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271…213 B。C。
by Plutarch
translated by John Dryden
THE philosopher Chrysippus; O Polycrates; quotes an ancient
proverb; not as really it should be; apprehending; I suppose; that
it sounded too harshly; but so as he thought it would run best; in
these words:…
〃Who praise their fathers but the generous sons?〃
But Dionysodorus the Troezenian proves him to be wrong; and restores
the true reading; which is thus:…
〃Who praise their fathers but degenerate sons?〃
telling us that the proverb is meant to stop the mouth of those who;
having no merit of their own; take refuge in the virtues of their
ancestors; and make their advantage of praising them。 But; as Pindar
hath it…
〃He that by nature doth inherit
From ancestors a noble spirit;〃
as you do; who made your life the copy of the fairest originals of
your family… such; I say; may take great satisfaction in being
reminded; both by hearing others speak and speaking themselves; of the
best of their progenitors。 For they assume not the glory of praises
earned by others out of any want of worth of their own; but
affiliating their own deeds to those of their ancestors; give them
honour as the authors both of their descent and manners。 Therefore I
have sent to you the life which I have written of your
fellow…citizen and forefather; Aratus; to whom you are no discredit in
point either of reputation or of authority; not as though you had
not been most diligently concerning to inform yourself from the
beginning concerning his actions; but that your sons; Polycrates and
Pythocles; may both by hearing and reading become familiar with
those family examples which it behooves them to follow and imitate。 It
is a piece of self…love; and not of the love of virtue; to imagine one
has already attained to what is best。
The city of Sicyon; from the time that it first fell off from the
pure and Doric aristocracy (its harmony being destroyed; and a mere
series of seditions and personal contests of popular leaders ensuing);
continued to be distempered and unsettled; changing from one tyrant to
another; until; Cleon being slain; Timoclides and Clinias; men of
the most repute and power amongst the citizens; were chosen to the
magistracy。 And the commonwealth now seeming to be in a pretty settled
condition; Timoclides died; and Abantidas; the son of Paseas; to
possess himself of the tyranny; killed Clinias; and; of his kindred
and friends; slew some and banished others。 He sought also to kill his
son Aratus; whom he left behind him; being but seven years old。 This
boy in the general disorder getting out of the house with those that
fled; and wandering about the city helpless and in great fear; by
chance got undiscovered into the house of a woman who was
Abantidas's sister; but married to Prophantus; the brother of Clinias;
her name being Soso。 She; being of a generous temper; and believing
the boy had by some supernatural guidance fled to her for shelter; hid
him in the house; and at night sent him away to Argos。
Aratus; being thus delivered and secured from this danger; conceived
from the first and ever after nourished a vehement and burning
hatred against tyrants; which strengthened with his years。 Being
therefore bred up amongst his father's acquaintance and friends at
Argos with a liberal education; and perceiving his body to promise
good health and stature; he addicted himself to the exercises of the
palaestra; to that degree that he competed in the five games; and
gained some crowns; and indeed in his statues one may observe a
certain kind of athletic cast; and the sagacity and majesty of his
countenance does not dissemble his full diet and the use of the hoe。
Whence it came to pass that he less studied eloquence than perhaps
became a statesman; and yet he was more accomplished in speaking
than many believe; judging by the commentaries which he left behind
him; written carelessly and; by the way; as fast as he could do it;
and in such words as first came to his mind。
In the course of time; Dinias and Aristoteles the logician killed
Abantidas; who used to be present in the market…place at their
discussions; and to make one in them; till they taking the occasion;
insensibly accustomed him to the practice; and so had opportunity to
contrive and execute a plot against him。 After him Paseas; the
father of Abantidas; taking upon him the government; was
assassinated by Nicocles; who himself set up for tyrant。 Of him it
is related that he was strikingly like Periander; the son of Cypselus;
just as it is said that Orontes the Persian bore a great resemblance
to Alcmaeon; the son of Amphiaraus; and that Lacedaemonian youth; whom
Myrsilus relates to have been trodden to pieces by the crowd of
those that came to see him upon that report; to Hector。
This Nicocles governed four months; in which; after he had done
all kinds of mischief to the city; he very nearly let it fall into the
hands of the Aetolians。 By this time Aratus; being grown a youth;
was in much esteem; both for his noble birth; and his spirit and
disposition; which; while neither insignificant nor wanting in energy;
were solid; and tempered with a steadiness of judgment beyond his
years。 For which reason the exiles had their eyes most upon him; nor
did Nicocles less observe his motions; but secretly spied and
watched him; not out of apprehension of any such considerable or
utterly audacious attempt; but suspecting he held correspondence
with the kings; who were his father's friends and acquaintance。 And;
indeed; Aratus first attempted this way; but finding that Antigonus;
who had promised fair; neglected him and delayed the time; and that
his hopes from Egypt and Ptolemy were long to wait for; he
determined to cut off the tyrant by himself。
And first he broke his mind to Aristomachus and Ecdelus; the one
an exile of Sicyon; the other; Ecdelus; an Arcadian of Megalopolis;
a philosopher; and a man of action; having been the familiar friend of
Arcesilaus the Academic at Athens。 These readily consenting; he
communicated with the other exiles; whereof some few; being ashamed to
seem to despair of success; engaged in the design; but most of them
endeavoured to divert him from his purpose; as one that for want of
experience was too rash and daring。
Whilst he was consulting to seize upon some post in Sicyonia; from
whence he might make war upon the tyrant; there came to Argos a
certain Sicyonian; newly escaped out of prison; brother to Xenocles;
one of the exiles; who; being by him presented to Aratus; informed him
that that part of the wall over which he escaped was; inside; almost
level with the ground; adjoining a rocky and elevated place; and
that from the outside it might be scaled with ladders。 Aratus; hearing
this; despatches away Xenocles with two of his own servants; Seuthas
and Technon; to view the wall; resolving; if possible; secretly and
with one risk to hazard all on a single trial; rather than carry on
a contest as a private man against a tyrant by long war and open
force。 Xenocles; therefore; with his companions; returning; having
taken the height of the wall; and declaring the place not to be
impossible or indeed difficult to get over; but that it was not easy
to approach it undiscovered by reason of some small but uncommonly
savage and noisy dogs belonging to a gardener hard by; he
immediately undertook the business。
Now the preparation of arms gave no jealousy; because robberies
and petty forays were at that time common everywhere between one set
of people and another; and for the ladders; Euphranor; the
machine…maker; made them openly; his trade rendering him
unsuspected; though one of the exiles。 As for men; each of his friends
in Argos furnished him with ten apiece out of those few they had;
and he armed thirty of his own servants; and hired some few soldiers
of Xenophilus; the chief of the robber captains; to whom it was
given out that they were to march into the territory of Sicyon to
seize the king's stud; most of them were sent before; in small
parties; to the tower of Polygnotus; with orders to wait there;
Caphisias also was despatched beforehand lightly armed; with four
others; who were; as soon as it was dark; to come to the gardener's
house; pretending to be travellers; and procuring their lodging there;
to shut up him and his dogs; for there was no other way to getting
past。 And for the ladders; they had been made to take in pieces; and
were put into chests; and sent before; hidden upon wagons。 In the
meantime; some of the spies of Nicocles appearing in Argos; and
being said to go privately about watching Aratus; he came early in the
morning into the market…place; showing himself openly and conversing
with his friends; then he anointed himself in the exercise ground;
and; taking with him thence some of the young men that used to drink
and spend their time with him; he went home; and presently after
several of his servants were seen about the market…place; one carrying
garlands; another buying
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