eyes to the sleep and rest
which they must so greatly have needed。

One word of approbation repaid them for their fatigue; and it may be
truly said never was a military chief so much beloved by his soldiers as
his Majesty。

The last courier who had returned from Paris to Dresden; and whose
dispatches were read; as I have said; to the Emperor; bore several
letters for me written by my family and two or three of my friends; and
all who have accompanied his Majesty on his campaigns; in whatever rank
or employment; well know how we valued news received from home。  These
letters informed me; I remember; of a famous lawsuit going on in the
court of assizes between the banker Michel and Reynier; which scandalous
affair caused much comment in the capital; and almost divided with the
news from the army the interest and attention of the public; and also of
the journey the Empress was about to make to Cherbourg; to be present at
the opening of the dikes; and filling the harbor with water from the
ocean。  This journey; as may well be imagined; had been suggested by the
Emperor; who sought every opportunity of putting the Empress forward; and
making her perform the duties of a sovereign; as regent of the 
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