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 〃Unclean;〃 he moaned; 〃unclean。〃
 〃Well it is a little hard to have a bath when you're on the trail;〃 I told him。 I didn't add that he wasn't that spic and span himself。
 〃Not of the body…of the spirit。 Is that not a vessel of corruption among you?〃
 〃Could you spell that out a little more clearly?〃
 〃Is that 。 。 。 person a 。 。 。 woman?〃 He still had his arm across his face。
 〃The last time I looked she was。〃 I moved sideways a bit; closer to my sword。 〃What's it to you?〃
 〃Her face must be covered to conceal impurity; her ankles covered lest they promote lust in the hearts of men。〃
 〃This guy is a bit of a weirdo;〃 Madonette said disgustedly。 He yiped。
 〃And her voice silenced lest it lure the blessed into sin!〃
 Steengo nodded to Floyd and took the angry girl by the arm; but she shrugged him off。 〃Jim;〃 he said。 〃The bunch of us are going to stroll back among the trees and have a break。 See if you can sort this out。〃
 〃Right。〃 I watched them leave and when they were out of sight looked back at the three nomads who were emulating their leader; all with their arms raised; as though sniffing their armpits。 〃It's safe now。 Can we talk about this?〃
 〃Return;〃 Arroz said to his mates。 〃I will explain the Law to this stranger。 Let the flock graze。〃
 They trotted off while his own mount chomped away on the grass。 He sat down cross…legged and motioned to me。 〃Sit。 We must talk。〃
 I sat。 But upwind of him because it had been a long time since he or his clothes had been near soap and water。 And he talked about unclean! He rooted about under his robe; had a good scratch; then withdrew a book and held it up。
 〃This book is the font of all wisdom;〃 he intoned; eyes gleaming。
 〃That's nice。 What is it called?〃
 〃The Book。 There are no other books。 All that men need to know is in here。 The distillate of all wisdom。〃 I thought that it looked pretty thin for that job; but wisely kept my mouth shut。 〃It was the great Founder; whose name may not be spoken; who had the inspiration to read all of the Holy books of all of the ages; who saw in them the work of the god whose name may not be spoken; saw which passages were inspired and which were untrue。 From all the books He distilled the true Book…then burned all of the others。 He went forth into the world and His followers were many。 But others were jealous and tried to destroy Him and His followers。 That has been told。 And it is told that to avoid this senseless persecution He and His followers came to this world where they could worship untroubled。 That is why I asked…are you unclean? Or do you also follow the Way of the Book?〃
 〃Most interesting。 I follow a slightly different way。 But my way believes in respecting your way; so don't worry too much about me。〃
 He frowned at this and shook an admonitory finger at me。 〃There is only one Way; only one Book。 All who think differently are damned。 Now is your chance to be cleansed for I have shown you the true Way。〃
 〃Thanks a lot…but no thanks。〃
 He stood up and stabbed an accusatory finger in my direction。 〃Unclean! Profane! Leave…for you soil me with your presence。〃
 〃Well each to their own opinion。 Good…by and good luck with your sheot shearing。 May all your fleeces be giant ones。 But an indulgence please…before you go would you take a look at this。〃 I pulled the photograph of the alien artifact from my pocket and held it out。
 〃Unclean;〃 he muttered and put his hand behind his back so he wouldn't touch it。
 〃I'm sure it is。 I just want to know if you have seen this thing in the picture before。〃
 〃No; never。〃
 〃Been nice talking to you。〃
 He did not return my friendly wave as he walked over to his mount; kicked it in the leg until it sat down; climbed aboard and galloped off。 I pulled my sword out of the ground and went to join the others。 Madonette was still simmering。
 〃Hypocritical narrow…minded bigoted moron。〃
 〃That and a lot more。 At least I got one bit of negative information from him。 He never saw the artifact。 It must have been taken by another one of the tribes。〃
 〃Are we going to have to talk to all of them?〃
 〃Unless you have any better ideas。 And nineteen days to go。〃
 〃I don't trust him;〃 Madonette said。 〃And don't sneer and say female intuition。 Aren't these the same kind as the bunch that attacked the archeologists' ship?〃
 〃You're right…and isn't that the clatter of hundreds of hooves ing this way?〃
 〃It is!〃 Floyd shouted; pointing。 〃What do we do…run?〃
 〃No! Out of the trees and onto the plain。 Instruments at the ready。 We are going to give these guys a concert that they will never forget!〃
 Arroz had gone back to rally the troops and at least thirty of them; with plenty of sword waving and maniac baaing; came charging down。 I turned the amplification on the sound up until it would not go any higher。
 〃Earplugs in; get ready; on the count of three we give them old number thirteen; ‘The Rockets Go Rumbling On。' One; two 。 。 。 On the count of three the explosion of unbearable sound blasted out。 The lead riders were tossed to the ground as the sheots recoiled in fear。 I flipped some smoke bombs among them; just to keep the action going; and hit them with holographed lightning bolts。
 It was pretty good。 Before we got to the second chorus the stampede was over; the last terrorized sheots galloped away out of sight。 The last black…robed Fundamentaloid crawled over the horizon; the trampled grass dotted with discarded swords; gobbets of fleece and myriad eightballs of dung。
 〃Victory is ours!〃 I whooped happily。
 And only nineteen days to go I thought depressedly。 This just would not do。 I had the awful feeling that we could spend nineteen days or nineteen weeks stumbling about this planet and be no wiser about the alien artifact we were seeking。
 There had to be a change of plan…and now? I walked away from the others; then bit down three times; so hard that I almost cracked a tooth。
 〃Captain Tremearne here。〃
 〃And dismal Jim diGriz on this end。 Have you been following all this?〃
 〃Yes; and watching。 I heard you ask him to identify the photograph。 I assume that he did not。〃
 〃You assume right; distant and disembodied voice。 Now listen; there has got to be a change of plan。 When I came up with the idea for this present operation I assumed that there was some kind of imitation of civilization on this dismal world。 Where we could stroll from gig to gig and do our snooping at the same time。 I was wrong。〃
 〃I regret that all the facts were not supplied to you at the time。 But as you are now aware there is a plete ban on information being circulated about this particular planet。〃
 〃I know that now…and it won't wash。 We would have been a lot better if we came here disguised as a squad of bat marines。 So far every bunch we have met has tried to kill us。 The whole thing is that hard…nosed Admiral Benbow's fault。 He lied to me about what we would find here。 Right?〃
 〃As a serving military officer I cannot discuss the conduct of my superiors。 But I can agree that whoever briefed you was; I must say; economical with the truth。〃
 〃Do you also know that he was economical with my health? And that in nineteen days I am going to keel over from time released poison。〃
 〃Regrettably; I have been informed that that is the case。 And you have eighteen days left now; You appear to have lost track of one day during the past period。〃
 〃Eighteen? Thanks much。 That only makes what I have to say even more imperative。 I need some help; some transportation。〃
 〃All contact with the planet is forbidden。〃
 〃I just changed the rules。 You yourself told me that you are heading a mittee to bring about major improvements here。 The first change will be to get one of the ship's launches down here。 With that I can get around to the various bands of sheot shaggers before my personal deadline runs out。〃
 〃If 1 do that I will be disobeying orders and it could end my career。
 The silence inside my head went on and on。 I waited。 Until I heard what could only have been a sigh。
 〃I suppose there are plenty of job opportunities for skilled civilians these days。 The launch will land after dark。 If it is not seen by anyone on the ground there is just a chance that my career change can be postponed。〃
 〃You're a good guy; Tremearne。 My heartiest thanks。〃
 I hummed a bar or two from 〃The Swedish Monster〃 as I walked back to inform my panions。
 〃Jim; you're wonderful!〃 Madonette said; grabbed and kissed me。 〃I much prefer flying to walking。〃
 Floyd nodded happy agreement and reached for me。
 〃Away!〃 I shouted。 〃Girls; okay; but I don't kiss guys with beards。 What we do now is put a little distance between us and those religious nuts in case they want to e back for seconds。 Then rest up until dark。 I have a feeling that it is going to be a very busy night。〃
 〃Wake up; Jim…it's almost dark。〃
 Madonette's gentle hand was most wele; since it drew me up out of a really repulsive nightmare。 Tentacles; bulging eyeballs; yukk。 The eighteen…day dead deadline must be getting to my subconscious。 I sat up; yawned and stretched。 With great reluctance the sun had finally dropped behind the horizon leaving behind a slowly fading band of light。 The stars were ing 
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