father damien-第1部分
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Father Damien
by Robert Louis Stevenson
FEBRUARY 25; 1890。
Sir; … It may probably occur to you that we have met; and visited;
and conversed; on my side; with interest。 You may remember that
you have done me several courtesies; for which I was prepared to be
grateful。 But there are duties which come before gratitude; and
offences which justly divide friends; far more acquaintances。 Your
letter to the Reverend H。 B。 Gage is a document which; in my sight;
if you had filled me with bread when I was starving; if you had sat
up to nurse my father when he lay a…dying; would yet absolve me
from the bonds of gratitude。 You know enough; doubtless; of the
process of canonisation to be aware that; a hundred years after the
death of Damien; there will appear a man charged with the painful
office of the DEVIL'S ADVOCATE。 After that noble brother of mine;
and of all frail clay; shall have lain a century at rest; one shall
accuse; one defend him。 The circumstance is unusual that the
devil's advocate should be a volunteer; should be a member of a
sect immediately rival; and should make haste to take upon himself
his ugly office ere the bones are cold; unusual; and of a taste
which I shall leave my readers free to qualify; unusual; and to me
inspiring。 If I have at all learned the trade of using words to
convey truth and to arouse emotion; you have at last furnished me
with a subject。 For it is in the interest of all mankind; and the
cause of public decency in every quarter of the world; not only
that Damien should be righted; but that you and your letter should
be displayed at length; in their true colours; to the public eye。
To do this properly; I must begin by quoting you at large: I shall
then proceed to criticise your utterance from several points of
view; divine and human; in the course of which I shall attempt to
draw again; and with more specification; the character of the dead
saint whom it has pleased you to vilify: so much being done; I
shall say farewell to you for ever。
〃August 2; 1889。
〃Rev。 H。 B。 GAGE。
〃Dear Brother; … In answer to your inquires about Father Damien; I
can only reply that we who knew the man are surprised at the
extravagant newspaper laudations; as if he was a most saintly
philanthropist。 The simple truth is; he was a coarse; dirty man;
headstrong and bigoted。 He was not sent to Molokai; but went there
without orders; did not stay at the leper settlement (before he
became one himself); but circulated freely over the whole island
(less than half the island is devoted to the lepers); and he came
often to Honolulu。 He had no hand in the reforms and improvements
inaugurated; which were the work of our Board of Health; as
occasion required and means were provided。 He was not a pure man
in his relations with women; and the leprosy of which he died
should be attributed to his vices and carelessness。 Other have
done much for the lepers; our own ministers; the government
physicians; and so forth; but never with the Catholic idea of
meriting eternal life。 … Yours; etc。;
〃C。 M。 HYDE〃 (1)
(1) From the Sydney PRESBYTERIAN; October 26; 1889。
To deal fitly with a letter so extraordinary; I must draw at the
outset on my private knowledge of the signatory and his sect。 It
may offend others; scarcely you; who have been so busy to collect;
so bold to publish; gossip on your rivals。 And this is perhaps the
moment when I may best explain to you the character of what you are
to read: I conceive you as a man quite beyond and below the
reticences of civility: with what measure you mete; with that shall
it be measured you again; with you; at last; I rejoice to feel the
button off the foil and to plunge home。 And if in aught that I
shall say I should offend others; your colleagues; whom I respect
and remember with affection; I can but offer them my regret; I am
not free; I am inspired by the consideration of interests far more
large; and such pain as can be inflicted by anything from me must
be indeed trifling when compared with the pain with which they read
your letter。 It is not the hangman; but the criminal; that brings
dishonour on the house。
You belong; sir; to a sect … I believe my sect; and that in which
my ancestors laboured … which has enjoyed; and partly failed to
utilise; and exceptional advantage in the islands of Hawaii。 The
first missionaries came; they found the land already self…purged of
its old and bloody faith; they were embraced; almost on their
arrival; with enthusiasm; what troubles they supported came far
more from whites than from Hawaiins; and to these last they stood
(in a rough figure) in the shoes of God。 This is not the place to
enter into the degree or causes of their failure; such as it is。
One element alone is pertinent; and must here be plainly dealt
with。 In the course of their evangelical calling; they … or too
many of them … grew rich。 It may be news to you that the houses of
missionaries are a cause of mocking on the streets of Honolulu。 It
will at least be news to you; that when I returned your civil
visit; the driver of my cab commented on the size; the taste; and
the comfort of your home。 It would have been news certainly to
myself; had any one told me that afternoon that I should live to
drag such a matter into print。 But you see; sir; how you degrade
better men to your own level; and it is needful that those who are
to judge betwixt you and me; betwixt Damien and the devil's
advocate; should understated your letter to have been penned in a
house which could raise; and that very justly; the envy and the
comments of the passers…by。 I think (to employ a phrase of yours
which I admire) it 〃should be attributed〃 to you that you have
never visited the scene of Damien's life and death。 If you had;
and had recalled it; and looked about your pleasant rooms; even
your pen perhaps would have been stayed。
Your sect (and remember; as far as any sect avows me; it is mine)
has not done ill in a worldly sense in the Hawaiian Kingdom。 When
calamity befell their innocent parishioners; when leprosy descended
and took root in the Eight Islands; a QUID PRO QUO was to be looked
for。 To that prosperous mission; and to you; as one of its
adornments; God had sent at last an opportunity。 I know I am
touching here upon a nerve acutely sensitive。 I know that others
of your colleagues look back on the inertia of your Church; and the
intrusive and decisive heroism of Damien; with something almost to
be called remorse。 I am sure it is so with yourself; I am
persuaded your letter was inspired by a certain envy; not
essentially ignoble; and the one human trait to be espied in that
performance。 You were thinking of the lost chance; the past day;
of that which should have been conceived and was not; of the
service due and not rendered。 TIME WAS; said the voice in your
ear; in your pleasant room; as you sat raging and writing; and if
the words written were base beyond parallel; the rage; I am happy
to repeat … it is the only compliment I shall pay you … the rage
was almost virtuous。 But; sir; when we have failed; and another
has succeeded; when we have stood by; and another has stepped in;
when we sit and grow bulky in our charming mansions; and a plain;
uncouth peasant steps into the battle; under the eyes of God; and
succours the afflicted; and consoles the dying; and is himself
afflicted in his turn; and dies upon the field of honour … the
battle cannot be retrieved as your unhappy irritation has
suggested。 It is a lost battle; and lost for ever。 One thing
remained to you in your defeat … some rags of common honour; and
these you have made haste to cast away。
Common honour; not the honour of having done anything right; but
the honour of not having done aught conspicuously foul; the honour
of the inert: that was what remained to you。 We are not all
expected to be Damiens; a man may conceive his duty more narrowly;
he may love his comforts better; and none will cast a stone at him
for that。 But will a gentleman of your reverend profession allow
me an example from the fields of gallantry? When two gentlemen
compete for the favour of a lady; and the one succeeds and the
other is rejected; and (as will sometimes happen) matter damaging
to the successful rival's credit reaches the ear of the defeated;
it is held by plain men of no pretensions that his mouth is; in the
circumstance; almost necessarily closed。 Your Church and Damien's
were in Hawaii upon a rivalry to do well: to help; to edify; to set
divine examples。 You having (in one huge instance) failed; and
Damien succeeded; I marvel it should not have occurred to you that
you were doomed to silence; that when you had been outstripped in
that high rivalry; and sat inglorious in the midst
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