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on the improvement of the understanding(提高阅读能力)-第4部分

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Peter; it is not necessary first to understand the idea of Peter; and still less 

the idea of the idea of Peter。         (6) This is the same as saying that; in order 

to know; there is no need to know that we know; much less to know that 

we know that we know。            (7) This is no more necessary than to know the 

nature of a circle before knowing the nature of a triangle。 'n'。                    (8) But; 

with these ideas; the contrary is the case: for; in order to know that I know; 

I must first know。 

     '35'    (1)  Hence     it  is  clear  that   certainty   is  nothing    else   than   the 

subjective   essence   of   a   thing:   in   other   words;   the   mode   in   which   we 

perceive an actual reality is certainty。           (2) Further; it is also evident that; 

for    the   certitude    of  truth;   no   further   sign    is  necessary     beyond     the 

possession of a true idea: for; as I have shown; it is not necessary to know 

that we know that we know。             (3) Hence; again; it is clear that no one can 

know the nature of the highest certainty; unless he possesses an adequate 

idea; or the subjective essence of a thing:            certainty is identical with such 

subjective essence。 

     '36'    (1)   Thus;   as   the   truth   needs   no   sign   …   it   being   to   possess   the 

subjective essence of things; or; in other words; the ideas of them; in order 

that all doubts may be removed … it follows that the true method does not 

consist in seeking for the signs of truth after the acquisition of the idea; but 

that the true method teaches us the order in which we should seek for truth 

itself;   'o'  or  the   subjective    essences    of  things;   or   ideas;  for   all  these 

expressions are synonymous。 

     '37' (1) Again; method must necessarily be concerned with reasoning 

or understanding … I mean; method is not identical with reasoning in the 

search for causes; still less is it the comprehension of the causes of things: 

it   is  the  discernment      of  a  true   idea;   by   distinguishing     it  from   other 


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                            On the Improvement of the Understanding 

perceptions; and by investigating its nature; in order that we may so train 

our   mind   that   it   may;   by   a   given   standard;   comprehend   whatsoever   is 

intelligible; by laying down certain rules as aids; and by avoiding useless 

mental exertion。 

     '38'     (1)   Whence   we   may   gather   that   method   is   nothing   else   than 

reflective knowledge; or the idea of an idea; and that as there can be no 

idea of an idea … unless an idea exists previously; … there can be no method 

without   a   pre…existent   idea。      (2)   Therefore;   that   will   be   a   good   method 

which      shows     us  how     the  mind     should    be   directed;    according     to   the 

standard of the given true idea。                    (38:3) Again; seeing that the ratio 

existing     between      two   ideas   the   same    as   the  ratio   between      the  actual 

realities    corresponding        to  those    ideas;    it  follows     that   the   reflective 

knowledge        which     has   for   its  object   the   most    perfect    being    is  more 

excellent   than   reflective   knowledge   concerning   other   objects   …   in   other 

words; that method will be most perfect which affords the standard of the 

given idea of the most perfect being whereby we may direct our mind。 

     '39'   (1)  We   thus   easily   understand   how;   in   proportion   as   it   acquires 

new      ideas;   the   mind     simultaneously        acquires     fresh    instruments      for 

pursuing its inquiries further。 (2) For we may gather from what has been 

said; that a true idea must necessarily first of all exist in us as a natural 

instrument; and that when this idea is apprehended by the mind; it enables 

us    to  understand      the   difference     existing    between     itself   and   all  other 

perceptions。       (3)   In   this;   one   part   of   the   method   consists。         (39:4) 

Now it is clear that the mind   apprehends itself better in proportion  as it 

understands a greater number of natural objects; it follows; therefore; that 

this portion of the method will be more perfect in proportion as the mind 

attains   to   the   comprehension   of   a   greater   number   of   objects;   and   that   it 

will    be   absolutely     perfect    when    the   mind    gains    a  knowledge       of   the 

absolutely perfect being; or becomes conscious thereof。 

     '40'     (1) Again;   the   more   things   the   mind   knows;   the  better  does   it 

understand   its   own   strength   and   the   order   of   nature;   by   increased   self… 

knowledge; it can direct itself more easily; and lay down rules for its own 

guidance; and; by increased knowledge of nature; it can more easily avoid 

what   is   useless。    (2)   And   this   is   the   sum   total   of   method;   as   we   have 


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                           On the Improvement of the Understanding 

already stated。 

     '41'     (1) We may add that the idea in the world of thought is in the 

same case as its correlate in the world of reality。                (2) If; therefore; there 

be anything in nature   which is without   connection   with any  other   thing; 

and   if   we   assign   to   it   a   subjective   essence;   which   would   in   every   way 

correspond to the objective reality; the subjective essence would have no 

connection; 'p' with any other ideas … in other words; we could not draw 

any conclusions with regard to it。            (41:3) On the other hand; those things 

which are connected with others … as all things that exist in nature … will be 

understood   by   the   mind;   and   their   subjective   essences   will   maintain   the 

same mutual relations as their objective realities …               that is to say; we shall 

infer from  these  ideas   other  ideas;  which will   in   turn   be   connected   with 

others; and thus our instruments for proceeding with our investigation will 

increase。     (4) This is what we were endeavoring to prove。 

     '42'     (1) Further; from what has just been said … namely; that an idea 

must; in all respects; correspond to its correlate in the world of reality; … it 

is evident that; in order to reproduce in every respect the faithful image of 

nature; our mind must deduce all its ideas from the idea which represents 

the origin and source of the whole of nature; so that it may itself become 

the source of other ideas。 

     '43'     (1) It may; perhaps; provoke astonishment that; after having said 

that the good method is that which teaches us to direct our mind according 

to   the   standard   of   the   given   true   idea;   we   should   prove   our   point   by 

reasoning; which would seem to indicate that it is not self…evident。                       (2) 

We may; therefore; be questioned as to the validity of our reasoning。                      (3) 

If our reasoning be sound; we must take as a starting…point a true idea。                    (4) 

Now;   to   be   certain   that   our   starting…point   is   really   a   true   idea;   we   need 

proof。     (5) This first course of reasoning must be supported by a second; 

the second by a third; and so on to infinity。 

     '44'     (1) To this I make answer that; if by some happy chance anyone 

had adopted this method in his investigations of nature … that is; if he had 

acquired new   ideas   in the proper order; according to the standard   of   the 

original   true   idea;   he   would   never   have   doubted   'q'   of   the   truth   of   his 

knowledge; inasmuch as truth; as we have shown; makes itself manifest; 


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and all things would flow; as it were; spontaneously towards him。                     (44:2) 

But as this never; or rarely; happens; I have been forced so to arrange my 

proceedings; that we may acquire by reflection and forethought what we 

cannot acquire by chance; and that it may at the same time appear that; for 

proving the truth; and for valid reasoning; we need no other means than 

the   truth   and   valid   reasoning   themselves:   for   by   valid   reasoning   I   have 

established valid reasoning; and; in like measure; I seek still to establish it。 

     '45'    (1)   Moreover;   this is   the   order   of   thinking   adopted by   men   in 

their   inward   meditations。       (2)   The   reasons   for   its   rare   employment   in 

investigations      of   nature    are   to  be   found    in   current    misconceptions; 

whereof   we   shall   examine
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