the story of the glittering plain-第24部分
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ship…warders behind。
〃Seest thou; friend of the Ravens;〃 said the Fox; 〃hadst thou been
there; they might have done with thee what they would。 Did I not
well to bring thee into my unroofed house?〃
〃Yea; verily;〃 said Hallblithe; 〃but will not some of the ship…wards;
or some of the others returning; come up hither and find us? I shall
yet lay my bones in this evil island。〃
The Puny Fox laughed; and said: 〃It is not so bad as thy sour looks
would have it; anyhow it is good enough for a grave; and at this
present I may call it a casket of precious things。〃
〃What meanest thou?〃 said Hallblithe eagerly。
〃Nay; nay;〃 said the other; 〃nought but what thou knowest。 Art thou
not therein; and I myself? without reckoning the old carle in the
hole yonder。 But I promise thee thou shalt not die here this time;
unless thou wilt。 And as to folk coming up hither; I tell thee again
they durst not; because they fear my great…grandsire over much。 Not
that they are far wrong therein; for now he is dead; the worst of him
seemeth to come out of him; and he is not easily dealt with; save by
one who hath some share of his wisdom。 Thou thyself couldst see by
my kinsman; the Sea…eagle; how much of ill blood and churlish malice
there may be in our kindred when they wax old; and loneliness and
dreariness taketh hold of them。 For I must tell thee that I have oft
heard my father say that his father the Sea…eagle was in his youth
and his prime blithe and buxom; a great lover of women; and a very
friendly fellow。 But ever; as I say; as the men of our kind wax in
years; they worsen; and thereby mayst thou deem how bad the old man
in yonder must be; since he hath lain so long in the grave。 But now
we will go to that house of mine on the other side of the mead; over
against my kinsman's。〃
Therewith he led Hallblithe down from the rock while Hallblithe said
to him: 〃What! art thou also dead that thou hast a grave here?〃
〃Nay; nay;〃 said Fox; smiling; 〃am I so evil…conditioned then? I am
no older than thou art。〃
〃But tell me;〃 said Hallblithe; 〃wilt thou also wax evil as thou
growest old?〃
〃Maybe not;〃 said Fox; looking hard at him; 〃for in my mind it is
that I may be taken into another house; and another kindred; and
amongst them I shall be healed of much that might turn to ill。〃
Therewith were they come across the little meadow to a place where
was a cave in the rock closed with a door; and a wicket window
therein。 Fox led Hallblithe into it; and within it was no ill
dwelling; for it was dry and clean; and there were stools therein and
a table; and shelves and lockers in the wall。 When they had sat them
down Fox said: 〃Here mightest thou dwell safely as long as thou
wouldst; if thou wouldst risk dealings with the old carle。 But; as I
wot well that thou art in haste to be gone and get home to thy
kindred; I must bring thee at dusk to…day close up to our feast…hall;
so that thou mayst be at hand to do what hath to be done to…night; so
that we may get us gone to…morrow。 Also thou must do off thy Raven
gear lest we meet any in the twilight as we go up to the house; and
here have I to hand home…spun raiment such as our war…taken thralls
wear; which shall serve thy turn well enough; but this thou needst
not do on till the time is at hand for our departure; and then I will
bring thee away; and bestow thee in a bower hard by the hall; and
when thou art within; I may so look to it that none shall go in
there; or if they do; they shall see nought in thee save a carle
known to them by name。 My kinsman hath learned me to do harder
things than this。 But now it is time to eat and drink。〃
Therewith he drew victual from out a locker and they fell to。 But
when they had eaten; Fox taught Hallblithe what he should do in the
hall that night; as shall be told hereafter。 And then; with much
talk about many things; they wore away the day in that ancient cup of
the seething rock; and a little before dusk set out for the hall;
bearing with them Hallblithe's gear bundled up together; as though it
had been wares from over sea。 So they came to the house before the
tables were set; and the Puny Fox bestowed Hallblithe in a bower
which gave into the buttery; so that it was easy to go straight into
the mid…most of the hall。 There was Hallblithe clad and armed in his
Raven gear; but Fox gave him a vizard to go over his face; so that
none might know him when he entered therein。
Now it is to be told that the chieftains came into the hall that
night and sat down at the board on the dais; even as Hallblithe had
seen them do aforetime。 And the chieftain of all; who was called the
Erne of the Sea…eagles; rose up according to custom and said:
〃Hearken; folk! this is a night of the champions; whereon we may not
eat till the pale blades have clashed together; and one hath
vanquished and another been overcome。 Now let them stand forth and
give out the prize of victory which the vanquished shall pay to the
vanquisher。 And let it be known; that; whosoever may be the champion
that winneth the battle; whether he be a kinsman; or an alien; or a
foeman declared; yea; though he have left the head of my brother at
the hall…door; he shall pass this night with us safe from sword; safe
from axe; safe from hand: he shall eat as we eat; drink as we drink;
sleep as we sleep; and depart safe from any hand or weapon; and shall
sail the sea at his pleasure in his own keel or in ours; as to him
and us may be meet。 Blow up horns for the champions!〃
So the horns blew a cheerful strain; and when they were done; there
came into the hall a tall man clad in black; and with black armour
and weapons saving the white blade of his sword。 He had a vizard
over his face; but his hair came down from under his helm like the
tail of a red horse。
So he stood amidst the floor and cried out: 〃I am the champion of
the Ravagers。 But I swear by the Treasure of the Sea that I will
cross no blade to…night save with an alien; a foeman of the kindred。
Hearest thou; O chieftain; O Erne of the Sea…eagles?〃
〃Hear it I do;〃 said the chieftain; 〃and I deem that thy meaning is
that we should go supperless to bed; and this cometh of thy
perversity: for we know thee despite thy vizard。 Belike thou
deemest that thou shalt not be met this even; and that there is no
free alien in the island to draw sword against thee。 But beware!
For when we came aland this morning we found a skiff of the aliens
tied to a great spear stuck in the bank of the haven; so that there
will be one foeman at least abroad in the island。 But we said if we
should come on the man; we would set his head on the gable of the
hall with the mouth open toward the North for a token of reproach to
the dwellers in the land over sea。 But now give out the prize of
victory; and I swear by the Treasure of the Sea that we will abide by
thy word。〃
Said the champion: 〃These are the terms and conditions of the
battle; that whichso of us is vanquished; he shall either die; or
serve the vanquisher for twelve moons; to fare with him at his will;
to go his errands; and do according to his commandment in all wise。
Hearest thou; chieftain?〃
〃Yea;〃 said he; 〃and by the Undying King; both thou and we shall
abide by this bargain。 So look to it that thou smite great strokes;
lest our hall lack a gable…knop。 Horns; blow up for the alien
So again the horns were winded; and ere their voice had died; in from
the buttery screens came a glittering image of war; and there stood
the alien champion over against the warrior of the sea; and he too
had a vizard over his face。
Now when the folk saw him; and how slim and light and small he looked
beside their champion; and they beheld the Raven painted on his white
shield; they hooted and laughed for scorn of him and his littleness。
But he tossed his sword up lightly and caught it by the hilts as it
fell; and drew nigher to the champion of the sea and stood facing him
within reach of his sword。 Then the chieftain on the high…seat put
his two hands to his mouth and roared out: 〃Fall on; ye champions;
fall on!〃
But the folk in the hall were so eager that they stood on the benches
and the boards; and craned over each other's shoulders; so that they
might lose no whit of the hand…play。 Now flashed the blades in the
candle…lit hall; and the red…haired champion hove up his sword and
smote two great strokes to right and to left; but the alien gave way
before him; and the folk cried out at him in scorn and in joy of
their champion; who fell to raining down great strokes like the hail
amidst the lightning。 But so deft was the alien; that he stood
amidst it unhurt; and laid many strokes on his foeman; and did all so
lightly and easily; that it seemed as if he we
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