04-in a far country-第1部分
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WHEN A MAN JOURNEYS into a far country; he must be prepared to
forget many of the things he has learned; and to acquire such
customs as are inherent with existence in the new land; he must
abandon the old ideals and the old gods; and oftentimes he must
reverse the very codes by which his conduct has hitherto been
shaped。 To those who have the protean faculty of adaptability; the
novelty of such change may even be a source of pleasure; but to
those who happen to be hardened to the ruts in which they were
created; the pressure of the altered environment is unbearable; and
they chafe in body and in spirit under the new restrictions which they
do not understand。 This chafing is bound to act and react; producing
divers evils and leading to various misfortunes。 It were better for
the man who cannot fit himself to the new groove to return to his
own country; if he delay too long; he will surely die。
The man who turns his back upon the comforts of an elder
civilization; to face the savage youth; the primordial simplicity of
the North; may estimate success at an inverse ratio to the quantity
and quality of his hopelessly fixed habits。 He will soon discover;
if he be a fit candidate; that the material habits are the less
important。 The exchange of such things as a dainty menu for rough
fare; of the stiff leather shoe for the soft; shapeless moccasin; of
the feather bed for a couch in the snow; is after all a very easy
matter。 But his pinch will come in learning properly to shape his
mind's attitude toward all things; and especially toward his fellow
man。 For the courtesies of ordinary life; he must substitute
unselfishness; forbearance; and tolerance。 Thus; and thus only; can he
gain that pearl of great price… true comradeship。 He must not say
'thank you'; he must mean it without opening his mouth; and prove it
by responding in kind。 In short; he must substitute the deed for the
word; the spirit for the letter。
When the world rang with the tale of Arctic gold; and the lure of
the North gripped the heartstrings of men; Carter Weatherbee threw
up his snug clerkship; turned the half of his savings over to his
wife; and with the remainder bought an outfit。 There was no romance in
his nature… the bondage of commerce had crushed all that; he was
simply tired of the ceaseless grind; and wished to risk great
hazards in view of corresponding returns。 Like many another fool;
disdaining the old trails used by the Northland pioneers for a score
of years; he hurried to Edmonton in the spring of the year; and there;
unluckily for his soul's welfare; he allied himself with a party of
There was nothing unusual about this party; except its plans。 Even
its goal; like that of all the other parties; was the Klondike。 But
the route it had mapped out to attain that goal took away the breath
of the hardiest native; born and bred to the vicissitudes of the
Northwest。 Even Jacques Baptiste; born of a Chippewa woman and a
renegade voyageur (having raised his first whimpers in a deerskin
lodge north of the sixty…fifth parallel; and had the same hushed by
blissful sucks of raw tallow); was surprised。 Though he sold his
services to them and agreed to travel even to the never…opening ice;
he shook his head ominously whenever his advice was asked。
Percy Cuthfert's evil star must have been in the ascendant; for
he; too; joined this company of argonauts。 He was an ordinary man;
with a bank account as deep as his culture; which is saying a good
deal。 He had no reason to embark on such a venture… no reason in the
world save that he suffered from an abnormal development of
sentimentality。 He mistook this for the true spirit of romance and
adventure。 Many another man has done the like; and made as fatal a
The first break…up of spring found the party following the ice…run
of Elk River。 It was an imposing fleet; for the outfit was large;
and they were accompanied by a disreputable contingent of half…breed
voyageurs with their women and children。 Day in and day out; they
labored with the bateaux and canoes; fought mosquitoes and other
kindred pests; or sweated and swore at the portages。 Severe toil
like this lays a man naked to the very roots of his soul; and ere Lake
Athabasca was lost in the south; each member of the party had
hoisted his true colors。
The two shirks and chronic grumblers were Carter Weatherbee and
Percy Cuthfert。 The whole party complained less of its aches and pains
than did either of them。 Not once did they volunteer for the
thousand and one petty duties of the camp。 A bucket of water to be
brought; an extra armful of wood to be chopped; the dishes to be
washed and wiped; a search to be made through the outfit for some
suddenly indispensable article… and these two effete scions of
civilization discovered sprains or blisters requiring instant
attention。 They were the first to turn in at night; with score of
tasks yet undone; the last to turn out in the morning; when the
start should be in readiness before the breakfast was begun。 They were
the first to fall to at mealtime; the last to have a hand in the
cooking; the first to dive for a slim delicacy; the last to discover
they had added to their own another man's share。 If they toiled at the
oars; they slyly cut the water at each stroke and allowed the boat's
momentum to float up the blade。 They thought nobody noticed; but their
comrades swore under their breaths and grew to hate them; while
Jacques Baptiste sneered openly and damned them from morning till
night。 But Jacques Baptiste was no gentleman。
At the Great Slave; Hudson Bay dogs were purchased; and the fleet
sank to the guards with its added burden of dried fish and pemican。
Then canoe and bateau answered to the swift current of the
Mackenzie; and they plunged into the Great Barren Ground。 Every
likely…looking 'feeder' was prospected; but the elusive 'pay…dirt'
danced ever to the north。 At the Great Bear; overcome by the common
dread of the Unknown Lands; their voyageurs began to desert; and
Fort of Good Hope saw the last and bravest bending to the towlines
as they bucked the current down which they had so treacherously
glided。 Jacques Baptiste alone remained。 Had he not sworn to travel
even to the never…opening ice?
The lying charts; compiled in main from hearsay; were now constantly
consulted。 And they felt the need of hurry; for the sun had already
passed its northern solstice and was leading the winter south again。
Skirting the shores of the bay; where the Mackenzie disembogues into
the Arctic Ocean; they entered the mouth of the Little Peel River。
Then began the arduous up…stream toil; and the two Incapables fared
worse than ever。 Towline and pole; paddle and tumpline; rapids and
portages… such tortures served to give the one a deep disgust for
great hazards; and printed for the other a fiery text on the true
romance of adventure。 One day they waxed mutinous; and being vilely
cursed by Jacques Baptiste; turned; as worms sometimes will。 But the
half…breed thrashed the twain; and sent them; bruised and bleeding;
about their work。 It was the first time either had been manhandled。
Abandoning their river craft at the headwaters of the Little Peel;
they consumed the rest of the summer in the great portage over the
Mackenzie watershed to the West Rat。 This little stream fed the
Porcupine; which in turn joined the Yukon where that mighty highway of
the North countermarches on the Arctic Circle。 But they had lost in
the race with winter; and one day they tied their rafts to the thick
eddy…ice and hurried their goods ashore。 That night the river jammed
and broke several times; the following morning it had fallen asleep
for good。
'We can't be more'n four hundred miles from the Yukon;' concluded
Sloper; multiplying his thumb nails by the scale of the map。 The
council; in which the two Incapables had whined to excellent
disadvantage; was drawing to a close。
'Hudson Bay Post; long time ago。 No use um now。' Jacques
Baptiste's father had made the trip for the Fur Company in the old
days; incidentally marking the trail with a couple of frozen toes。
Sufferin' cracky!' cried another of the party。 'No whites?'
'Nary white;' Sloper sententiously affirmed; 'but it's only five
hundred more up the Yukon to Dawson。 Call it a rough thousand from
Weatherbee and Cuthfert groaned in chorus。
'How long'll that take; Baptiste?'
The half…breed figured for a moment。 'Workum like hell; no man
play out; ten… twenty… forty… fifty days。 Um babies come' (designating
the Incapables); 'no can tell。 Mebbe when hell freeze over; mebbe
not then。'
The manufacture of snowshoes and moccasins ceased。 Somebody called
the name of an absent member; who came out of an ancient cabin at
the edge of the campfire and joined them。 The cabin was one of the
many mysteries which lurk in th
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