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the clouds-第5部分

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with a stick to make his poor jests pass muster。 She does not rush

upon the scene carrying a torch and screaming; 'Iou! Iou!' No; she

relies upon herself and her verses。。。。My value is so well known;

that I take no further pride in it。 I do not seek to deceive you; by

reproducing the same subjects two or three times; I always invent

fresh themes to present before you; themes that have no relation to

each other and that are all clever。 I attacked Cleon to his face and

when he was all…powerful; but he has fallen; and now I have no

desire to kick him when he is down。 My rivals; on the contrary; now

that this wretched Hyperbolus has given them the cue; have never

ceased setting upon both him and his mother。 First Eupolis presented

his 'Maricas'; this was simply my 'Knights;' whom this plagiarist

had clumsily furbished up again by adding to the piece an old

drunken woman; so that she might dance the cordax。 It was an old idea;

taken from Phrynichus; who caused his old hag to be devoured by a

monster of the deep。 Then Hermippus fell foul of Hyperbolus and now

all the others fall upon him and repeat my comparison of the eels。 May

those who find amusement in their pieces not be pleased with mine; but

as for you; who love and applaud my inventions; why; posterity will

praise your good taste。


    Oh; ruler of Olympus; all…powerful king of the gods; great Zeus;

it is thou whom I first invoke; protect this chorus; and thou too;

Posidon; whose dread trident upheaves at the will of thy anger both

the bowels of the earth and the salty waves of the ocean。 I invoke

my illustrious father; the divine Aether; the universal sustainer of

life; and Phoebus; who; from the summit of his chariot; sets the world

aflame with his dazzling rays; Phoebus; a mighty deity amongst the

gods and adored amongst mortals。


    Most wise spectators; lend us all your attention。 Give heed to our

just reproaches。 There exist no gods to whom this city owes more

than it does to us; whom alone you forget。 Not a sacrifice; not a

libation is there for those who protect you! Have you decreed some mad

expedition? Well! we thunder or we fall down in rain。 When you chose

that enemy of heaven; the Paphlagonian tanner; for a general; we

knitted our brow; we caused our wrath to break out; the lightning shot

forth; the thunder pealed; the moon deserted her course and the sun at

once veiled his beam threatening; no longer to give you light; if

Cleon became general。 Nevertheless you elected him; it is said; Athens

never resolves upon some fatal step but the gods turn these errors

into her greatest gain。 Do you wish that his election should even

now be a success for you? It is a very simple thing to do; condemn

this rapacious gull named Cleon for bribery and extortion; fit a

wooden collar tight round his neck; and your error will be rectified

and the commonweal will at once regain its old prosperity。


    Aid me also; Phoebus; god of Delos; who reignest on the cragged

peaks of Cynthia; and thou; happy virgin; to whom the Lydian damsels

offer pompous sacrifice in a temple; of gold; and thou; goddess of our

country; Athene; armed with the aegis; the protectress of Athens;

and thou; who; surrounded by the bacchants of Delphi; roamest over the

rocks of Parnassus shaking the flame of thy resinous torch; thou;

Bacchus; the god of revel and joy。


    As we were preparing to come here; we were hailed by the Moon

and were charged to wish joy and happiness both to the Athenians and

to their allies; further; she said that she was enraged and that you

treated her very shamefully; her; who does not pay you in words alone;

but who renders you all real benefits。 Firstly; thanks to her; you

save at least a drachma each month for lights; for each; as he is

leaving home at night; says; 〃Slave; buy no torches; for the moonlight

is beautiful;〃…not to name a thousand other benefits。 Nevertheless you

do not reckon the days correctly and your calendar is naught but

confusion。 Consequently the gods load her with threats each time

they get home and are disappointed of their meal; because the festival

has not been kept in the regular order of time。 When you should be

sacrificing; you are putting to the torture or administering

justice。 And often; we others; the gods; are fasting in token of

mourning for the death of Memnon or Sarpedon; while you are devoting

yourselves to joyous libations。 It is for this; that last year; when

the lot would have invested Hyperbolus with the duty of Amphictyon; we

took his crown from him; to teach him that time must be divided

according to the phases of the moon。

  SOCRATES (coming out)

    By Respiration; the Breath of Life! By Chaos! By the Air! I have

never seen a man so gross; so inept; so stupid; so forgetful。 All

the little quibbles; which I teach him; he forgets even before he

has learnt them。 Yet I will not give it up; I will make him come out

here into the open air。 Where are you; Strepsiades? Come; bring your

couch out here。

  STREPSIADES (from within)

    But the bugs will not allow me to bring it。


    Have done with such nonsense! place it there and pay attention。

  STREPSIADES (coming out; with the bed)

    Well; here I am。


    Good! Which science of all those you have never been taught; do

you wish to learn first? The measures; the rhythms or the verses?


    Why; the measures; the flour dealer cheated me out of two

choenixes the other day。


    It's not about that I ask you; but which; according to you; is the

best measure; the trimeter or the tetrameter?


    The one I prefer is the semisextarius。


    You talk nonsense; my good fellow。


    I will wager your tetrameter is the semisextarius。


    Plague seize the dunce and the fool! Come; perchance you will

learn the rhythms quicker。


    Will the rhythms supply me with food?


    First they will help you to be pleasant in company; then to know

what is meant by enhoplian rhythm and what by the dactylic。


    Of the dactyl? I know that quite well。


    What is it then; other than this finger here?


    Formerly; when a child; I used this one。


    You are as low…minded as you are stupid。


    But; wretched man; I do not want to learn all this。


    Then what do you want to know?


    Not that; not that; but the art of false reasoning。


    But you must first learn other things。 Come; what are the male



    Oh! I know the males thoroughly。 Do you take me for a fool then?

The ram; the buck; the bull; the dog; the pigeon。


    Do you see what you are doing; is not the female pigeon called the

same as the male?


    How else? Come now!


    How else? With you then it's pigeon and pigeon!


    That's right; by Posidon! but what names do you want me to give



    Term the female pigeonnette and the male pigeon。


    Pigeonnette! hah! by the Air! That's splendid! for that lesson

bring out your kneading…trough and I will fill him with flour to the



    There you are wrong again; you make trough masculine and it should

be feminine。


    What? if I say; him; do I make the trough masculine?


    Assuredly! would you not say him for Cleonymus?




    Then trough is of the same gender as Cleonymus?


    My good man! Cleonymus never had a kneading…trough; he used a

round mortar for the purpose。 But come; tell me what I should say!


    For trough you should say her as you would for Soctrate。




    In this manner you make it truly female。


    That's it! Her for trough and her for Cleonymus。


    Now I must teach you to distinguish the masculine proper names

from those that are feminine。


    Ah! I know the female names well。


    Name some then。


    Lysilla; Philinna; Clitagora; Demetria。


    And what are masculine names?


    They are are countless…Philoxenus; Melesias; Amynias。


    But; wretched man; the last two are not masculine。


    You do not count them as masculine?


    Not at all。 If you met Amynias; how would you hail him?


    How? Why; I should shout; 〃Hi; there; Amynia!


    Do you see? it's a female name that you give him。


    And is it not rightly done; since he ref
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