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passing over into Sicily。 While he was thus trifling and playing his
tricks before Syracuse; the Corinthians; now come as far as Rhegium;
observing the coast clear; and that the wind was laid; as it were by
miracle; to afford them in all appearance a quiet and smooth
passage; went immediately aboard on such little barks and
fishing…boats as were then at hand; and got over to Sicily with such
complete safety and in such an extraordinary calm; that they drew
their horses by the reins; swimming along by them as the vessels
went across。
When they were all landed; Timoleon came to receive them; and by
their means at once obtained possession of Messena; from whence he
marched in good order to Syracuse; trusting more to his late
prosperous achievements than his present strength; as the whole army
he had then with him did not exceed the number of four thousand: Mago;
however; was troubled and fearful at the first notice of his coming;
and grew more apprehensive and jealous still upon the following
occasion。 The marshes about Syracuse; that receive a great deal of
fresh water; as well from springs as from lakes and rivers discharging
themselves into the sea; breed abundance of eels; which may be
always taken there in great quantities by any that will fish for them。
The mercenary soldiers that served on both sides were wont to follow
the sport together at their vacant hours; and upon any cessation of
arms; who being all Greeks; and having no cause of private enmity to
each other; as they would venture bravely in fight; so in times of
truce used to meet and converse amicably together。 And at this present
time; while engaged about this common business of fishing; they fell
into talk together; and some expressing their admiration of the
neighbouring sea; and others telling how much they were taken with the
convenience and commodiousness of the buildings and public works;
one of the Corinthian party took occasion to demand of the others:
〃And is it possible that you who are Grecians born should be so
forward to reduce a city of this greatness; and enjoying so many
rare advantages; into the state of barbarism; and lend your assistance
to plant Carthaginans; that are the worst and bloodiest of men; so
much the nearer to us? whereas you should rather wish there were
many more Sicilies to lie between them and Greece。 Have you so
little sense as to believe; that they come hither with an army; from
the Pillars of Hercules and the Atlantic Sea; to hazard themselves for
the establishment of Hicetes? who; if he had had the consideration
which becomes a general; would never have thrown out his ancestors and
founders to bring in the enemies of his country in the room of them;
when he might have enjoyed all suitable honour and command; with
consent of Timoleon and the rest of Corinth。〃 The Greeks that were
in pay with Hicetes; noising these discourses about their camp; gave
Mago some ground to suspect; as indeed he had long sought for a
pretence to be gone; that there was treachery contrived against him;
so that; although Hicetes entreated him to tarry; and made it appear
how much stronger they were than the enemy; yet; conceiving they
came far more short of Timoleon in respect of courage and fortune than
they surpassed him in number; he presently went aboard and set sail
for Africa; letting Sicily escape out of his hands with dishonour to
himself; and for such uncertain causes; that no human reason could
give an account of his departure。
The day after he went away; Timoleon came up before the city in
array for a battle。 But when he and his company heard of this sudden
flight; and saw the docks all empty; they could not forbear laughing
at the cowardice of Mago; and in mockery caused proclamation to be
made through the city that a reward would be given to any one who
could bring them tidings whither the Carthaginian fleet had conveyed
itself from them。 However; Hicetes resolving to fight it out alone;
and not quitting his hold of the city; but sticking close to the
quarters he was in possession of; places that were well fortified
and not easy to be attacked; Timoleon divided his forces into three
parts; and fell himself upon the side where the river Anapas ran;
which was most strong and difficult of access; and he commanded
those that were led by Isias; a Corinthian captain; to make their
assault from the post of Acradina; while Dinarchus and Demaretus; that
brought him the last supply from Corinth; were; with a third division;
to attempt the quarter called Epipolae。 A considerable impression
being made from every side at once; the soldiers of Hicetes were
beaten off and put to flight; and this… that the city came to be taken
by storm; and fall suddenly into their hands; upon the defeat and rout
of the enemy… we must in all justice ascribe to the valour of the
assailants and the wise conduct of their general; but that not so much
as a man of the Corinthians was either slain or wounded in the action;
this the good fortune of Timoleon seems to challenge for her own work;
as though; in a sort of rivalry with his own personal exertions; she
made it her aim to exceed and obscure his actions by her favours; that
those who heard him commended for his noble deeds might rather
admire the happiness than the merit of them。 For the fame of what
was done not only passed through all Sicily; and filled Italy with
wonder; but even Greece itself; after a few days; came to ring with
the greatness of his exploit; insomuch that those of Corinth; who
had as yet no certainty that their auxiliaries were landed on the
island; had tidings brought them at the same time that they were
safe and were conquerors。 In so prosperous a course did affairs run;
and such was the speed and celerity of execution with which fortune;
as with a new ornament; set off the native lustres of the performance。
Timoleon; being master of the citadel; avoided the error which
Dion had been guilty of。 He spared not the place for the beauty and
sumptuousness of its fabric; and; keeping clear of those suspicions
which occasioned first the unpopularity and afterwards the fall of
Dion; made a public crier give notice that all the Syracusans who were
willing to have a hand in the work should bring pick…axes and
mattocks; and other instruments; and help him to demolish the
fortifications of the tyrants。 When they all came up with one
accord; looking upon that order and that day as the surest
foundation of their liberty; they not only pulled down the castle; but
overturned the palaces and monuments adjoining; and whatever else
might preserve any memory of former tyrants。 Having soon levelled
and cleared the place; he there presently erected courts for
administration of justice; ratifying the citizens by this means; and
building popular government on the fall and ruin of tyranny。 But since
he had recovered a city destitute of inhabitants; some of them dead in
civil wars and insurrections; and others being fled to escape tyrants;
so that through solitude and want of people the great market…place
of Syracuse was overgrown with such quantity of rank herbage that it
became a pasture for their horses; the grooms lying along in the grass
as they fed by them; while also other towns; very few excepted; were
become full of stags and wild boars; so that those who had nothing
else to do went frequently a…hunting; and found game in the suburbs
and about the walls; and not one of those who possessed themselves
of castles; or made garrisons in the country; could be persuaded to
quit their present abode; or would accept an invitation to return back
into the city; so much did they all dread and abhor the very name of
assemblies and forms of government and public speaking; that had
produced the greater part of those usurpers who had successively
assumed a dominion over them… Timoleon; therefore; with the Syracusans
that remained; considering this vast desolation; and how little hope
there was to have it otherwise supplied; thought good to write to
the Corinthians; requesting that they would send a colony out of
Greece to repeople Syracuse。 For else the land about it would lie
unimproved; and besides this; they expected to be involved in a
greater war from Africa; having news brought them that Mago had killed
himself; and that the Carthaginians; out of rage for his ill…conduct
in the late expedition; had caused his body to be nailed upon a cross;
and that they were raising a mighty force; with design to make their
descent upon Sicily the next summer。
These letters from Timoleon being delivered at Corinth; and the
ambassadors of Syracuse beseeching them at the same time that they
would take upon them the care of their poor city; and once again
become the founders of it; the Corinthians were not tempted by any
feeling of cupidity to lay hold of the advantage。 Nor did they seize
and appropriate the city to themselves; but going about first to the
games that are kept as sacred in Greece; and to the most numerously
attended religious assemblages; they made publication by heralds; that
the Corinthians; having destroyed the usurpation at Syracuse and
driven out the tyrant; did thereby invite the Syracusan
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