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the hunchback

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the hunchback封面
The Hunchbackby James Sheridan KnowlesINTRODUCTIONJames Sheridan Knowles was born at Cork in 1784, and died at Torquayin December, 1862, at the age of 78. His father was a teacher ofelocution, who compiled a dictionary, and who was related to theSheridans. He moved to London when his son was eight years old, andthere became acquainted with William Hazlitt and Charles Lamb. Theson, after his school education, obtained a commission in the army,but gave up everything for the stage, and made his first appearanceat the Crow Street Theatre, in Dublin. He did not become a greatactor, and when he took to writing plays he did not prove himself agreat poet, but his skill in contriving situations


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