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letters to his son, 1749-第3部分

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removed。  The good Protestant conviction; that the Pope is both Antichrist and the Whore of Babylon; is a more effectual preservative in this country against popery; than all the solid and unanswerable arguments of Chillingworth。

The idle story of the pretender's having been introduced in a warming pan into the queen's bed; though as destitute of all probability as of all foundation; has been much more prejudicial to the cause of Jacobitism than all that Mr。 Locke and others have written; to show the unreasonableness and absurdity of the doctrines of indefeasible hereditary right; and unlimited passive obedience。  And that silly; sanguine notion; which is firmly entertained here; that one Englishman can beat three Frenchmen; encourages; and has sometimes enabled; one Englishman in reality to beat two。

A Frenchman ventures; his life with alacrity 'pour l'honneur du Roi'; were you to change the object; which he has been taught to have in view; and tell him that it was 'pour le bien de la Patrie'; he would very probably run away。  Such gross local prejudices prevail with the herd of mankind; and do not impose upon cultivated; informed; and reflecting minds。  But then they are notions equally false; though not so glaringly absurd; which are entertained by people of superior and improved understandings; merely for want of the necessary pains to investigate; the proper attention to examine; and the penetration requisite to determine the truth。  Those are the prejudices which I would have you guard against by a manly exertion and attention of your reasoning faculty。  To mention one instance of a thousand that I could give you: It is a general prejudice; and has been propagated for these sixteen hundred years; that arts and sciences cannot flourish under an absolute government; and that genius must necessarily be cramped where freedom is restrained。  This sounds plausible; but is false in fact。  Mechanic arts; as agriculture; etc。; will indeed be discouraged where the profits and property are; from the nature of the government; insecure。  But why the despotism of a government should cramp the genius of a mathematician; an astronomer; a poet; or an orator; I confess I never could discover。 It may indeed deprive the poet or the orator of the liberty of treating of certain subjects in the manner they would wish; but it leaves them subjects enough to exert genius upon; if they have it。  Can an author with reason complain that he is cramped and shackled; if he is not at liberty to publish blasphemy; bawdry; or sedition? all which are equally prohibited in the freest governments; if they are wise and well regulated ones。  This is the present general complaint of the French authors; but indeed chiefly of the bad ones。  No wonder; say they; that England produces so many great geniuses; people there may think as they please; and publish what they think。  Very true; but what hinders them from thinking as they please?  If indeed they think in manner destructive of all religion; morality; or good manners; or to the disturbance of the state; an absolute government will certainly more effectually prohibit them from; or punish them for publishing such thoughts; than a free one could do。  But how does that cramp the genius of an epic; dramatic; or lyric poet? or how does it corrupt the eloquence of an orator in the pulpit or at the bar?  The number of good French authors; such as Corneille; Racine; Moliere; Boileau; and La Fontaine; who seemed to dispute it with the Augustan age; flourished under the despotism of Lewis XIV。; and the celebrated authors of the Augustan age did not shine till after the fetters were riveted upon the Roman people by that cruel and worthless Emperor。  The revival of letters was not owing; neither; to any free government; but to the encouragement and protection of Leo X。  and Francis I; the one as absolute a pope; and the other as despotic a prince; as ever reigned。  Do not mistake; and imagine that while I am only exposing a prejudice; I am speaking in favor of arbitrary power; which from my soul I abhor; and look upon as a gross and criminal violation of the natural rights of mankind。  Adieu。


LONDON; February 28; O。 S。  1749。

DEAR BOY:  I was very much pleased with the account that you gave me of your reception at Berlin; but I was still better pleased with the account which Mr。 Harte sent me of your manner of receiving that reception; for he says that you behaved yourself to those crowned heads with all the respect and modesty due to them; but at the same time; without being any more embarrassed than if you had been conversing with your equals。  This easy respect is the perfection of good…breeding; which nothing but superior good sense; or a long usage of the world; can produce; and as in your case it could not be the latter; it is a pleasing indication to me of the former。

You will now; in the course of a few months; have been rubbed at three of the considerable courts of Europe;…Berlin; Dresden; and Vienna; so that I hope you will arrive at Turin tolerably smooth and fit for the last polish。  There you may get the best; there being no court I know of that forms more well…bred; and agreeable people。  Remember now; that good… breeding; genteel carriage; address; and even dress (to a certain degree); are become serious objects; and deserve a part of your attention。

The day; if well employed; is long enough for them all。  One half of it bestowed upon your studies and your exercises; will finish your mind and your body; the remaining part of it; spent in good company; will form your manners; and complete your character。  What would I not give to have you read Demosthenes critically in the morning; and understand him better than anybody; at noon; behave yourself better than any person at court; and in the evenings; trifle more agreeably than anybody in mixed companies?  All this you may compass if you please; you have the means; you have the opportunities。  Employ them; for God's sake; while you may; and make yourself that all…accomplished man that I wish to have you。  It entirely depends upon these two years; they are the decisive ones。

I send you here inclosed a letter of recommendation to Monsieur Capello; at Venice; which you will deliver him immediately upon your arrival; accompanying it with compliments from me to him and Madame; both of whom you have seen here。  He will; I am sure; be both very civil and very useful to you there; as he will also be afterward at Rome; where he is appointed to go ambassador。  By the way; wherever you are; I would advise you to frequent; as much as you can; the Venetian Ministers; who are always better informed of the courts they reside at than any other minister; the strict and regular accounts; which they are obliged to give to their own government; making them very diligent and inquisitive。

You will stay at Venice as long as the Carnival lasts; for though I am impatient to have you at Turin; yet I would wish you to see thoroughly all that is to be seen at so singular a place as Venice; and at so showish a time as the Carnival。  You will take also particular care to view all those meetings of the government; which strangers are allowed to see; as the Assembly of the Senate; etc。; and also to inform yourself of that peculiar and intricate form of government。  There are books which give an account of it; among which the best is Amelot de la Houssaye; which I would advise you to read previously; it will not only give you a general notion of that constitution; but also furnish you with materials for proper questions and oral informations upon the place; which are always the best。  There are likewise many very valuable remains; in sculpture and paintings; of the best masters; which deserve your attention。

I suppose you will be at Vienna as soon as this letter will get thither; and I suppose; too; that I must not direct above one more to you there。 After which; my next shall be directed to you at Venice; the only place where a letter will be likely to find you; till you are at Turin; but you may; and I desire that you will write to me; from the several places in your way; from whence the post goes。

I will send you some other letters for Venice; to Vienna; or to your banker at Venice; to whom you will; upon your arrival there; send for them: For I will take care to have you so recommended from place to place; that you shall not run through them; as most of your countrymen do; without the advantage of seeing and knowing what best deserves to be seen and known; I mean the men and the manners。

God bless you; and make you answer my wishes: I will now say; my hopes! Adieu。


DEAR BOY: I direct this letter to your banker at Venice; the surest place for you to meet with it; though I suppose that it will be there some time before you; for; as your intermediate stay anywhere else will be short; and as the post from hence; in this season of easterly winds is uncertain; I direct no more letters to Vienna; where I hope both you and Mr。 Harte will have received the two letters which I sent you respectively; with a letter of recommendation to Monsieur Capello; at Venice; which was inclosed in mine to you。  I will suppose too; that the inland po
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