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  〃'So it is recorded in your lying chronicles;' replied the Moor;

'but know that Boabdil and the warriors who made the last struggle for

Granada were all shut up in the mountain by powerful enchantment。 As

for the king and army that marched forth from Granada at the time of

the surrender; they were a mere phantom train of spirits and demons;

permitted to assume those shapes to deceive the Christian

sovereigns。 And furthermore let me tell you; friend; that all Spain is

a country under the power of enchantment。 There is not a mountain

cave; not a lonely watchtower in the plains; nor ruined castle on

the hills; but has some spell…bound warriors sleeping from age to

age within its vaults; until the sins are expiated for which Allah

permitted the dominion to pass for a time out of the hands of the

faithful。 Once every year; on the eve of St。 John; they are released

from enchantment; from sunset to sunrise; and permitted to repair here

to pay homage to their sovereign! and the crowds which you beheld

swarming into the cavern are Moslem warriors from their haunts in

all parts of Spain。 For my own part; you saw the ruined tower of the

bridge in Old Castile; where I have now wintered and summered for many

hundred years; and where I must be back again by daybreak。 As to the

battalions of horse and foot which you beheld drawn up in array in the

neighboring caverns; they are the spell…bound warriors of Granada。

It is written in the book of fate; that when the enchantment is

broken; Boabdil will descend from the mountain at the head of this

army; resume his throne in the Alhambra and his sway of Granada; and

gathering together the enchanted warriors; from all parts of Spain;

will reconquer the Peninsula and restore it to Moslem rule。'

  〃'And when shall this happen?' said I。

  〃'Allah alone knows: we had hoped the day of deliverance was at

hand; but there reigns at present a vigilant governor in the Alhambra;

a stanch old soldier; well known as Governor Manco。 While such a

warrior holds command of the very outpost; and stands ready to check

the first irruption from the mountain; I fear Boabdil and his soldiery

must be content to rest upon their arms。'

  Here the governor raised himself somewhat perpendicularly;

adjusted his sword; and twirled up his mustaches。

  〃To make a long story short; and not to fatigue your excellency; the

trooper; having given me this account; dismounted from his steed。

  〃'Tarry here;' said he; 'and guard my steed while I go and bow the

knee to Boabdil。' So saying; he strode away among the throng that

pressed forward to the throne。

  〃'What's to be done?' thought I; when thus left to myself; 'shall

I wait here until this infidel returns to whisk me off on his goblin

steed; the Lord knows where; or shall I make the most of my time and

beat a retreat from this hobgoblin community? A soldier's mind is soon

made up; as your excellency well knows。 As to the horse; he belonged

to an avowed enemy of the faith and the realm; and was a fair prize

according to the rules of war。 So hoisting myself from the crupper

into the saddle; I turned the reins; struck the Moorish stirrups

into the sides of the steed; and put him to make the best of his way

out of the passage by which he had entered。 As we scoured by the halls

where the Moslem horsemen sat in motionless battalions; I thought I

heard the clang of armor and a hollow murmur of voices。 I gave the

steed another taste of the stirrups and doubled my speed。 There was

now a sound behind me like a rushing blast; I heard the clatter of a

thousand hoofs; a countless throng overtook me。 I was borne along in

the press; and hurled forth from the mouth of the cavern; while

thousands of shadowy forms were swept off in every direction by the

four winds of heaven。

  〃In the whirl and confusion of the scene I was thrown senseless to

the earth。 When I came to myself I was lying on the brow of a hill;

with the Arabian steed standing beside me; for in falling; my arm

had slipped within the bridle; which; I presume; prevented his

whisking off to Old Castile。

  〃Your excellency may easily judge of my surprise; on looking

round; to behold hedges of aloes and Indian figs and other proofs of a

southern climate; and to see a great city below me; with towers; and

palaces; and a grand cathedral。

  〃I descended the hill cautiously; leading my steed; for I was afraid

to mount him again; lest he should play me some slippery trick。 As I

descended I met with your patrol; who let me into the secret that it

was Granada that lay before me; and that I was actually under the

walls of the Alhambra; the fortress of the redoubted Governor Manco;

the terror of all enchanted Moslems。 When I heard this; I determined

at once to seek your excellency; to inform you of all that I had seen;

and to warn you of the perils that surround and undermine you; that

you may take measures in time to guard your fortress; and the

kingdom itself; from this intestine army that lurks in the very bowels

of the land。〃

  〃And prithee; friend; you who are a veteran campaigner; and have

seen so much service;〃 said the governor; 〃how would you advise me

to proceed; in order to prevent this evil?〃

  〃It is not for a humble private of the ranks;〃 said the soldier;

modestly; 〃to pretend to instruct a commander of your excellency's

sagacity; but it appears to me that your excellency might cause all

the caves and entrances into the mountains to be walled up with

solid mason work; so that Boabdil and his army might be completely

corked up in their subterranean habitation。 If the good father;

too;〃 added the soldier; reverently bowing to the friar; and

devoutly crossing himself; 〃would consecrate the barricadoes with

his blessing; and put up a few crosses and relics and images of

saints; I think they might withstand all the power of infidel


  〃They doubtless would be of great avail;〃 said the friar。

  The governor now placed his arm akimbo; with his hand resting on the

hilt of his Toledo; fixed his eye upon the soldier; and gently wagging

his head from one side to the other。

  〃So; friend;〃 said he; 〃then you really suppose I am to be gulled

with this cock…and…bull story about enchanted mountains and

enchanted Moors? Hark ye; culprit!… not another word。 An old soldier

you may be; but you'll find you have an older soldier to deal with;

and one not easily outgeneralled。 Ho! guards there! put this fellow in


  The demure handmaid would have put in a word in favor of the

prisoner; but the governor silenced her with a look。

  As they were pinioning the soldier; one of the guards felt something

of bulk in his pocket; and drawing it forth; found a long leathern

purse that appeared to be well filled。 Holding it by one corner; he

turned out the contents upon the table before the governor; and

never did freebooter's bag make more gorgeous delivery。 Out tumbled

rings; and jewels; and rosaries of pearls; and sparkling diamond

crosses; and a profusion of ancient golden coin; some of which fell

jingling to the floor; and rolled away to the uttermost parts of the


  For a time the functions of justice were suspended; there was a

universal scramble after the glittering fugitives。 The governor alone;

who was imbued with true Spanish pride; maintained his stately

decorum; though his eye betrayed a little anxiety until the last

coin and jewel was restored to the sack。

  The friar was not so calm; his whole face glowed like a furnace; and

his eyes twinkled and flashed at sight of the rosaries and crosses。

  〃Sacrilegious wretch that thou art!〃 exclaimed he; 〃what church or

sanctuary hast thou been plundering of these sacred relics?〃

  〃Neither one nor the other; holy father。 If they be sacrilegious

spoils; they must have been taken; in times long past; by the

infidel trooper I have mentioned。 I was just going to tell his

excellency when he interrupted me; that on taking possession of the

trooper's horse; I unhooked a leathern sack which hung at the

saddle…bow; and which I presume contained the plunder of his

campaignings in days of old; when the Moors overran the country。〃

  〃Mighty well; at present you will make up your mind to take up

your quarters in a chamber of the Vermilion Tower; which; though not

under a magic spell; will hold you as safe as any cave of your

enchanted Moors。〃

  〃Your excellency will do as you think proper;〃 said the prisoner;

coolly。 〃I shall be thankful to your excellency for any

accommodation in the fortress。 A soldier who has been in the wars;

as your excellency well knows; is not particular about his lodgings:

provided I have a snug dungeon and regular rations; I shall manage

to make myself comfortable。 I would only entreat that while your

excellency is so careful about me; you would have an eye to your

fortress; and think on the hint I dropped about stopping up the

entrances to the mountain。〃

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