the diary of a goose girl-第5部分
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languid and self…conscious strut; and his microscopic mind is fixed
entirely on his splendid trailing tail。 If I could only master his
language sufficiently to tell him how hideously ugly the back view
of this gorgeous fan is; when he spreads it for the edification of
the observer in front of him; he would of course retort that there
is a 〃congregation side〃 to everything; but I should at least force
him into a defence of his tail and a confession of its limitations。
This would be new and unpleasant; I fancy; and if it produced no
perceptible effect upon his super…arrogant demeanour; I might
remind him that he is likely to be used; eventually; for a feather
duster; unless; indeed; the Heavens are superstitious and prefer to
throw his tail away; rather than bring ill luck and the evil eye
into the house。
The longer I study the cock; whether Black Spanish; White Leghorn;
Dorking; or the common barnyard fowl; the more intimately I am
acquainted with him; the less I am impressed with his character。
He has more pride of bearing; and less to be proud of; than any
bird I know。 He is indolent; though he struts pompously over the
grass as if the day were all too short for his onerous duties。 He
calls the hens about him when I throw corn from the basket; but
many a time I have seen him swallow hurriedly; and in private; some
dainty titbit he has found unexpectedly。 He has no particular
chivalry。 He gives no special encouragement to his hen when he
becomes a prospective father; and renders little assistance when
the responsibilities become actualities。 His only personal message
or contribution to the world is his raucous cock…a…doodle…doo;
which; being uttered most frequently at dawn; is the most ill…timed
and offensive of all musical notes。 It is so unnecessary too; as
if the day didn't come soon enough without his warning; but I
suppose he is anxious to waken his hens and get them at their daily
task; and so he disturbs the entire community。 In short; I dislike
him; his swagger; his autocratic strut; his greed; his irritating
self…consciousness; his endless parading of himself up and down in
a procession of one。
Of course his character is largely the result of polygamy。 His
weaknesses are only what might be expected; and as for the hens; I
have considerable respect for the patience; sobriety; and dignity
with which they endure an institution particularly offensive to all
women。 In their case they do not even have the sustaining thought
of its being an article of religion; so they are to be complimented
the more。
There is nothing on earth so feminine as a hennot womanly; simply
feminine。 Those men of insight who write the Woman's Page in the
Sunday newspapers study hens more than women; I sometimes think; at
any rate; their favourite types are all present on this poultry
Some families of White Leghorns spend most of their time in the
rickyard; where they look extremely pretty; their slender white
shapes and red combs and wattles well set off by the background of
golden hayricks。 There is a great oak…tree in one corner; with a
tall ladder leaning against its trunk; and a capital roosting…place
on a long branch running at right angles with the ladder。 I try to
spend a quarter of an hour there every night before supper; just
for the pleasure of seeing the feathered 〃women…folks〃 mount that
A dozen of them surround the foot; waiting restlessly for their
turn。 One little white lady flutters up on the lowest round and
perches there until she reviews the past; faces the present; and
forecasts the future; during which time she is gathering courage
for the next jump。 She cackles; takes up one foot and then the
other; tilts back and forth; holds up her skirts and drops them
again; cocks her head nervously to see whether they are all staring
at her below; gives half a dozen preliminary springs which mean
nothing; declares she can't and won't go up any faster; unties her
bonnet strings and pushes back her hair; pulls down her dress to
cover her toes; and finally alights on the next round; swaying to
and fro until she gains her equilibrium; when she proceeds to enact
the same scene over again。
All this time the hens at the foot of the ladder are criticising
her methods and exclaiming at the length of time she requires in
mounting; while the cocks stroll about the yard keeping one eye on
the ladder; picking up a seed here and there; and giving a
masculine sneer now and then at the too…familiar scene。 They
approach the party at intervals; but only to remark that it always
makes a man laugh to see a woman go up a ladder。 The next hen;
stirred to the depths by this speech; flies up entirely too fast;
loses her head; tumbles off the top round; and has to make the
ascent over again。 Thus it goes on and on; this petite comedie
humaine; and I could enjoy it with my whole heart if Mr。 Heaven did
not insist on sharing the spectacle with me。 He is so
inexpressibly dull; so destitute of humour; that I did not think it
likely he would see in the performance anything more than a flock
of hens going up a ladder to roost。 But he did; for there is no
man so blind that he cannot see the follies of women; and; when he
forgot himself so far as to utter a few genial; silly; well…worn
reflections upon femininity at large; I turned upon him and
revealed to him some of the characteristics of his own sex; gained
from an exhaustive study of the barnyard fowl of the masculine
gender。 He went into the house discomfited; though chuckling a
little at my vehemence; but at least I have made it for ever
impossible for him to watch his hens without an occasional glance
at the cocks。
July 12th。
O the pathos of a poultry farm! Catherine of Aragon; the black
Spanish hen that stole her nest; brought out nine chicks this
morning; and the business…like and marble…hearted Phoebe has taken
them away and given them to another hen who has only seven。 Two
mothers cannot be wasted on these small familiesit would not be
profitable; and the older mother; having been tried and found
faithful over seven; has been given the other nine and accepted
them。 What of the bereft one? She is miserable and stands about
moping and forlorn; but it is no use fighting against the
inevitable; hens' hearts must obey the same laws that govern the
rotation of crops。 Catherine of Aragon feels her lot a bitter one
just now; but in time she will succumb; and lay; which is more to
the point。
We have had a very busy evening; beginning with the rats' supper
delicate sandwiches of bread…and…butter spread with Paris green。
We have a new brood of seventeen ducklings just hatched this
afternoon。 When we came to the nest the yellow and brown bunches
of down and fluff were peeping out from under the hen's wings in
the prettiest fashion in the world。
〃It's a noble hen!〃 I said to Phoebe。
〃She ain't so nowble as she looks;〃 Phoebe answered grimly。 〃It
was another 'en that brooded these eggs for near on three weeks and
then this big one come along with a fancy she'd like a family
'erself if she could steal one without too much trouble; so she
drove the rightful 'en off the nest; finished up the last few days;
and 'ere she is in possession of the ducklings!〃
〃Why don't you take them away from her and give them back to the
first hen; who did most of the work?〃 I asked; with some spirit。
〃Like as not she wouldn't tyke them now;〃 said Phoebe; as she
lifted the hen off the broken egg…shells and moved her gently into
a clean box; on a bed of fresh hay。 We put food and drink within
reach of the family; and very proud and handsome that highway
robber of a hen looked; as she stretched her wings over the
seventeen easily…earned ducklings。
Going back to the old nesting…box; I found one egg forgotten among
the shells。 It was still warm; and I took it up to run across the
field with it to Phoebe。 It was heavy; and the carrying of it was
a queer sensation; inasmuch as it squirmed and 〃yipped〃
vociferously in transit; threatening so unmistakably to hatch in my
hand that I was decidedly nervous。 The intrepid little youngster
burst his shell as he touched Phoebe's apron; and has become the
strongest and handsomest of the brood。
All this tending of downy young things; this feeding and putting to
bed; this petting and nursing and rearing; is such pretty;
comforting woman's work。 I am sure Phoebe will make a better wife
to the carrier for having been a poultry…maid; and though good
enough for most practical purposes when I came here; I am an
infinitely better woman now。 I am afraid I was not particularly
nice the last few days at the Hydro。 Such a lot of dull; prosy;
inquisitive; bothering old tabbies! Aunt Margaret furnishing
imaginary symptoms enough to keep a fond husband and two trained
nurses distracted; a man I had never encouraged in my life coming
to stay in the neighbourhood and turning up daily for rejection;
another man taking rooms at the very hotel with the avowed purpose
of making my life a burden; and on the heels of both; a widow of
thirty…five in full chase! Small wonder I thought it more
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