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two gentlemen of verona(维洛那两绅士)-第2部分

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Eglamour?   LUCETTA。 As   of   a   knight   well…spoken;   neat;   and   fine;   But; 

were  I   you;   he   never   should   be   mine。   JULIA。  What   think'st   thou   of   the 

rich   Mercatio?   LUCETTA。   Well   of   his   wealth;   but   of   himself;   so   so。 

JULIA。 What think'st thou of the gentle Proteus? LUCETTA。 Lord; Lord! 

to see what folly reigns in us! JULIA。 How now! what means this passion 

at his name? LUCETTA。 Pardon; dear madam; 'tis a passing shame That I; 

unworthy body as I am; Should censure thus on lovely gentlemen。 JULIA。 

Why  not   on   Proteus;  as   of   all the   rest?   LUCETTA。 Then   thus:   of   many 

good I think him best。 JULIA。 Your reason? LUCETTA。 I have no other 

but a woman's reason: I think him so; because I think him so。 JULIA。 And 

wouldst     thou    have   me   cast   my   love   on   him?    LUCETTA。        Ay;   if  you 

thought   your   love   not   cast   away。   JULIA。   Why;   he;   of   all   the   rest;   hath 

never mov'd me。 LUCETTA。 Yet he; of all the rest; I think; best loves ye。 

JULIA。   His   little   speaking   shows   his   love   but   small。   LUCETTA。   Fire 

that's closest kept burns most of all。 JULIA。 They do not love that do not 

show   their   love。   LUCETTA。   O;   they   love   least   that   let   men   know   their 

love。   JULIA。   I   would   I   knew   his   mind。   LUCETTA。   Peruse   this   paper; 

madam。       JULIA。     'To   Julia'…  Say;    from    whom?      LUCETTA。        That    the 

contents   will   show。   JULIA。   Say;   say;   who   gave   it   thee?   LUCETTA。   Sir 

Valentine's page; and sent; I think; from Proteus。 He would have given it 

you; but I; being in the way; Did in your name receive it; pardon the fault; 

I pray。 JULIA。 Now; by my modesty; a goodly broker! Dare you presume 

to harbour wanton lines? To whisper and conspire against my youth? Now; 

trust me; 'tis an office of great worth; And you an officer fit for the place。 

There; take the paper; see it be return'd; Or else return no more into my 


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                          THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA 

sight。 LUCETTA。 To plead for love deserves more fee than hate。 JULIA。 

Will ye be gone? LUCETTA。 That you   may ruminate。 Exit JULIA。 And 

yet; I would I had o'erlook'd the letter。   It were a shame   to call her   back 

again; And pray her to a fault for which I chid her。 What fool is she; that 

knows   I   am   a   maid   And   would   not   force   the   letter   to   my   view!   Since 

maids; in modesty; say 'No' to that Which they would have the profferer 

construe 'Ay。' Fie; fie; how wayward is this foolish love; That like a testy 

babe will scratch the nurse; And presently; all humbled; kiss the rod! How 

churlishly I chid Lucetta hence; When willingly I would have had her here! 

How   angerly  I   taught   my  brow   to   frown; When inward   joy  enforc'd   my 

heart to smile! My penance is to call Lucetta back And ask remission for 

my folly past。 What ho! Lucetta! 

       Re…enter LUCETTA 

       LUCETTA。 What would your ladyship? JULIA。 Is't near dinner time? 

LUCETTA。   I   would   it   were; That   you   might   kill   your   stomach   on   your 

meat   And   not   upon   your   maid。   JULIA。   What   is't   that   you   took   up   so 

gingerly?     LUCETTA。         Nothing。    JULIA。     Why     didst   thou   stoop    then? 

LUCETTA。 To   take   a   paper  up   that   I  let   fall。   JULIA。 And   is   that   paper 

nothing?   LUCETTA。  Nothing   concerning   me。  JULIA。 Then   let   it   lie  for 

those that it concerns。 LUCETTA。 Madam; it will not lie where it concerns; 

Unless it have a false interpreter。 JULIA。 Some love of yours hath writ to 

you in rhyme。 LUCETTA。 That I might sing it; madam; to a tune。 Give me 

a   note;   your   ladyship   can   set。   JULIA。 As   little   by   such   toys   as   may   be 

possible。 Best sing it to the tune of 'Light o' Love。' LUCETTA。 It is too 

heavy for so light a tune。 JULIA。 Heavy! belike it hath some burden then。 

LUCETTA。 Ay;   and   melodious   were   it;   would   you   sing   it。   JULIA。 And 

why not you? LUCETTA。 I cannot reach so high。 JULIA。 Let's see your 

song。   'LUCETTA   withholds   the   letter'   How   now;   minion!   LUCETTA。 

Keep tune there still; so you will sing it out。 And yet methinks I do not like 

this   tune。   JULIA。   You   do   not!   LUCETTA。   No;   madam;   'tis   too   sharp。 

JULIA。 You; minion; are too saucy。 LUCETTA。 Nay; now you are too flat 

And mar the concord with too harsh a descant; There wanteth but a mean 

to   fill   your   song。   JULIA。   The   mean   is   drown'd   with   your   unruly   bass。 

LUCETTA。 Indeed; I bid the base for Proteus。 JULIA。 This babble shall 


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                           THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA 

not   henceforth   trouble   me。   Here   is   a   coil   with   protestation!   'Tears   the 

letter'   Go;   get   you   gone;   and   let   the   papers   lie。 You   would   be   fing'ring 

them;   to   anger   me。   LUCETTA。   She   makes   it   strange;   but   she   would   be 

best pleas'd To be so ang'red with another letter。 Exit JULIA。 Nay; would I 

were so ang'red with the same! O hateful hands; to tear such loving words! 

Injurious wasps; to feed on such sweet honey And kill the bees that yield it 

with your stings! I'll kiss each several paper for amends。 Look; here is writ 

'kind   Julia。'   Unkind   Julia; As   in   revenge   of   thy   ingratitude;   I   throw   thy 

name      against    the   bruising    stones;    Trampling      contemptuously         on   thy 

disdain。 And here is writ 'love…wounded Proteus。' Poor wounded name! my 

bosom;;as a bed; Shall lodge thee till thy wound be throughly heal'd; And 

thus   I   search   it   with   a   sovereign   kiss。   But   twice   or   thrice   was   'Proteus' 

written   down。   Be   calm;   good   wind;   blow   not   a   word   away   Till   I   have 

found      each    letter  in   the  letter…   Except     mine    own     name;    that   some 

whirlwind bear Unto a ragged; fearful; hanging rock; And throw it thence 

into   the   raging   sea。   Lo;   here   in   one   line   is   his   name   twice   writ:   'Poor 

forlorn Proteus; passionate Proteus; To the sweet Julia。' That I'll tear away; 

And yet I will not; sith so prettily He couples it to his complaining names。 

Thus will I fold them one upon another; Now kiss; embrace; contend; do 

what you will。 

        Re…enter LUCETTA 

        LUCETTA。 Madam; Dinner is ready; and your father stays。 JULIA。 

Well; let us go。 LUCETTA。 What; shall these papers lie like tell…tales here? 

JULIA。 If you respect them; best to take them up。 LUCETTA。 Nay; I was 

taken   up   for   laying   them   down; Yet   here   they   shall   not   lie   for   catching 

cold。   JULIA。   I   see   you   have   a   month's   mind   to   them。   LUCETTA。   Ay; 

madam; you may say what sights you see; I see things too; although you 

judge I wink。 JULIA。 Come; come; will't please you go? Exeunt 


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                        THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA 

              SCENE III。 Verona。 ANTONIO'S house 


       ANTONIO。 Tell me; Panthino; what sad talk was that Wherewith my 

brother held you in the cloister? PANTHINO。 'Twas of his nephew Proteus; 

your son。 ANTONIO。 Why; what of him? PANTHINO。 He wond'red that 

your lordship Would suffer him to spend his youth at home; While other 

men;   of   slender   reputation;   Put   forth   their   sons   to   seek   preferment   out: 

Some to the wars; to try their fortune there; Some to discover islands far 

away; Some to the studious universities。 For any; or for all these exercises; 

He said that Proteus; your son; was meet; And did request me to importune 

you To   let   him  spend   his time   no   more   at   home; Which   would   be   great 

impeachment        to  his  age;   In  having    known     no  travel   in  his  youth。 

ANTONIO。   Nor   need'st   thou   much   importune   me   to   that   Whereon   this 

month I have been hammering。 I have consider'd well his loss of time; And 

how he cannot be a perfect man; Not being tried and tutor'd in the world: 

Experience is by industry achiev'd; And perfected by the swift course of 

time。 Then tell me whither were I best to send him。 PANTHINO。 I think 

your   lordship   is   not   ignorant   How   his   companion;   youthful   Valentine; 

Attends     the  Emperor     in  his  royal  court。  ANTONIO。        I  know    it  well。 

PANTHINO。 'Twere good; I think; your lordship sent him thither: There 

shall   he   practise   tilts   and   tournaments;   Hear   sweet   discourse;   converse 

with   noblemen; And   be   in   eye   of   every   exercise   Worthy   his   youth   and 

nobleness of b
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