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on sophistical refutations-第6部分

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does not understand or suppose it to have them; surely the

questioner here has directed his argument against his thought! Or

how else ought he to put his question except by suggesting a

distinction…suppose one's question to be speaking of the silent

possible or not?'…as follows; 'Is the answer 〃No〃 in one sense; but

〃Yes〃 in another?' If; then; any one were to answer that it was not

possible in any sense and the other were to argue that it was; has not

his argument been directed against the thought of the answerer? Yet

his argument is supposed to be one of those that depend on the

expression。 There is not; then; any definite kind of arguments that is

directed against the thought。 Some arguments are; indeed; directed

against the expression: but these are not all even apparent

refutations; let alone all refutations。 For there are also apparent

refutations which do not depend upon language; e。g。 those that

depend upon accident; and others。

  If; however; any one claims that one should actually draw the

distinction; and say; 'By 〃speaking of the silent〃 I mean; in one

sense this and in the other sense that'; surely to claim this is in

the first place absurd (for sometimes the questioner does not see

the ambiguity of his question; and he cannot possibly draw a

distinction which he does not think to be there): in the second place;

what else but this will didactic argument be? For it will make

manifest the state of the case to one who has never considered; and

does not know or suppose that there is any other meaning but one。

For what is there to prevent the same thing also happening to us in

cases where there is no double meaning? 'Are the units in four equal

to the twos? Observe that the twos are contained in four in one

sense in this way; in another sense in that'。 Also; 'Is the

knowledge of contraries one or not? Observe that some contraries are

known; while others are unknown'。 Thus the man who makes this claim

seems to be unaware of the difference between didactic and dialectical

argument; and of the fact that while he who argues didactically should

not ask questions but make things clear himself; the other should

merely ask questions。


  Moreover; to claim a 'Yes' or 'No' answer is the business not of a

man who is showing something; but of one who is holding an

examination。 For the art of examining is a branch of dialectic and has

in view not the man who has knowledge; but the ignorant pretender。 He;

then; is a dialectician who regards the common principles with their

application to the particular matter in hand; while he who only

appears to do this is a sophist。 Now for contentious and sophistical

reasoning: (1) one such is a merely apparent reasoning; on subjects on

which dialectical reasoning is the proper method of examination;

even though its conclusion be true: for it misleads us in regard to

the cause: also (2) there are those misreasonings which do not conform

to the line of inquiry proper to the particular subject; but are

generally thought to conform to the art in question。 For false

diagrams of geometrical figures are not contentious (for the resulting

fallacies conform to the subject of the art)…any more than is any

false diagram that may be offered in proof of a truth…e。g。

Hippocrates' figure or the squaring of the circle by means of the

lunules。 But Bryson's method of squaring the circle; even if the

circle is thereby squared; is still sophistical because it does not

conform to the subject in hand。 So; then; any merely apparent

reasoning about these things is a contentious argument; and any

reasoning that merely appears to conform to the subject in hand;

even though it be genuine reasoning; is a contentious argument: for it

is merely apparent in its conformity to the subject…matter; so that it

is deceptive and plays foul。 For just as a foul in a race is a

definite type of fault; and is a kind of foul fighting; so the art

of contentious reasoning is foul fighting in disputation: for in the

former case those who are resolved to win at all costs snatch at

everything; and so in the latter case do contentious reasoners。 Those;

then; who do this in order to win the mere victory are generally

considered to be contentious and quarrelsome persons; while those

who do it to win a reputation with a view to making money are

sophistical。 For the art of sophistry is; as we said;' a kind of art

of money…making from a merely apparent wisdom; and this is why they

aim at a merely apparent demonstration: and quarrelsome persons and

sophists both employ the same arguments; but not with the same

motives: and the same argument will be sophistical and contentious;

but not in the same respect; rather; it will be contentious in so

far as its aim is an apparent victory; while in so far as its aim is

an apparent wisdom; it will be sophistical: for the art of sophistry

is a certain appearance of wisdom without the reality。 The contentious

argument stands in somewhat the same relation to the dialectical as

the drawer of false diagrams to the geometrician; for it beguiles by

misreasoning from the same principles as dialectic uses; just as the

drawer of a false diagram beguiles the geometrician。 But whereas the

latter is not a contentious reasoner; because he bases his false

diagram on the principles and conclusions that fall under the art of

geometry; the argument which is subordinate to the principles of

dialectic will yet clearly be contentious as regards other subjects。

Thus; e。g。 though the squaring of the circle by means of the lunules

is not contentious; Bryson's solution is contentious: and the former

argument cannot be adapted to any subject except geometry; because

it proceeds from principles that are peculiar to geometry; whereas the

latter can be adapted as an argument against all the number of

people who do not know what is or is not possible in each particular

context: for it will apply to them all。 Or there is the method whereby

Antiphon squared the circle。 Or again; an argument which denied that

it was better to take a walk after dinner; because of Zeno's argument;

would not be a proper argument for a doctor; because Zeno's argument

is of general application。 If; then; the relation of the contentious

argument to the dialectical were exactly like that of the drawer of

false diagrams to the geometrician; a contentious argument upon the

aforesaid subjects could not have existed。 But; as it is; the

dialectical argument is not concerned with any definite kind of being;

nor does it show anything; nor is it even an argument such as we

find in the general philosophy of being。 For all beings are not

contained in any one kind; nor; if they were; could they possibly fall

under the same principles。 Accordingly; no art that is a method of

showing the nature of anything proceeds by asking questions: for it

does not permit a man to grant whichever he likes of the two

alternatives in the question: for they will not both of them yield a

proof。 Dialectic; on the other hand; does proceed by questioning;

whereas if it were concerned to show things; it would have refrained

from putting questions; even if not about everything; at least about

the first principles and the special principles that apply to the

particular subject in hand。 For suppose the answerer not to grant

these; it would then no longer have had any grounds from which to

argue any longer against the objection。 Dialectic is at the same

time a mode of examination as well。 For neither is the art of

examination an accomplishment of the same kind as geometry; but one

which a man may possess; even though he has not knowledge。 For it is

possible even for one without knowledge to hold an examination of

one who is without knowledge; if also the latter grants him points

taken not from thing that he knows or from the special principles of

the subject under discussion but from all that range of consequences

attaching to the subject which a man may indeed know without knowing

the theory of the subject; but which if he do not know; he is bound to

be ignorant of the theory。 So then clearly the art of examining does

not consist in knowledge of any definite subject。 For this reason;

too; it deals with everything: for every 'theory' of anything

employs also certain common principles。 Hence everybody; including

even amateurs; makes use in a way of dialectic and the practice of

examining: for all undertake to some extent a rough trial of those who

profess to know things。 What serves them here is the general

principles: for they know these of themselves just as well as the

scientist; even if in what they say they seem to the latter t
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