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the holly-tree-第1部分

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The Holly…Tree

by Charles Dickens


I have kept one secret in the course of my life。  I am a bashful

man。  Nobody would suppose it; nobody ever does suppose it; nobody

ever did suppose it; but I am naturally a bashful man。  This is the

secret which I have never breathed until now。

I might greatly move the reader by some account of the innumerable

places I have not been to; the innumerable people I have not called

upon or received; the innumerable social evasions I have been guilty

of; solely because I am by original constitution and character a

bashful man。  But I will leave the reader unmoved; and proceed with

the object before me。

That object is to give a plain account of my travels and discoveries

in the Holly…Tree Inn; in which place of good entertainment for man

and beast I was once snowed up。

It happened in the memorable year when I parted for ever from Angela

Leath; whom I was shortly to have married; on making the discovery

that she preferred my bosom friend。  From our school…days I had

freely admitted Edwin; in my own mind; to be far superior to myself;

and; though I was grievously wounded at heart; I felt the preference

to be natural; and tried to forgive them both。  It was under these

circumstances that I resolved to go to Americaon my way to the


Communicating my discovery neither to Angela nor to Edwin; but

resolving to write each of them an affecting letter conveying my

blessing and forgiveness; which the steam…tender for shore should

carry to the post when I myself should be bound for the New World;

far beyond recall;I say; locking up my grief in my own breast; and

consoling myself as I could with the prospect of being generous; I

quietly left all I held dear; and started on the desolate journey I

have mentioned。

The dead winter…time was in full dreariness when I left my chambers

for ever; at five o'clock in the morning。  I had shaved by candle…

light; of course; and was miserably cold; and experienced that

general all…pervading sensation of getting up to be hanged which I

have usually found inseparable from untimely rising under such


How well I remember the forlorn aspect of Fleet Street when I came

out of the Temple!  The street…lamps flickering in the gusty north…

east wind; as if the very gas were contorted with cold; the white…

topped houses; the bleak; star…lighted sky; the market people and

other early stragglers; trotting to circulate their almost frozen

blood; the hospitable light and warmth of the few coffee…shops and

public…houses that were open for such customers; the hard; dry;

frosty rime with which the air was charged (the wind had already

beaten it into every crevice); and which lashed my face like a steel


It wanted nine days to the end of the month; and end of the year。

The Post…office packet for the United States was to depart from

Liverpool; weather permitting; on the first of the ensuing month;

and I had the intervening time on my hands。  I had taken this into

consideration; and had resolved to make a visit to a certain spot

(which I need not name) on the farther borders of Yorkshire。  It was

endeared to me by my having first seen Angela at a farmhouse in that

place; and my melancholy was gratified by the idea of taking a

wintry leave of it before my expatriation。  I ought to explain;

that; to avoid being sought out before my resolution should have

been rendered irrevocable by being carried into full effect; I had

written to Angela overnight; in my usual manner; lamenting that

urgent business; of which she should know all particulars by…and…by…

…took me unexpectedly away from her for a week or ten days。

There was no Northern Railway at that time; and in its place there

were stage…coaches; which I occasionally find myself; in common with

some other people; affecting to lament now; but which everybody

dreaded as a very serious penance then。  I had secured the box…seat

on the fastest of these; and my business in Fleet Street was to get

into a cab with my portmanteau; so to make the best of my way to the

Peacock at Islington; where I was to join this coach。  But when one

of our Temple watchmen; who carried my portmanteau into Fleet Street

for me; told me about the huge blocks of ice that had for some days

past been floating in the river; having closed up in the night; and

made a walk from the Temple Gardens over to the Surrey shore; I

began to ask myself the question; whether the box…seat would not be

likely to put a sudden and a frosty end to my unhappiness。  I was

heart…broken; it is true; and yet I was not quite so far gone as to

wish to be frozen to death。

When I got up to the Peacock;where I found everybody drinking hot

purl; in self…preservation;I asked if there were an inside seat to

spare。  I then discovered that; inside or out; I was the only

passenger。  This gave me a still livelier idea of the great

inclemency of the weather; since that coach always loaded

particularly well。  However; I took a little purl (which I found

uncommonly good); and got into the coach。  When I was seated; they

built me up with straw to the waist; and; conscious of making a

rather ridiculous appearance; I began my journey。

It was still dark when we left the Peacock。  For a little while;

pale; uncertain ghosts of houses and trees appeared and vanished;

and then it was hard; black; frozen day。  People were lighting their

fires; smoke was mounting straight up high into the rarified air;

and we were rattling for Highgate Archway over the hardest ground I

have ever heard the ring of iron shoes on。  As we got into the

country; everything seemed to have grown old and gray。  The roads;

the trees; thatched roofs of cottages and homesteads; the ricks in

farmers' yards。  Out…door work was abandoned; horse…troughs at road…

side inns were frozen hard; no stragglers lounged about; doors were

close shut; little turnpike houses had blazing fires inside; and

children (even turnpike people have children; and seem to like them)

rubbed the frost from the little panes of glass with their chubby

arms; that their bright eyes might catch a glimpse of the solitary

coach going by。  I don't know when the snow begin to set in; but I

know that we were changing horses somewhere when I heard the guard

remark; 〃That the old lady up in the sky was picking her geese

pretty hard to…day。〃  Then; indeed; I found the white down falling

fast and thick。

The lonely day wore on; and I dozed it out; as a lonely traveller

does。  I was warm and valiant after eating and drinking;

particularly after dinner; cold and depressed at all other times。  I

was always bewildered as to time and place; and always more or less

out of my senses。  The coach and horses seemed to execute in chorus

Auld Lang Syne; without a moment's intermission。  They kept the time

and tune with the greatest regularity; and rose into the swell at

the beginning of the Refrain; with a precision that worried me to

death。  While we changed horses; the guard and coachman went

stumping up and down the road; printing off their shoes in the snow;

and poured so much liquid consolation into themselves without being

any the worse for it; that I began to confound them; as it darkened

again; with two great white casks standing on end。  Our horses

tumbled down in solitary places; and we got them up;which was the

pleasantest variety I had; for it warmed me。  And it snowed and

snowed; and still it snowed; and never left off snowing。  All night

long we went on in this manner。  Thus we came round the clock; upon

the Great North Road; to the performance of Auld Lang Syne by day

again。  And it snowed and snowed; and still it snowed; and never

left off snowing。

I forget now where we were at noon on the second day; and where we

ought to have been; but I know that we were scores of miles

behindhand; and that our case was growing worse every hour。  The

drift was becoming prodigiously deep; landmarks were getting snowed

out; the road and the fields were all one; instead of having fences

and hedge…rows to guide us; we went crunching on over an unbroken

surface of ghastly white that might sink beneath us at any moment

and drop us down a whole hillside。  Still the coachman and guard

who kept together on the box; always in council; and looking well

about themmade out the track with astonishing sagacity。

When we came in sight of a town; it looked; to my fancy; like a

large drawing on a slate; with abundance of slate…pencil expended on

the churches and houses where the snow lay thickest。  When we came

within a town; and found the church clocks all stopped; the dial…

faces choked with snow; and the inn…signs blotted out; it seemed as

if the whole place were overgrown with white moss。  As to the coach;

it was a mere snowball; similarly; the men and boys who ran along

beside us to the to
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