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Some traffic signs are so confusing that they mislead the traveler。
Out…beyond;more than
The outlook for unskiled laborers is not bright;as their jobs are gradually being taken over by machines。
The output of the average American factory worker is steadily increasing。
The jacket Dad bought me last year is too small。 I have outgrown it。
Our kitchen tale is more solidly constructed than the chairs and will probably outlast them。
We scored a touchdown when Joe caught a forward pass and outran his pursuers。
In his detective stories;Jim manages to outwit the cleverest criminals。
A masquerade is always interesting because people come in such outlandish costumes。
Mary sometimes hurts others when she criticizes their work because she is too outspoken。
Do not take more of the medicine than the doctor ordered;an overdose may be dangerous。
We have a shortage of skilled technicians but an oversupply of unskilled workers。
It would overburden me to have my piano lesson Thursday because I have so much homework on that day。
Joe overestimated the capacity of the bus when he thought it could hold 60;it has room for only 48。
Their gaieties were overshadowed by the sad news。
The department store guards were nearly overwhelmed by the crowds of shoppers waiting for the sale to begin。
When the monitor gave too many orders;the techer scolded him for being overbearing。
I was so sure of passing that I wasn’t going to study;but Dad advised me not to be oversonfident。
Because the service was poor;Mother thought Dad was overgenerous in leaving the waiter a 15% tip。
The audience was breathless with anxiety during the daring tightrope act;though the acrobats themselves performed with seeming unconcern for their own safety。
If you think I can get Mr。Black to hire you because he is my cousin;let me undeceive you。I have no influence with him。
The unsportsmanlike noises of the fans so unnerved our star player that he missed two foul shots in a row。
The previous secretary had mixed up the files so badly that it took my sister about a week to unscramble them。
When mutinous sailors were put in irons in the olden days;nobody was allowed to unshackle them。
Though an abridged dictionary is convenient to use;it contains far fewer definitions than an unabridged dictionary。
Don’t ask the mother of a contestant to serve as a judge because it may be hard for her to remain unbiased。
Many teenagers have an unquenchable thirst for adventure stories;they read one after another。
An unwary pedestrian is much more likely to be struck by a car than one who looks both ways and crosses with the light。
On its way through the dense jungle;the patrol had to be constantly wary of enemy soldiers concealed in the underbrush。
Most undergraduates take four years to earn a degree;but some achieve it sooner by attending summer sessions。
If too little is deducted from Dad’s weekly wages for income tax;it results in an underpayment at the end of the year。
Among the undersigned in the petition to the governor were some of the most prominent persons in the state。
Frank’s remark that he was “slightly bruised”in the acomident is an understatement;he suffered two fractured ribs。
While the star is recuperating from her illness;her role will be played by her understudy。
When we take notes;our teacher wants us to underscore items that are especially important。
When discount houses tried to undersell department stores;the latter reduced prices too;and adopted the slogan”We will not be undersold。”
Our country has spent billions of dollars to help the underdeveloped nations improve their standard of living。
The underprivileged child from the crowded slum tenement has many more problems to overcome than the child from the middle…class home。
The prime minister’s proposal for new taxes created such an upheaval that his government fell。
Our neighbor traded in his old car because the upkeep had become too high。
When the new representative entered the legislature;some older memvers received him coldly because they regarded him as an upstart。
Most merchants report a slowdown in sales for October;but confidently expect an upturn with the approach of Christmas。
Our world geography teaher has just received an updated map that shows the latest national boundaries。
To qualify for better jobs;many employees attend evening courses where they can upgrade their skills。
The love of liberty is so firmly embedded in men’s hearts that no tyrant can hope to uproot it。
The management will be glad to mail you its leaflet;which contains news of upcoming films。
When knocked off his jawbone;the boxer waited till the count of nine before returning to an upright position。
Tom is my principal backer;if he withdraws his support;idon’t see how I can be elected。
My uncle paid for his vacation trip by making a withdrawal from his bank acomount。
We talked to the neighbor’s youngster and tried to be friendly;but he didn’t say anything;he seemed to be withdrawn。
Please don’t interrupt me。if you have something to say;withhold your comment until I have finished speaking。
Your employer is required to deduct a certin amount from your salary as a withholding tax payable to the federal government。
The walls of a dam must be strong enough to withstand tremendous water pressure。
Notwithstanding their advantage of height;the visiting players were unable to beat our basketball team。
Peter;who was chosen the handsomest boy in the senior class;is quite an Adonis。
An international force under the aegis of the United Nations has been dispatched to the troubled area。
Pioneer women were veritable amazons;performing heavy house…hold chores in addition to toiling in the fields beside their menfolk。
The ambrosial aroma of the roast whetted our appetites。
For reliable information about present national boundaries;consult an up…to…date atlas。
The darkness waned and a faint auroral glow began to appear in the east。
At 2 A。M。 the neighbors called the police to quell the bacomhanalian revelry in the upstairs apartment。
At first;Robert Fulton’s plans for his steamboat were derided as chimerical nonsense。
The dictator took Draconian measures against those he suspected of plotting a rebellion。
Students studying for final examinations yearn for the Elysian idleness of the summer vacation。
The pickets did not allow themselves to be provoked;despite the unruly crowds that gathered to hector them。
Among the Herculeam tasks confronting large cities are slum clearance and traffic control。
Dad had to break the hermetic seal to get a pill from the new bottle。
Children enjoy blowing iridescent soap bubbles from pipes。
Our jovial host entertained us with several amusing anecdotes about his employer。
Out…of…towners may easily lose their way in New York City’s labyrinthine subway passages。
All I received in response to my request was the laconic reply “Wait”。
For several hous after the operation the patient was lethargic because of the anesthetic。
Thanksgiving dinner at Grandmother’s is almost a Lucullan feast。
The Helvetians were a martial people who tried to conquer southern Gaul。
The retiring foreman ws persuaded to stay on for a month as mentor to his sucomessor。
The older partner is rather dull and morose;but the younger has a mercurial temperament that appeals to customers。
The dictator surrounded himself with myrmidons who would loyally and pitilessly execute all orders。
Napoleon crushed many opponents;but Wellington proved to be his nemesis。
Your travel agent will gladly plan a year’s odyssey to places of interest around the world。
When the victory was announced;people danced in the streets and sang paeans of joy。
The little girl habitully fell asleep clutching a battered doll;her palladium。
A panic ensued when someone in the crowded auditorium yelled “Fire!”
In an hour…long philippic;the legislator denounced the lobbyists opposing his bill。
A handful of plutocratic investors;each owning more than a thousand shares;determined the policies of the corporation。
The martinet governed his classroom with procrustean discipline;assigning a week’s detention to all offenders;no matter what the offense。
The witness’ protean tactics under cross…examination gave the impression that he was untrustworthy。
Our winning the opening game ws a Pyrrhic victory;as our leading scorer ws seriously injured。
My former roommate was a saturnine scholar who said very little and smiled rarely。
The enemy employed a red…haired siren as a spy。
Next week the solons will return to the capital for the opening of the legislature。
Speak softly;you don’t need a stentorian voice to be heard in this small room。
A power failure at 11:03 P。M。 plunged the city into Stygian blackness。
The considerate hostess removed the strawberry shortcake from the tabel so as not to tantalize her weight…conscious guest。
The reviewers lauded the ballet troupe for its terpsichorean artistry。
If you enjoy acting in plays;join your school’s thespian club。
By a titanic effort;out football team won the victory。
By reading reviews;you can keep au courant with new developments in literature;films;television;and the theater。
Edna has be
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