the snow queen in seven stories-第2部分
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and then he kicked the boxes with his foot; and pulled off the two
〃Kay; what are you doing?〃 cried the little girl; and then; when
he saw how frightened she was; he tore off another rose; and jumped
through his own window away from little Gerda。
When she afterwards brought out the picture book; he said; 〃It was
only fit for babies in long clothes;〃 and when grandmother told any
stories; he would interrupt her with 〃but;〃 or; when he could manage
it; he would get behind her chair; put on a pair of spectacles; and
imitate her very cleverly; to make people laugh。 By…and…by he began to
mimic the speech and gait of persons in the street。 All that was
peculiar or disagreeable in a person he would imitate directly; and
people said; 〃That boy will be very clever; he has a remarkable
genius。〃 But it was the piece of glass in his eye; and the coldness in
his heart; that made him act like this。 He would even tease little
Gerda; who loved him with all her heart。 His games; too; were quite
different; they were not so childish。 One winter's day; when it
snowed; he brought out a burning…glass; then he held out the tail of
his blue coat; and let the snow…flakes fall upon it。 〃Look in this
glass; Gerda;〃 said he; and she saw how every flake of snow was
magnified; and looked like a beautiful flower or a glittering star。
〃Is it not clever?〃 said Kay; 〃and much more interesting than
looking at real flowers。 There is not a single fault in it; and the
snow…flakes are quite perfect till they begin to melt。〃
Soon after Kay made his appearance in large thick gloves; and with
his sledge at his back。 He called up stairs to Gerda; 〃I've got to
leave to go into the great square; where the other boys play and
ride。〃 And away he went。
In the great square; the boldest among the boys would often tie
their sledges to the country people's carts; and go with them a good
way。 This was capital。 But while they were all amusing themselves; and
Kay with them; a great sledge came by; it was painted white; and in it
sat some one wrapped in a rough white fur; and wearing a white cap。
The sledge drove twice round the square; and Kay fastened his own
little sledge to it; so that when it went away; he followed with it。
It went faster and faster right through the next street; and then
the person who drove turned round and nodded pleasantly to Kay; just
as if they were acquainted with each other; but whenever Kay wished to
loosen his little sledge the driver nodded again; so Kay sat still;
and they drove out through the town gate。 Then the snow began to
fall so heavily that the little boy could not see a hand's breadth
before him; but still they drove on; then he suddenly loosened the
cord so that the large sled might go on without him; but it was of
no use; his little carriage held fast; and away they went like the
wind。 Then he called out loudly; but nobody heard him; while the
snow beat upon him; and the sledge flew onwards。 Every now and then it
gave a jump as if it were going over hedges and ditches。 The boy was
frightened; and tried to say a prayer; but he could remember nothing
but the multiplication table。
The snow…flakes became larger and larger; till they appeared
like great white chickens。 All at once they sprang on one side; the
great sledge stopped; and the person who had driven it rose up。 The
fur and the cap; which were made entirely of snow; fell off; and he
saw a lady; tall and white; it was the Snow Queen。
〃We have driven well;〃 said she; 〃but why do you tremble? here;
creep into my warm fur。〃 Then she seated him beside her in the sledge;
and as she wrapped the fur round him he felt as if he were sinking
into a snow drift。
〃Are you still cold;〃 she asked; as she kissed him on the
forehead。 The kiss was colder than ice; it went quite through to his
heart; which was already almost a lump of ice; he felt as if he were
going to die; but only for a moment; he soon seemed quite well
again; and did not notice the cold around him。
〃My sledge! don't forget my sledge;〃 was his first thought; and
then he looked and saw that it was bound fast to one of the white
chickens; which flew behind him with the sledge at its back。 The
Snow Queen kissed little Kay again; and by this time he had
forgotten little Gerda; his grandmother; and all at home。
〃Now you must have no more kisses;〃 she said; 〃or I should kiss
you to death。〃
Kay looked at her; and saw that she was so beautiful; he could not
imagine a more lovely and intelligent face; she did not now seem to be
made of ice; as when he had seen her through his window; and she had
nodded to him。 In his eyes she was perfect; and she did not feel at
all afraid。 He told her he could do mental arithmetic; as far as
fractions; and that he knew the number of square miles and the
number of inhabitants in the country。 And she always smiled so that he
thought he did not know enough yet; and she looked round the vast
expanse as she flew higher and higher with him upon a black cloud;
while the storm blew and howled as if it were singing old songs。
They flew over woods and lakes; over sea and land; below them roared
the wild wind; the wolves howled and the snow crackled; over them flew
the black screaming crows; and above all shone the moon; clear and
bright;… and so Kay passed through the long winter's night; and by day
he slept at the feet of the Snow Queen。
But how fared little Gerda during Kay's absence? What had become
of him; no one knew; nor could any one give the slightest information;
excepting the boys; who said that he had tied his sledge to another
very large one; which had driven through the street; and out at the
town gate。 Nobody knew where it went; many tears were shed for him;
and little Gerda wept bitterly for a long time。 She said she knew he
must be dead; that he was drowned in the river which flowed close by
the school。 Oh; indeed those long winter days were very dreary。 But at
last spring came; with warm sunshine。 〃Kay is dead and gone;〃 said
little Gerda。
〃I don't believe it;〃 said the sunshine。
〃He is dead and gone;〃 she said to the sparrows。
〃We don't believe it;〃 they replied; and at last little Gerda
began to doubt it herself。 〃I will put on my new red shoes;〃 she
said one morning; 〃those that Kay has never seen; and then I will go
down to the river; and ask for him。〃 It was quite early when she
kissed her old grandmother; who was still asleep; then she put on
her red shoes; and went quite alone out of the town gates toward the
river。 〃Is it true that you have taken my little playmate away from
me?〃 said she to the river。 〃I will give you my red shoes if you
will give him back to me。〃 And it seemed as if the waves nodded to her
in a strange manner。 Then she took off her red shoes; which she
liked better than anything else; and threw them both into the river;
but they fell near the bank; and the little waves carried them back to
the land; just as if the river would not take from her what she
loved best; because they could not give her back little Kay。 But she
thought the shoes had not been thrown out far enough。 Then she crept
into a boat that lay among the reeds; and threw the shoes again from
the farther end of the boat into the water; but it was not fastened。
And her movement sent it gliding away from the land。 When she saw this
she hastened to reach the end of the boat; but before she could so
it was more than a yard from the bank; and drifting away faster than
ever。 Then little Gerda was very much frightened; and began to cry;
but no one heard her except the sparrows; and they could not carry her
to land; but they flew along by the shore; and sang; as if to
comfort her; 〃Here we are! Here we are!〃 The boat floated with the
stream; little Gerda sat quite still with only her stockings on her
feet; the red shoes floated after her; but she could not reach them
because the boat kept so much in advance。 The banks on each side of
the river were very pretty。 There were beautiful flowers; old trees;
sloping fields; in which cows and sheep were grazing; but not a man to
be seen。 Perhaps the river will carry me to little Kay; thought Gerda;
and then she became more cheerful; and raised her head; and looked
at the beautiful green banks; and so the boat sailed on for hours。
At length she came to a large cherry orchard; in which stood a small
red house with strange red and blue windows。 It had also a thatched
roof; and outside were two wooden soldiers; that presented arms to her
as she sailed past。 Gerda called out to them; for she thought they
were alive; but of course they did not answer; and as the boat drifted
nearer to the shore; she saw what they really were。 Then Gerda
called still louder; and there came a very old woman out of the house;
leaning on a crutch。 She wore a large hat to shade her from the sun;
and on it were painted all sorts of pretty flowers。 〃You poor
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