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the georgics-第1部分

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                                      29 BC

                                  THE GEORGICS

                                   by Virgil


  What makes the cornfield smile; beneath what star

  Maecenas; it is meet to turn the sod

  Or marry elm with vine; how tend the steer;

  What pains for cattle…keeping; or what proof

  Of patient trial serves for thrifty bees;…

  Such are my themes。

                         O universal lights

  Most glorious! ye that lead the gliding year

  Along the sky; Liber and Ceres mild;

  If by your bounty holpen earth once changed

  Chaonian acorn for the plump wheat…ear;

  And mingled with the grape; your new…found gift;

  The draughts of Achelous; and ye Fauns

  To rustics ever kind; come foot it; Fauns

  And Dryad…maids together; your gifts I sing。

  And thou; for whose delight the war…horse first

  Sprang from earth's womb at thy great trident's stroke;

  Neptune; and haunter of the groves; for whom

  Three hundred snow…white heifers browse the brakes;

  The fertile brakes of Ceos; and clothed in power;

  Thy native forest and Lycean lawns;

  Pan; shepherd…god; forsaking; as the love

  Of thine own Maenalus constrains thee; hear

  And help; O lord of Tegea! And thou; too;

  Minerva; from whose hand the olive sprung;

  And boy…discoverer of the curved plough;

  And; bearing a young cypress root…uptorn;

  Silvanus; and Gods all and Goddesses;

  Who make the fields your care; both ye who nurse

  The tender unsown increase; and from heaven

  Shed on man's sowing the riches of your rain:

  And thou; even thou; of whom we know not yet

  What mansion of the skies shall hold thee soon;

  Whether to watch o'er cities be thy will;

  Great Caesar; and to take the earth in charge;

  That so the mighty world may welcome thee

  Lord of her increase; master of her times;

  Binding thy mother's myrtle round thy brow;

  Or as the boundless ocean's God thou come;

  Sole dread of seamen; till far Thule bow

  Before thee; and Tethys win thee to her son

  With all her waves for dower; or as a star

  Lend thy fresh beams our lagging months to cheer;

  Where 'twixt the Maid and those pursuing Claws

  A space is opening; see! red Scorpio's self

  His arms draws in; yea; and hath left thee more

  Than thy full meed of heaven: be what thou wilt…

  For neither Tartarus hopes to call thee king;

  Nor may so dire a lust of sovereignty

  E'er light upon thee; howso Greece admire

  Elysium's fields; and Proserpine not heed

  Her mother's voice entreating to return…

  Vouchsafe a prosperous voyage; and smile on this

  My bold endeavour; and pitying; even as I;

  These poor way…wildered swains; at once begin;

  Grow timely used unto the voice of prayer。

    In early spring…tide; when the icy drip

  Melts from the mountains hoar; and Zephyr's breath

  Unbinds the crumbling clod; even then 'tis time;

  Press deep your plough behind the groaning ox;

  And teach the furrow…burnished share to shine。

  That land the craving farmer's prayer fulfils;

  Which twice the sunshine; twice the frost has felt;

  Ay; that's the land whose boundless harvest…crops

  Burst; see! the barns。

                         But ere our metal cleave

  An unknown surface; heed we to forelearn

  The winds and varying temper of the sky;

  The lineal tilth and habits of the spot;

  What every region yields; and what denies。

  Here blithelier springs the corn; and here the grape;

  There earth is green with tender growth of trees

  And grass unbidden。 See how from Tmolus comes

  The saffron's fragrance; ivory from Ind;

  From Saba's weakling sons their frankincense;

  Iron from the naked Chalybs; castor rank

  From Pontus; from Epirus the prize…palms

  O' the mares of Elis。

                         Such the eternal bond

  And such the laws by Nature's hand imposed

  On clime and clime; e'er since the primal dawn

  When old Deucalion on the unpeopled earth

  Cast stones; whence men; a flinty race; were reared。

  Up then! if fat the soil; let sturdy bulls

  Upturn it from the year's first opening months;

  And let the clods lie bare till baked to dust

  By the ripe suns of summer; but if the earth

  Less fruitful just ere Arcturus rise

  With shallower trench uptilt it… 'twill suffice;

  There; lest weeds choke the crop's luxuriance; here;

  Lest the scant moisture fail the barren sand。

     Then thou shalt suffer in alternate years

  The new…reaped fields to rest; and on the plain

  A crust of sloth to harden; or; when stars

  Are changed in heaven; there sow the golden grain

  Where erst; luxuriant with its quivering pod;

  Pulse; or the slender vetch…crop; thou hast cleared;

  And lupin sour; whose brittle stalks arise;

  A hurtling forest。 For the plain is parched

  By flax…crop; parched by oats; by poppies parched

  In Lethe…slumber drenched。 Nathless by change

  The travailing earth is lightened; but stint not

  With refuse rich to soak the thirsty soil;

  And shower foul ashes o'er the exhausted fields。

  Thus by rotation like repose is gained;

  Nor earth meanwhile uneared and thankless left。

  Oft; too; 'twill boot to fire the naked fields;

  And the light stubble burn with crackling flames;

  Whether that earth therefrom some hidden strength

  And fattening food derives; or that the fire

  Bakes every blemish out; and sweats away

  Each useless humour; or that the heat unlocks

  New passages and secret pores; whereby

  Their life…juice to the tender blades may win;

  Or that it hardens more and helps to bind

  The gaping veins; lest penetrating showers;

  Or fierce sun's ravening might; or searching blast

  Of the keen north should sear them。 Well; I wot;

  He serves the fields who with his harrow breaks

  The sluggish clods; and hurdles osier…twined

  Hales o'er them; from the far Olympian height

  Him golden Ceres not in vain regards;

  And he; who having ploughed the fallow plain

  And heaved its furrowy ridges; turns once more

  Cross…wise his shattering share; with stroke on stroke

  The earth assails; and makes the field his thrall。

    Pray for wet summers and for winters fine;

  Ye husbandmen; in winter's dust the crops

  Exceedingly rejoice; the field hath joy;

  No tilth makes Mysia lift her head so high;

  Nor Gargarus his own harvests so admire。

  Why tell of him; who; having launched his seed;

  Sets on for close encounter; and rakes smooth

  The dry dust hillocks; then on the tender corn

  Lets in the flood; whose waters follow fain;

  And when the parched field quivers; and all the blades

  Are dying; from the brow of its hill…bed;

  See! see! he lures the runnel; down it falls;

  Waking hoarse murmurs o'er the polished stones;

  And with its bubblings slakes the thirsty fields?

  Or why of him; who lest the heavy ears

  O'erweigh the stalk; while yet in tender blade

  Feeds down the crop's luxuriance; when its growth

  First tops the furrows? Why of him who drains

  The marsh…land's gathered ooze through soaking sand;

  Chiefly what time in treacherous moons a stream

  Goes out in spate; and with its coat of slime

  Holds all the country; whence the hollow dykes

  Sweat steaming vapour?

                         But no whit the more

  For all expedients tried and travail borne

  By man and beast in turning oft the soil;

  Do greedy goose and Strymon…haunting cranes

  And succory's bitter fibres cease to harm;

  Or shade not injure。 The great Sire himself

  No easy road to husbandry assigned;

  And first was he by human skill to rouse

  The slumbering glebe; whetting the minds of men

  With care on care; nor suffering realm of his

  In drowsy sloth to stagnate。 Before Jove

  Fields knew no taming hand of husbandmen;

  To mark the plain or mete with boundary…line…

  Even this was impious; for the common stock

  They gathered; and the earth of her own will

  All things more freely; no man bidding; bore。

  He to black serpents gave their venom…bane;

  And bade the wolf go prowl; and ocean toss;

  Shook from the leaves their honey; put fire away;

  And curbed the random rivers running wine;

  That use by gradual dint of thought on thought

  Might forge the various arts; with furrow's help

  The corn…blade win; and strike out hidden fire

  From the flint's heart。 Then first the streams were ware

  Of hollowed alder…hulls: the sailor then

  Their names and numbers gave to star and star;

  Pleiads and Hyads; and Lycaon's child

  Bright Arctos; how with nooses then was found

  To catch wild beasts; and cozen them with lime;

  And hem with hounds the mighty forest…glades。

  Soon one with hand…net scourges the broad stream;

  Probing its depths; one drags his dripping toils

  Along the main; then iron's unbending might;

  And shrieking saw…blade;… for the men of old

  With wedges wont to 
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