aucassin and nicolete-第5部分
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stone; thereon would I dash my head so mightily; that the eyes would
start; and my brain burst。 Rather would I die even such a death;
than know thou hadst lain in a man's bed; and that bed not mine。〃
〃Aucassin;〃 she said; 〃I trow thou lovest me not as much as thou
sayest; but I love thee more than thou lovest me。〃
〃Ah; fair sweet friend;〃 said Aucassin; 〃it may not be that thou
shouldst love me even as I love thee。 Woman may not love man as man
loves woman; for a woman's love lies in the glance of her eye; and
the bud of her breast; and her foot's tip…toe; but the love of man
is in his heart planted; whence it can never issue forth and pass
Now while Aucassin and Nicolete held this parley together; the
town's guards came down a street; with swords drawn beneath their
cloaks; for the Count Garin had charged them that if they could take
her they should slay her。 But the sentinel that was on the tower
saw them coming; and heard them speaking of Nicolete as they went;
and threatening to slay her。
〃God!〃 quoth he; 〃this were great pity to slay so fair a maid!
Right great charity it were if I could say aught to her; and they
perceive it not; and she should be on her guard against them; for if
they slay her; then were Aucassin; my damoiseau; dead; and that were
great pity。〃
Here one singeth:
Valiant was the sentinel;
Courteous; kind; and practised well;
So a song did sing and tell
Of the peril that befell。
〃Maiden fair that lingerest here;
Gentle maid of merry cheer;
Hair of gold; and eyes as clear
As the water in a mere;
Thou; meseems; hast spoken word
To thy lover and thy lord;
That would die for thee; his dear;
Now beware the ill accord;
Of the cloaked men of the sword;
These have sworn and keep their word;
They will put thee to the sword
Save thou take heed!〃
Then speak they; say they; tell they the Tale:
〃Ha!〃 quoth Nicolete; 〃be the soul of thy father and the soul of thy
mother in the rest of Paradise; so fairly and so courteously hast
thou spoken me! Please God; I will be right ware of them; God keep
me out of their hands。〃
So she shrank under her mantle into the shadow of the pillar till
they had passed by; and then took she farewell of Aucassin; and so
fared till she came unto the castle wall。 Now that wall was wasted
and broken; and some deal mended; so she clomb thereon till she came
between wall and fosse; and so looked down; and saw that the fosse
was deep and steep; whereat she was sore adread。
〃Ah God;〃 saith she; 〃sweet Saviour! If I let myself fall hence; I
shall break my neck; and if here I abide; to…morrow they will take
me and burn me in a fire。 Yet liefer would I perish here than that
to…morrow the folk should stare on me for a gazing…stock。〃
Then she crossed herself; and so let herself slip into the fosse;
and when she had come to the bottom; her fair feet; and fair hands
that had not custom thereof; were bruised and frayed; and the blood
springing from a dozen places; yet felt she no pain nor hurt; by
reason of the great dread wherein she went。 But if she were in
cumber to win there; in worse was she to win out。 But she deemed
that there to abide was of none avail; and she found a pike
sharpened; that they of the city had thrown out to keep the hold。
Therewith made she one stepping place after another; till; with much
travail; she climbed the wall。 Now the forest lay within two
crossbow shots; and the forest was of thirty leagues this way and
that。 Therein also were wild beasts; and beasts serpentine; and she
feared that if she entered there they would slay her。 But anon she
deemed that if men found her there they would hale her back into the
town to burn her。
Here one singeth:
Nicolete; the fair of face;
Climbed upon the coping stone;
There made she lament and moan
Calling on our Lord alone
For his mercy and his grace。
〃Father; king of Majesty;
Listen; for I nothing know
Where to flee or whither go。
If within the wood I fare;
Lo; the wolves will slay me there;
Boars and lions terrible;
Many in the wild wood dwell;
But if I abide the day;
Surely worse will come of it;
Surely will the fire be lit
That shall burn my body away;
Jesus; lord of Majesty;
Better seemeth it to me;
That within the wood I fare;
Though the wolves devour me there
Than within the town to go;
Ne'er be it so!〃
Then speak they; say they; tell they the Tale:
Nicolete made great moan; as ye have heard; then commended she
herself to God; and anon fared till she came unto the forest。 But
to go deep in it she dared not; by reason of the wild beasts; and
beasts serpentine。 Anon crept she into a little thicket; where
sleep came upon her; and she slept till prime next day; when the
shepherds issued forth from the town and drove their bestial between
wood and water。 Anon came they all into one place by a fair
fountain which was on the fringe of the forest; thereby spread they
a mantle; and thereon set bread。 So while they were eating;
Nicolete wakened; with the sound of the singing birds; and the
shepherds; and she went unto them; saying; 〃Fair boys; our Lord keep
〃God bless thee;〃 quoth he that had more words to his tongue than
the rest。
〃Fair boys;〃 quoth she; 〃know ye Aucassin; the son of Count Garin de
〃Yea; well we know him。〃
〃So may God help you; fair boys;〃 quoth she; 〃tell him there is a
beast in this forest; and bid him come chase it; and if he can take
it; he would not give one limb thereof for a hundred marks of gold;
nay; nor for five hundred; nor for any ransom。〃
Then looked they on her; and saw her so fair that they were all
〃Will I tell him thereof?〃 quoth he that had more words to his
tongue than the rest; 〃foul fall him who speaks of the thing or
tells him the tidings。 These are but visions ye tell of; for there
is no beast so great in this forest; stag; nor lion; nor boar; that
one of his limbs is worth more than two deniers; or three at the
most; and ye speak of such great ransom。 Foul fall him that
believes your word; and him that telleth Aucassin。 Ye be a Fairy;
and we have none liking for your company; nay; hold on your road。〃
〃Nay; fair boys;〃 quoth she; 〃nay; ye will do my bidding。 For this
beast is so mighty of medicine that thereby will Aucassin be healed
of his torment。 And lo! I have five sols in my purse; take them;
and tell him: for within three days must he come hunting it hither;
and if within three days he find it not; never will he be healed of
his torment。〃
〃My faith;〃 quoth he; 〃the money will we take; and if he come hither
we will tell him; but seek him we will not。〃
〃In God's name;〃 quoth she; and so took farewell of the shepherds;
and went her way。
Here singeth one:
Nicolete the bright of brow
From the shepherds doth she pass
All below the blossomed bough
Where an ancient way there was;
Overgrown and choked with grass;
Till she found the cross…roads where
Seven paths do all way fare;
Then she deemeth she will try;
Should her lover pass thereby;
If he love her loyally。
So she gathered white lilies;
Oak…leaf; that in green wood is;
Leaves of many a branch I wis;
Therewith built a lodge of green;
Goodlier was never seen;
Swore by God who may not lie;
〃If my love the lodge should spy;
He will rest awhile thereby
If he love me loyally。〃
Thus his faith she deemed to try;
〃Or I love him not; not I;
Nor he loves me!〃
Then speak they; say they; tell they the Tale:
Nicolete built her lodge of boughs; as ye have heard; right fair and
feteously; and wove it well; within and without; of flowers and
leaves。 So lay she hard by the lodge in a deep coppice to know what
Aucassin will do。 And the cry and the bruit went abroad through all
the country and all the land; that Nicolete was lost。 Some told
that she had fled; and some that the Count Garin had let slay her。
Whosoever had joy thereof; no joy had Aucassin。 And the Count
Garin; his father; had taken him out of prison; and had sent for the
knights of that land; and the ladies; and let make a right great
feast; for the comforting of Aucassin his son。 Now at the high time
of the feast; was Aucassin leaning from a gallery; all woful and
discomforted。 Whatsoever men might devise of mirth; Aucassin had no
joy thereof; nor no desire; for he saw not her that he loved。 Then
a knight looked on him; and came to him; and said:
〃Aucassin; of that sickness of thine have I been sick; and good
counsel will I give thee; if thou wilt hearken to me〃
〃Sir;〃 said Aucassin; 〃gramercy; good counsel would I fain hear。〃
〃Mount thy horse;〃 quoth he; 〃and go take thy pastime in yonder
forest; there wilt thou see the good flowers and grass; and hear the
sweet birds s
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