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ole-luk-oie, the dream-god

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ole-luk-oie, the dream-god封面
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENOLE-LUK-OIE, THE DREAM-GODby Hans Christian AndersenTHERE is nobody in the world who knows so many stories asOle-Luk-Oie, or who can relate them so nicely. In the evening, whilethe children are seated at the table or in their little chairs, hecomes up the stairs very softly, for he walks in his socks, then heopens the doors without the slightest noise, and throws a smallquantity of very fine dust in their eyes, just enough to preventthem from keeping them open, and so they do not see him. Then hecreeps behind them, and blows softly upon their necks, till their...


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