classic mystery and detective stories-第6部分
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stopped a moment; wondering at it。
I resumed my downward way; and stepping out upon the level of the
railroad; and drawing nearer to him; saw that he was a dark; sallow
man; with a dark beard and rather heavy eyebrows。 His post was in
as solitary and dismal a place as ever I saw。 On either side; a
dripping…wet wall of jagged stone; excluding all view but a strip
of sky; the perspective one way only a crooked prolongation of this
great dungeon; the shorter perspective in the other direction
terminating in a gloomy red light; and the gloomier entrance to a
black tunnel; in whose massive architecture there was a barbarous;
depressing; and forbidding air。 So little sunlight ever found its
way to this spot; that it had an earthy; deadly smell; and so much
cold wind rushed through it; that it struck chill to me; as if I
had left the natural world。
Before he stirred; I was near enough to him to have touched him。
Not even then removing his eyes from mine; he stepped back one
step; and lifted his hand。
This was a lonesome post to occupy (I said); and it had riveted my
attention when I looked down from up yonder。 A visitor was a
rarity; I should suppose; not an unwelcome rarity; I hoped? In me;
he merely saw a man who had been shut up within narrow limits all
his life; and who; being at last set free; had a newly…awakened
interest in these great works。 To such purpose I spoke to him; but
I am far from sure of the terms I used; for; besides that I am not
happy in opening any conversation; there was something in the man
that daunted me。
He directed a most curious look towards the red light near the
tunnel's mouth; and looked all about it; as if something were
missing from it; and then looked it me。
That light was part of his charge? Was it not?
He answered in a low voice;〃Don't you know it is?〃
The monstrous thought came into my mind; as I perused the fixed
eyes and the saturnine face; that this was a spirit; not a man。 I
have speculated since; whether there may have been infection in his
In my turn; I stepped back。 But in making the action; I detected
in his eyes some latent fear of me。 This put the monstrous thought
to flight。
〃You look at me;〃 I said; forcing a smile; 〃as if you had a dread
of me。〃
〃I was doubtful;〃 he returned; 〃whether I had seen you before。〃
He pointed to the red light he had looked at。
〃There?〃 I said。
Intently watchful of me; he replied (but without sound); 〃Yes。〃
〃My good fellow; what should I do there? However; be that as it
may; I never was there; you may swear。〃
〃I think I may;〃 he rejoined。 〃Yes; I am sure I may。〃
His manner cleared; like my own。 He replied to my remarks with
readiness; and in well…chosen words。 Had he much to do there?
Yes; that was to say; he had enough responsibility to bear; but
exactness and watchfulness were what was required of him; and of
actual workmanual laborhe had next to none。 To change that
signal; to trim those lights; and to turn this iron handle now and
then; was all he had to do under that head。 Regarding those many
long and lonely hours of which I seemed to make so much; he could
only say that the routine of his life had shaped itself into that
form; and he had grown used to it。 He had taught himself a
language down here;if only to know it by sight; and to have
formed his own crude ideas of its pronunciation; could be called
learning it。 He had also worked at fractions and decimals; and
tried a little algebra; but he was; and had been as a boy; a poor
hand at figures。 Was it necessary for him when on duty always to
remain in that channel of damp air; and could he never rise into
the sunshine from between those high stone walls? Why; that
depended upon times and circumstances。 Under some conditions there
would be less upon the Line than under others; and the same held
good as to certain hours of the day and night。 In bright weather;
he did choose occasions for getting a little above these lower
shadows; but; being at all times liable to be called by his
electric bell; and at such times listening for it with redoubled
anxiety; the relief was less than I would suppose。
He took me into his box; where there was a fire; a desk for an
official book in which he had to make certain entries; a
telegraphic instrument with its dial; face; and needles; and the
little bell of which he had spoken。 On my trusting that he would
excuse the remark that he had been well educated; and (I hoped I
might say without offence) perhaps educated above that station; he
observed that instances of slight incongruity in such wise would
rarely be found wanting among large bodies of men; that he had
heard it was so in workhouses; in the police force; even in that
last desperate resource; the army; and that he knew it was so; more
or less; in any great railway staff。 He had been; when young (if I
could believe it; sitting in that hut;he scarcely could); a
student of natural philosophy; and had attended lectures; but he
had run wild; misused his opportunities; gone down; and never risen
again。 He had no complaint to offer about that。 He had made his
bed; and he lay upon it。 It was far too late to make another。
All that I have here condensed he said in a quiet manner; with his
grave dark regards divided between me and the fire。 He threw in
the word; 〃Sir;〃 from time to time; and especially when he referred
to his youth;as though to request me to understand that he
claimed to be nothing but what I found him。 He was several times
interrupted by the little bell; and had to read off messages; and
send replies。 Once he had to stand without the door; and display a
flag as a train passed; and make some verbal communication to the
driver。 In the discharge of his duties; I observed him to be
remarkably exact and vigilant; breaking off his discourse at a
syllable; and remaining silent until what he had to do was done。
In a word; I should have set this man down as one of the safest of
men to be employed in that capacity; but for the circumstance that
while he was speaking to me he twice broke off with a fallen color;
turned his face towards the little bell when it did NOT ring;
opened the door of the hut (which was kept shut to exclude the
unhealthy damp); and looked out towards the red light near the
mouth of the tunnel。 On both of those occasions; he came back to
the fire with the inexplicable air upon him which I had remarked;
without being able to define; when we were so far asunder。
Said I; when I rose to leave him; 〃You almost make me think that I
have met with a contented man。〃
(I am afraid I must acknowledge that I said it to lead him on。)
〃I believe I used to be so;〃 he rejoined; in the low voice in which
he had first spoken; 〃but I am troubled; sir; I am troubled。〃
He would have recalled the words if he could。 He had said them;
however; and I took them up quickly。
〃With what? What is your trouble?〃
〃It is very difficult to impart; sir。 It is very; very difficult
to speak of。 If ever you make me another visit; I will try to tell
〃But I expressly intend to make you another visit。 Say; when shall
it be?〃
〃I go off early in the morning; and I shall be on again at ten to…
morrow night; sir。〃
〃I will come at eleven。〃
He thanked me; and went out at the door with me。 〃I'll show my
white light; sir;〃 he said; in his peculiar low voice; 〃till you
have found the way up。 When you have found it; don't call out!
And when you are at the top; don't call out!〃
His manner seemed to make the place strike colder to me; but I said
no more than; 〃Very well。〃
〃And when you come down to…morrow night; don't call out! Let me
ask you a parting question。 What made you cry; 'Halloa! Below
there!' to…night?〃
〃Heaven knows;〃 said I。 〃I cried something to that effect〃
〃Not to that effect; sir。 Those were the very words。 I know them
〃Admit those were the very words。 I said them; no doubt; because I
saw you below。〃
〃For no other reason?〃
〃What other reason could I possibly have?〃
〃You had no feeling that they were conveyed to you in any
supernatural way?〃
He wished me good…night; and held up his light。 I walked by the
side of the down Line of rails (with a very disagreeable sensation
of a train coming behind me) until I found the path。 It was easier
to mount than to descend; and I got back to my inn without any
Punctual to my appointment; I placed my foot on the first notch of
the zigzag next night; as the distant clocks were striking eleven。
He was waiting for me at the bottom; with his white light on。 〃I
have not called out;〃 I said; when we came close together; 〃may I
speak now?〃 〃By all means; sir。〃 〃Good…night; then; and here's my
hand。〃 〃Good
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