aucassin and nicolete-第4部分
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captive; and seized away his spear and shield; and straightway they
led him off a prisoner; and were even now discoursing of what death
he should die。
And when Aucassin heard them;
〃Ha! God;〃 said he; 〃sweet Saviour。 Be these my deadly enemies that
have taken me; and will soon cut off my head? And once my head is
off; no more shall I speak with Nicolete; my sweet lady; that I love
so well。 Natheless have I here a good sword; and sit a good horse
unwearied。 If now I keep not my head for her sake; God help her
never; if she love me more!〃
The damoiseau was tall and strong; and the horse whereon he sat was
right eager。 And he laid hand to sword; and fell a…smiting to right
and left; and smote through helm and nasal; and arm and clenched
hand; making a murder about him; like a wild boar when hounds fall
on him in the forest; even till he struck down ten knights; and
seven be hurt; and straightway he hurled out of the press; and rode
back again at full speed; sword in hand。 The Count Bougars de
Valence heard say they were about hanging Aucassin; his enemy; so he
came into that place; and Aucassin was ware of him; and gat his
sword into his hand; and lashed at his helm with such a stroke that
he drave it down on his head; and he being stunned; fell grovelling。
And Aucassin laid hands on him; and caught him by the nasal of his
helmet; and gave him to his father。
〃Father;〃 quoth Aucassin; 〃lo here is your mortal foe; who hath so
warred on you with all malengin。 Full twenty years did this war
endure; and might not be ended by man。〃
〃Fair son;〃 said his father; 〃thy feats of youth shouldst thou do;
and not seek after folly。〃
〃Father;〃 saith Aucassin; 〃sermon me no sermons; but fulfil my
〃Ha! what covenant; fair son?〃
〃What; father; hast thou forgotten it? By mine own head; whosoever
forgets; will I not forget it; so much it hath me at heart。 Didst
thou not covenant with me when I took up arms; and went into the
stour; that if God brought me back safe and sound; thou wouldst let
me see Nicolete; my sweet lady; even so long that I may have of her
two words or three; and one kiss? So didst thou covenant; and my
mind is that thou keep thy word。〃
〃I!〃 quoth the father; 〃God forsake me when I keep this covenant!
Nay; if she were here; I would let burn her in the fire; and thyself
shouldst be sore adread。〃
〃Is this thy last word?〃 quoth Aucassin。
〃So help me God;〃 quoth his father; 〃yea!〃
〃Certes;〃 quoth Aucassin; 〃this is a sorry thing meseems; when a man
of thine age lies!〃
〃Count of Valence;〃 quoth Aucassin; 〃I took thee?〃
〃In sooth; Sir; didst thou;〃 saith the Count。
〃Give me thy hand;〃 saith Aucassin。
〃Sir; with good will。〃
So he set his hand in the other's。
〃Now givest thou me thy word;〃 saith Aucassin; 〃that never whiles
thou art living man wilt thou avail to do my father dishonour; or
harm him in body; or in goods; but do it thou wilt?〃
〃Sir; in God's name;〃 saith he; 〃mock me not; but put me to my
ransom; ye cannot ask of me gold nor silver; horses nor palfreys;
vair nor gris; hawks nor hounds; but I will give you them。〃
〃What?〃 quoth Aucassin。 〃Ha; knowest thou not it was I that took
〃Yea; sir;〃 quoth the Count Bougars。
〃God help me never; but I will make thy head fly from thy shoulders;
if thou makest not troth;〃 said Aucassin。
〃In God's name;〃 said he; 〃I make what promise thou wilt。〃
So they did the oath; and Aucassin let mount him on a horse; and
took another and so led him back till he was all in safety。
Here one singeth:
When the Count Garin doth know
That his child would ne'er forego
Love of her that loved him so;
Nicolete; the bright of brow;
In a dungeon deep below
Childe Aucassin did he throw。
Even there the Childe must dwell
In a dun…walled marble cell。
There he waileth in his woe
Crying thus as ye shall know。
〃Nicolete; thou lily white;
My sweet lady; bright of brow;
Sweeter than the grape art thou;
Sweeter than sack posset good
In a cup of maple wood!
Was it not but yesterday
That a palmer came this way;
Out of Limousin came he;
And at ease he might not be;
For a passion him possessed
That upon his bed he lay;
Lay; and tossed; and knew not rest
In his pain discomforted。
But thou camest by the bed;
Where he tossed amid his pain;
Holding high thy sweeping train;
And thy kirtle of ermine;
And thy smock of linen fine;
Then these fair white limbs of thine;
Did he look on; and it fell
That the palmer straight was well;
Straight was haleand comforted;
And he rose up from his bed;
And went back to his own place;
Sound and strong; and full of face!
My sweet lady; lily white;
Sweet thy footfall; sweet thine eyes;
And the mirth of thy replies。
Sweet thy laughter; sweet thy face;
Sweet thy lips and sweet thy brow;
And the touch of thine embrace。
Who but doth in thee delight?
I for love of thee am bound
In this dungeon underground;
All for loving thee must lie
Here where loud on thee I cry;
Here for loving thee must die
For thee; my love。〃
Then say they; speak they; tell they the Tale:
Aucassin was cast into prison as ye have heard tell; and Nicolete;
of her part; was in the chamber。 Now it was summer time; the month
of May; when days are warm; and long; and clear; and the night still
and serene。 Nicolete lay one night on her bed; and saw the moon
shine clear through a window; yea; and heard the nightingale sing in
the garden; so she minded her of Aucassin her lover whom she loved
so well。 Then fell she to thoughts of Count Garin de Biaucaire;
that hated her to the death; therefore deemed she that there she
would no longer abide; for that; if she were told of; and the Count
knew whereas she lay; an ill death would he make her die。 Now she
knew that the old woman slept who held her company。 Then she arose;
and clad her in a mantle of silk she had by her; very goodly; and
took napkins; and sheets of the bed; and knotted one to the other;
and made therewith a cord as long as she might; so knitted it to a
pillar in the window; and let herself slip down into the garden;
then caught up her raiment in both hands; behind and before; and
kilted up her kirtle; because of the dew that she saw lying deep on
the grass; and so went her way down through the garden。
Her locks were yellow and curled; her eyes blue and smiling; her
face featly fashioned; the nose high and fairly set; the lips more
red than cherry or rose in time of summer; her teeth white and
small; her breasts so firm that they bore up the folds of her bodice
as they had been two apples; so slim she was in the waist that your
two hands might have clipped her; and the daisy flowers that brake
beneath her as she went tip…toe; and that bent above her instep;
seemed black against her feet; so white was the maiden。 She came to
the postern gate; and unbarred it; and went out through the streets
of Biaucaire; keeping always on the shadowy side; for the moon was
shining right clear; and so wandered she till she came to the tower
where her lover lay。 The tower was flanked with buttresses; and she
cowered under one of them; wrapped in her mantle。 Then thrust she
her head through a crevice of the tower that was old and worn; and
so heard she Aucassin wailing within; and making dole and lament for
the sweet lady he loved so well。 And when she had listened to him
she began to say:
Here one singeth:
Nicolete the bright of brow
On a pillar leanest thou;
All Aucassin's wail dost hear
For his love that is so dear;
Then thou spakest; shrill and clear;
〃Gentle knight withouten fear
Little good befalleth thee;
Little help of sigh or tear;
Ne'er shalt thou have joy of me。
Never shalt thou win me; still
Am I held in evil will
Of thy father and thy kin;
Therefore must I cross the sea;
And another land must win。〃
Then she cut her curls of gold;
Cast them in the dungeon hold;
Aucassin doth clasp them there;
Kissed the curls that were so fair;
Them doth in his bosom bear;
Then he wept; even as of old;
All for his love!
Then say they; speak they; tell they the Tale:
When Aucassin heard Nicolete say that she would pass into a far
country; he was all in wrath。
〃Fair sweet friend;〃 quoth he; 〃thou shalt not go; for then wouldst
thou be my death。 And the first man that saw thee and had the might
withal; would take thee straightway into his bed to be his leman。
And once thou camest into a man's bed; and that bed not mine; wit ye
well that I would not tarry till I had found a knife to pierce my
heart and slay myself。 Nay; verily; wait so long I would not: but
would hurl myself on it so soon as I could find a wall; or a black
stone; thereon would I dash my head so mightily; that the eyes would
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