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the holly-tree-第8部分

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face; and think what a wicked old father of lies he had grown up to

be。  Howsomever; he went on a lying like a Trojan about the pony。

He told 'em that it did so unfortunately happen that the pony was

half clipped; you see; and that he couldn't be taken out in that

state; for fear it should strike to his inside。  But that he'd be

finished clipping in the course of the day; and that to…morrow

morning at eight o'clock the pheayton would be ready。  Boots's view

of the whole case; looking back on it in my room; is; that Mrs。

Harry Walmers; Junior; was beginning to give in。  She hadn't had her

hair curled when she went to bed; and she didn't seem quite up to

brushing it herself; and its getting in her eyes put her out。  But

nothing put out Master Harry。  He sat behind his breakfast…cup; a

tearing away at the jelly; as if he had been his own father。

After breakfast; Boots is inclined to consider that they drawed

soldiers;at least; he knows that many such was found in the fire…

place; all on horseback。  In the course of the morning; Master Harry

rang the bell;it was surprising how that there boy did carry on;

and said; in a sprightly way; 〃Cobbs; is there any good walks in

this neighbourhood?〃

〃Yes; sir;〃 says Cobbs。  〃There's Love Lane。〃

〃Get out with you; Cobbs!〃that was that there boy's expression;

〃you're joking。〃

〃Begging your pardon; sir;〃 says Cobbs; 〃there really is Love Lane。

And a pleasant walk it is; and proud shall I be to show it to

yourself and Mrs。 Harry Walmers; Junior。〃

〃Norah; dear;〃 said Master Harry; 〃this is curious。  We really ought

to see Love Lane。  Put on your bonnet; my sweetest darling; and we

will go there with Cobbs。〃

Boots leaves me to judge what a Beast he felt himself to be; when

that young pair told him; as they all three jogged along together;

that they had made up their minds to give him two thousand guineas a

year as head…gardener; on accounts of his being so true a friend to

'em。  Boots could have wished at the moment that the earth would

have opened and swallowed him up; he felt so mean; with their

beaming eyes a looking at him; and believing him。  Well; sir; he

turned the conversation as well as he could; and he took 'em down

Love Lane to the water…meadows; and there Master Harry would have

drowned himself in half a moment more; a getting out a water…lily

for her;but nothing daunted that boy。  Well; sir; they was tired

out。  All being so new and strange to 'em; they was tired as tired

could be。  And they laid down on a bank of daisies; like the

children in the wood; leastways meadows; and fell asleep。

Boots don't knowperhaps I do;but never mind; it don't signify

either waywhy it made a man fit to make a fool of himself to see

them two pretty babies a lying there in the clear still sunny day;

not dreaming half so hard when they was asleep as they done when

they was awake。  But; Lord! when you come to think of yourself; you

know; and what a game you have been up to ever since you was in your

own cradle; and what a poor sort of a chap you are; and how it's

always either Yesterday with you; or else To…morrow; and never To…

day; that's where it is!

Well; sir; they woke up at last; and then one thing was getting

pretty clear to Boots; namely; that Mrs。 Harry Walmerses; Junior's;

temper was on the move。  When Master Harry took her round the waist;

she said he 〃teased her so;〃 and when he says; 〃Norah; my young May

Moon; your Harry tease you?〃 she tells him; 〃Yes; and I want to go


A biled fowl; and baked bread…and…butter pudding; brought Mrs。

Walmers up a little; but Boots could have wished; he must privately

own to me; to have seen her more sensible of the woice of love; and

less abandoning of herself to currants。  However; Master Harry; he

kept up; and his noble heart was as fond as ever。  Mrs。 Walmers

turned very sleepy about dusk; and began to cry。  Therefore; Mrs。

Walmers went off to bed as per yesterday; and Master Harry ditto


About eleven or twelve at night comes back the Governor in a chaise;

along with Mr。 Walmers and a elderly lady。  Mr。 Walmers looks amused

and very serious; both at once; and says to our missis; 〃We are much

indebted to you; ma'am; for your kind care of our little children;

which we can never sufficiently acknowledge。  Pray; ma'am; where is

my boy?〃  Our missis says; 〃Cobbs has the dear child in charge; sir。

Cobbs; show Forty!〃  Then he says to Cobbs; 〃Ah; Cobbs; I am glad to

see you!  I understood you was here!〃  And Cobbs says; 〃Yes; sir。

Your most obedient; sir。〃

I may be surprised to hear Boots say it; perhaps; but Boots assures

me that his heart beat like a hammer; going up…stairs。  〃I beg your

pardon; sir;〃 says he; while unlocking the door; 〃I hope you are not

angry with Master Harry。  For Master Harry is a fine boy; sir; and

will do you credit and honour。〃  And Boots signifies to me; that; if

the fine boy's father had contradicted him in the daring state of

mind in which he then was; he thinks he should have 〃fetched him a

crack;〃 and taken the consequences。

But Mr。 Walmers only says; 〃No; Cobbs。  No; my good fellow。  Thank

you!〃  And; the door being opened; goes in。

Boots goes in too; holding the light; and he sees Mr。 Walmers go up

to the bedside; bend gently down; and kiss the little sleeping face。

Then he stands looking at it for a minute; looking wonderfully like

it (they do say he ran away with Mrs。 Walmers); and then he gently

shakes the little shoulder。

〃Harry; my dear boy!  Harry!〃

Master Harry starts up and looks at him。  Looks at Cobbs too。  Such

is the honour of that mite; that he looks at Cobbs; to see whether

he has brought him into trouble。

〃I am not angry; my child。  I only want you to dress yourself and

come home。〃

〃Yes; pa。〃

Master Harry dresses himself quickly。  His breast begins to swell

when he has nearly finished; and it swells more and more as he

stands; at last; a looking at his father:  his father standing a

looking at him; the quiet image of him。

〃Please may I〃the spirit of that little creatur; and the way he

kept his rising tears down!〃please; dear pamay Ikiss Norah

before I go?〃

〃You may; my child。〃

So he takes Master Harry in his hand; and Boots leads the way with

the candle; and they come to that other bedroom; where the elderly

lady is seated by the bed; and poor little Mrs。 Harry Walmers;

Junior; is fast asleep。  There the father lifts the child up to the

pillow; and he lays his little face down for an instant by the

little warm face of poor unconscious little Mrs。 Harry Walmers;

Junior; and gently draws it to him;a sight so touching to the

chambermaids who are peeping through the door; that one of them

calls out; 〃It's a shame to part 'em!〃  But this chambermaid was

always; as Boots informs me; a soft…hearted one。  Not that there was

any harm in that girl。  Far from it。

Finally; Boots says; that's all about it。  Mr。 Walmers drove away in

the chaise; having hold of Master Harry's hand。  The elderly lady

and Mrs。 Harry Walmers; Junior; that was never to be (she married a

Captain long afterwards; and died in India); went off next day。  In

conclusion; Boots put it to me whether I hold with him in two

opinions:  firstly; that there are not many couples on their way to

be married who are half as innocent of guile as those two children;

secondly; that it would be a jolly good thing for a great many

couples on their way to be married; if they could only be stopped in

time; and brought back separately。


I had been snowed up a whole week。  The time had hung so lightly on

my hands; that I should have been in great doubt of the fact but for

a piece of documentary evidence that lay upon my table。

The road had been dug out of the snow on the previous day; and the

document in question was my bill。  It testified emphatically to my

having eaten and drunk; and warmed myself; and slept among the

sheltering branches of the Holly…Tree; seven days and nights。

I had yesterday allowed the road twenty…four hours to improve

itself; finding that I required that additional margin of time for

the completion of my task。  I had ordered my Bill to be upon the

table; and a chaise to be at the door; 〃at eight o'clock to…morrow

evening。〃  It was eight o'clock to…morrow evening when I buckled up

my travelling writing…desk in its leather case; paid my Bill; and

got on my warm coats and wrappers。  Of course; no time now remained

for my travelling on to add a frozen tear to the icicles which were

doubtless hanging plentifully about the farmhouse where I had first

seen Angela。  What I had to do was to get across to Liverpool by the

shortest open road; there to meet my heavy baggage and embark。  It

was quite enough to do; and I had not an hour too much time to do it


I had taken leave of all my H
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