napoleon bonaparte, v7-第12部分
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of a Greek bishop; charging him to make her a good Christian; and then
returned to Vienna; with the intention of obtaining the consent of his
family and the permission of his government to marry a slave。
Two years then passed; and the poor girl heard nothing from her future
husband。 Meanwhile the bishop had died; and his heirs had abandoned
Marie (this was the baptismal name of the convert); and she; with no
means and no protector; ran the risk of being at any moment discovered by
some relation or friend of her familyand it is well known that the
Turks never forgive a change of religion。
Tormented by a thousand fears; weary of her retreat and the deep
obscurity in which she was buried; she took the bold resolution of
rejoining her benefactor; and not deterred by dangers of the road set out
from Constantinople alone on foot。 On her arrival in the capital of
Austria; she learned that her intended husband had been dead for more
than a year。
The despair into which the poor girl was plunged by this sad news can be
better imagined than described。 What was to be done? What would become
of her? She decided to return to her family; and for this purpose
repaired to Trieste; which town she found in a state of great commotion。
It had just received a French garrison; but the disturbances inseparable
from war were not yet ended; and young Marie consequently entered a Greek
convent to await a suitable opportunity of returning to Constantinople。
There a sub…lieutenant of infantry; named Dartois; saw her; became madly
in love; won her heart; and married her at the end of a year。
The happiness which Madame Dartois now enjoyed did not cause her to
renounce her plan of visiting her own family; and; as she now had become
a Frenchwoman; she thought this title would accelerate her return to her
parents' favor。 Her husband's regiment received orders to leave Trieste;
and this gave Madame Dartois the opportunity to renew her entreaties to
be allowed to visit Constantinople; to which her husband gave his
consent; not without explaining to her; however; all she had to fear; and
all the dangers to which this journey would again expose her。 At last
she started; and a few days after her arrival was on the point of making
herself known to her family; when she recognized on the street through
her veil; the Broussan merchant; her former master; who was seeking her
throughout Constantinople; and had sworn to kill her on sight。
This terrible 'rencontre' threw her into such a fright; that for three
days she lived in constant terror; scarcely daring to venture out; even
on the most urgent business; and always fearing lest she should see again
the ferocious Anatolian。 From time to time she received letters from her
husband; who still marched with the French army; and; as it was now
advancing; he conjured her in his last letters to return to France;
hoping to be able soon to rejoin her there。
Deprived of all hope of a reconciliation with her family; Madame Dartois
determined to comply with her husband's request; and; although the war
between Russia and Turkey rendered the roads very unsafe; she left
Constantinople in the month of July; 1809。
After passing through Hungary and the midst of the Austrian camp; Madame
Dartois bent her steps towards Vienna; where she had the sorrow to learn
that her husband had been mortally wounded at the battle of Wagram; and
was now in that town; she hastened to him; and he expired in her arms。
She mourned her husband deeply; but was soon compelled to think of the
future; as the small amount of money remaining to her when she left
Constantinople had been barely sufficient for the expenses of her
journey; and M。 Dartois had left no property。 Some one having advised
the poor woman to go to Schoenbrunn and ask his Majesty's assistance; a
superior officer gave her a letter of recommendation to M。 Jaubert;
interpreting secretary of the Emperor。
Madame Dartois arrived as his Majesty was preparing to leave Schoenbrunn;
and made application to M。 Jaubert; the Duke of Bassano; General Lebrun;
and many other persons who became deeply interested in her misfortunes。
The Emperor; when informed by the Duke of Bassano of the deplorable
condition of this woman; at once made a special order granting Madame
Dartois an annual pension of sixteen hundred francs; the first year of
which was paid in advance。 When the Duke of Bassano announced to the
widow his Majesty's decision; and handed her the first year's pension;
she fell at his feet; and bathed them with her tears。
The Emperor's fete was celebrated at Vienna with much brilliancy; and as
all the inhabitants felt themselves obliged to illumine their windows;
the effect was extraordinarily brilliant。 They had no set illuminations;
but almost all the windows had double sashes; and between these sashes
were placed lamps; candles; etc。; ingeniously arranged; the effect of
which was charming。 The Austrians appeared as gay as our soldiers; they
had not feted their own Emperor with so much ardor; and; though deep down
in their hearts they must have experienced a feeling of constraint at
such unaccustomed joy; appearances gave no sign of this。
On the evening of the fete; during the parade; a terrible explosion was
heard at Schoenbrunn; the noise of which seemed to come from the town;
and a few moments afterwards a gendarme appeared; his horse in a gallop。
〃Oh; oh!〃 said Colonel Mechnem; 〃there must be a fire at Vienna; if a
gendarme is galloping。〃 In fact; he brought tidings of a very deplorable
event。 While an artillery company had been preparing; in the arsenal of
the town; numerous fireworks to celebrate his Majesty's fete; one of
them; in preparing a rocket; accidentally set the fuse on fire; and
becoming frightened threw it away from him。 It fell on the powder which
the shop contained; and eighteen cannoneers were killed by the explosion;
and seven wounded。
During his Majesty's fete; as I entered his cabinet one morning; I found
with him M。 Charles Sulmetter; commissary general of the police of
Vienna; whom I had seen often before。 He had begun as head spy for the
Emperor; and this had proved such a profitable business that he had
amassed an income of forty thousand pounds。 He had been born at
Strasburg; and in his early life had been chief of a band of smugglers;
to which vocation he was as wonderfully adapted by nature as to that
which he afterwards pursued。 He admitted this in relating his
adventures; and maintained that smuggling and police service had many
points of similarity; since the great art of smuggling was to know how to
evade; while that of a spy was to know how to seek。 He inspired such
terror in the Viennese that he was equal to a whole army…corps in keeping
them in subjection。 His quick and penetrating glance; his air of
resolution and severity; the abruptness of his step and gestures; his
terrible voice; and his appearance of great strength; fully justified his
reputation; and his adventures furnish ample materials for a romance。
During the first campaigns of Germany; being charged with a message from
the French government to one of the most prominent persons in the
Austrian army; he passed among the enemy disguised as a German peddler;
furnished with regular passports; and provided with a complete stock of
diamonds and jewelry。 He was betrayed; arrested; and searched; and the
letter concealed in the double bottom of a gold box was found; and very
foolishly read before him。 He was tried and condemned to death; and
delivered to the soldiers by whom he was to be executed; but as night had
arrived by this time; they postponed his execution till morning。 He
recognized among his guards a French deserter; talked with him; and
promised him a large sum of money: he had wine brought; drank with the
soldiers; intoxicated them; and disguised in one of their coats; escaped
with the Frenchman。 Before re…entering the camp; however; he found means
to inform the person for whom the letter was intended; of its contents;
and of what had happened。
Countersigns difficult to remember were often given in the army in order
to attract the soldiers' attention more closely。 One day the word was
Pericles; Persepolis; and a captain of the guard who had a better
knowledge of how to command a charge than of Greek history and geography;
not hearing it distinctly; gave as the countersign; 'perce l'eglise';
which mistake furnished much amusement。 The old captain was not at all
angry; and said that after all he was not very far wrong。
The secretary of General Andreossy; Governor of Vienna; had an
unfortunate passion for gambling; and finding that he did not gain enough
to pay his debts; sold himself to the enemy。 His correspondence was
seized; he admitted his treachery; and was condemned to death; and
in confronting death evinced astonishing self…possession。 〃Come nearer;〃
said he to the soldiers who were to shoot; 〃so that you may see me
better; and I will have less to suffer。〃
In one of his excursions in the environs of Vienna; the Emperor met a
very young conscript who was rejoining his corps。 He stopped him; asked
his name; his age; regimen
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