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the bridge-builders

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the bridge-builders封面
The Bridge-Buildersby Mark Twain [Samuel Clemens]The least that Findlayson, of the Public Works Department,expected was a C.I.E.; he dreamed of a C.S.I. Indeed, hisfriends told him that he deserved more. For three years he hadendured heat and cold, disappointment, discomfort, danger, anddisease, with responsibility almost to top-heavy for one pair ofshoulders; and day by day, through that time, the great KashiBridge over the Ganges had grown under his charge. Now, in lessthan three months, if all went well, his Excellency the Viceroywould open the bridge in state, an archbishop would bless it, andthe first trainload of soldiers would come over it, and there...


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