twice-told tales- my kinsman, major molineux-第4部分
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church; and now an uneasy thought obtruded into Robin's breast。 What
if the object of his search; which had been so often and so
strangely thwarted; were at the time mouldering in his shroud? What if
his kinsman should glide through yonder gate; and nod and smile to him
in dimly passing by?
〃O that any breathing thing were here with me!〃 said Robin。
Recalling his thoughts from this uncomfortable track; he sent
them over forest; hill; and stream; and attempted to imagine how
that evening of ambiguity and weariness had been spent by his father's
household。 He pictured them assembled at the door; beneath the tree;
the great old tree; which had been spared for its huge twisted
trunk; and venerable shade; when a thousand leafy brethren fell。
There; at the going down of the summer sun; it was his father's custom
to perform domestic worship; that the neighbors might come and join
with him like brothers of the family; and that the wayfaring man might
pause to drink at that fountain; and keep his heart pure by freshening
the memory of home。 Robin distinguished the seat of every individual
of the little audience; he saw the good man in the midst; holding
the Scriptures in the golden light that fell from the western
clouds; he beheld him close the book; and all rise up to pray。 He
heard the old thanksgivings for daily mercies; the old supplications
for their continuance; to which he had so often listened in weariness;
but which were now among his dear remembrances。 He perceived the
slight inequality of his father's voice when he came to speak of the
absent one; he noted how his mother turned her face to the broad and
knotted trunk; how his elder brother scorned; because the beard was
rough upon his upper lip; to permit his features to be moved; how
the younger sister drew down a low hanging branch before her eyes; and
how the little one of all; whose sports had hitherto broken the
decorum of the scene; understood the prayer for her playmate; and
burst into clamorous grief。 Then he saw them go in at the door; and
when Robin would have entered also; the latch tinkled into its
place; and he was excluded from his home。
〃Am I here; or there?〃 cried Robin; starting; for all at once; when
his thoughts had become visible and audible in a dream; the long;
wide; solitary street shone out before him。
He aroused himself; and endeavored to fix his attention steadily
upon the large edifice which he had surveyed before。 But still his
mind kept vibrating between fancy and reality; by turns; the pillars
of the balcony lengthened into the tall; bare stems of pines; dwindled
down to human figures; settled again into their true shape and size;
and then commenced a new succession of changes。 For a single moment;
when he deemed himself awake; he could have sworn that a visage… one
which he seemed to remember; yet could not absolutely name as his
kinsman's… was looking towards him from the Gothic window。 A deeper
sleep wrestled with and nearly overcame him; but fled at the sound
of footsteps along the opposite pavement。 Robin rubbed his eyes;
discerned a man passing at the foot of the balcony; and addressed
him in a loud; peevish; and lamentable cry。
〃Hallo; friend! must I wait here all night for my kinsman; Major
The sleeping echoes awoke; and answered the voice; and the
passenger; barely able to discern a figure sitting in the oblique
shade of the steeple; traversed the street to obtain a nearer view。 He
was himself a gentleman in his prime; of open; intelligent;
cheerful; and altogether prepossessing countenance。 Perceiving a
country youth; apparently homeless and without friends; he accosted
him in a tone of real kindness; which had become strange to Robin's
〃Well; my good lad; why are you sitting here?〃 inquired he。 〃Can
I be of service to you in any way?〃
〃I am afraid not; sir;〃 replied Robin; despondingly; 〃yet I shall
take it kindly; if you'll answer me a single question。 I've been
searching; half the night; for one Major Molineux; now; sir; is
there really such a person in these parts; or am I dreaming?〃
〃Major Molineux! The name is not altogether strange to me;〃 said
the gentleman; smiling。 〃Have you any objection to telling me the
nature of your business with him?〃
Then Robin briefly related that his father was a clergyman; settled
on a small salary; at a long distance back in the country; and that he
and Major Molineux were brothers' children。 The major; having
inherited riches; and acquired civil and military rank; had visited
his cousin; in great pomp; a year or two before; had manifested much
interest in Robin and an elder brother; and; being childless
himself; had thrown out hints respecting the future establishment of
one of them in life。 The elder brother was destined to succeed to
the farm which his father cultivated in the interval of sacred duties;
it was therefore determined that Robin should profit by his
kinsman's generous intentions; especially as he seemed to be rather
the favorite; and was thought to possess other necessary endowments。
〃For I have the name of being a shrewd youth;〃 observed Robin; in
this part of his story。
〃I doubt not you deserve it;〃 replied his new friend;
good…naturedly; 〃but pray proceed。〃
〃Well; sir; being nearly eighteen years old; and well…grown; as you
see;〃 continued Robin; drawing himself up to his full height; 〃I
thought it high time to begin the world。 So my mother and sister put
me in handsome trim; and my father gave me half the remnant of his
last year's salary; and five days ago I started for this place; to pay
the major a visit。 But; would you believe it; sir! I crossed the ferry
a little after dark; and have yet found nobody that would show me
the way to his dwelling… only; an hour or two since; I was told to
wait here; and Major Molineux would pass by。〃
〃Can you describe the man who told you this?〃 inquired the
〃O; he was a very ill…favored fellow; sir;〃 replied Robin; 〃with
two great bumps on his forehead; a hook nose; fiery eyes… and; what
struck me as the strangest; his face was of two different colors。 Do
you happen to know such a man; sir!〃
〃Not intimately;〃 answered the stranger; 〃but I chanced to meet him
a little time previous to your stopping me。 I believe you may trust
his word; and that the major will very shortly pass through this
street。 In the meantime; as I have a singular curiosity to witness
your meeting; I will sit down here upon the steps; and bear you
He seated himself accordingly; and soon engaged his companion in
animated discourse。 It was but of brief continuance; however; for a
noise of shouting; which bad long been remotely audible; drew so
much nearer that Robin inquired its cause。
〃What may be the meaning of this uproar?〃 asked he。 〃Truly; if your
town be always as noisy; I shall find little sleep; while I am an
〃Why; indeed; friend Robin; there do appear to be three or four
riotous fellows abroad tonight;〃 replied the gentleman。 〃You must
not expect all the stillness of your native woods; here in our
streets。 But the watch will shortly be at the heels of these lads;
〃Ay; and set them in the stocks by peep of day;〃 interrupted Robin;
recollecting his own encounter with the drowsy lantern…bearer。 〃But;
dear sir; if I may trust my ears; an army of watchmen would never make
head against such a multitude of rioters。 There were at least a
thousand voices went up to make that one shout。〃
〃May not a man have several voices; Robin; as well as two
complexions?〃 said his friend。
〃Perhaps a man may; but Heaven forbid that a woman should!〃
responded the shrewd youth; thinking of the seductive tones of the
major's housekeeper。
The sounds of a trumpet in some neighboring street now became so
evident and continual; that Robin's curiosity was strongly excited。 In
addition to the shouts; he heard frequent bursts from many instruments
of discord; and a wild and confused laughter filled up the
intervals。 Robin rose from the steps; and looked wistfully towards a
point whither several people seemed to be hastening。
〃Surely some prodigious merry…making is going on;〃 exclaimed he。 〃I
have laughed very little since I left home; sir; and should be sorry
to lose an opportunity。 Shall we step round the corner by that darkish
house; and take our share of the fun?〃
〃Sit down again; sit down; good Robin;〃 replied the gentleman;
laying his hand on the skirt of the gray coat。 〃You forget that we
must wait here for your kinsman; and there is reason to believe that
he will pass by; in the course of a very few moments。〃
The near approach of the uproar had now disturbed the neighborhood;
windows flew open on all sides; and many heads; in the attire of the
pillow; and confused by sleep suddenly broken; were protruded to the
gaze of whoever had leisure to observe them。 Eager voices hailed
each other from house to house; all demanding the explanation; which
not a soul could give。 Half…dressed men hurr
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