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 〃Dude Dawson? Nope。 But I can ask around。〃
 〃Do so; rade Maloney。 And when found; tell him that his old college chum; Spider Reilly; is here。 He will not be able to e himself; I fear; but he can send representatives。〃
 〃That's all; then。 Go downstairs with a gay and jaunty air; as if you had no connection with the old firm at all。 Whistle a few lively bars。 Make careless gestures。 Thus shall you win through。 And now it would be no bad idea; I fancy; for me to join the rest of the brains of the paper up aloft。 Off you go; rade Maloney。 And; in passing; don't take a week about it。 Leg it with all the speed you possess。〃
 Pugsy vanished; and Psmith closed the door behind him。 Inspection revealed the fact that it possessed no lock。 As a barrier it was useless。 He left it ajar; and; jumping up; gripped the edge of the opening in the roof and pulled himself through。
 Billy Windsor was seated fortably on Mr。 Gooch's chest a few feet away。 By his side was his big stick。 Psmith possessed himself of this; and looked about him。 The examination was satisfactory。 The trap…door appeared to be the only means of access to the roof; and between their roof and that of the next house there was a broad gulf。
 〃Practically impregnable;〃 he murmured。 〃Only one thing can dish us; rade Windsor; and that is if they have the sense to get on to the roof next door and start shooting。 Even in that case; however; we have cover in the shape of the chimneys。 I think we may fairly say that all is well。 How are you getting along? Has the patient responded at all?〃
 〃Not yet;〃 said Billy。 〃But he's going to。〃
 〃He will be in your charge。 I must devote myself exclusively to guarding the bridge。 It is a pity that the trap has not got a bolt this side。 If it had; the thing would be a perfect picnic。 As it is; we must leave it open。 But we mustn't expect everything。〃
 Billy was about to speak; but Psmith suddenly held up his hand warningly。 From the room below came a sound of feet。
 For a moment the silence was tense。 Then from Mr。 Gooch's lips there escaped a screech。
 〃This way! They're up〃
 The words were cut short as Billy banged his hand over the speaker's mouth。 But the thing was done。
 〃On top de roof;〃 cried a voice。 〃Dey've beaten it for de roof。〃
 The chair rasped over the floor。 Feet shuffled。 And then; like a jack…in…the…box; there popped through the opening a head and shoulders。
 THE new arrival was a young man with a shock of red hair; an ingrowing Roman nose; and a mouth from which force or the passage of time had removed three front teeth。 He held on to the edges of the trap with his hands; and stared in a glassy manner into Psmith's face; which was within a foot of his own。
 There was a momentary pause; broken by an oath from Mr。 Gooch; who was still undergoing treatment in the background。
 〃Aha!〃 said Psmith genially。 Historic picture。 〃Doctor Cook discovers the North Pole。'〃
 The red…headed young man blinked。 The strong light of the open air was trying to his eyes。
 〃Youse had better e down;〃 he observed coldly。 〃We've got youse。〃
 〃And;〃 continued Psmith; unmoved; 〃is instantly handed a gum…drop by his faithful Esquimaux。〃
 As he spoke; he brought the stick down on the knuckles which disfigured the edges of the trap。 The intruder uttered a howl and dropped out of sight。 In the room below there were whisperings and mutterings; growing gradually louder till something resembling coherent conversation came to Psmith's ears; as he knelt by the trap making meditative billiard…shots with the stick at a small pebble。
 〃Aw g'wan! Don't be a quitter!〃
 〃Who's a quitter?
 〃Youse is a quitter。 Get on top de roof。 He can't hoit youse。〃
 〃De guy's gotten a big stick。〃 Psmith nodded appreciatively。 〃I and Roosevelt;〃 he murmured。
 A somewhat baffled silence on the part of the attacking force was followed by further conversation。
 〃Gum! some guy's got to go up。〃 Murmur of assent from the audience。 A voice; in inspired tones: 〃Let Sam do it!〃
 This suggestion made a hit。 There was no doubt about that。 It was a success from the start。 Quite a little chorus of voices expressed sincere approval of the very happy solution to what had seemed an insoluble problem。 Psmith; listening from above; failed to detect in the choir of glad voices one that might belong to Sam himself。 Probably gratification had rendered the chosen one dumb。
 〃Yes; let Sam do it!〃 cried the unseen chorus。 The first speaker; unnecessarily; perhapsfor the motion had been carried almost unanimouslybut possibly with the idea of convincing the one member of the party in whose bosom doubts might conceivably be harboured; went on to adduce reasons。
 〃Sam bein' a coon;〃 he argued; 〃ain't goin' to git hoit by no stick。 Youse can't hoit a coon by soakin' him on de coco; can you; Sam?〃
 Psmith waited with some interest for the reply; but it did not e。 Possibly Sam did not wish to generalise on insufficient experience。
 〃Solvitur ambulando;〃 said Psmith softly; turning the stick round in his fingers。 〃rade Windsor!〃
 Is it possible to hurt a coloured gentleman by hitting him on the head with a stick?〃
 〃If you hit him hard enough。〃
 〃I knew there was some way out of the difficulty;〃 said Psmith with satisfaction。 〃How are you getting on up at your end of the table; rade Windsor?〃
 〃Any result yet?〃
 〃Not at present。〃
 〃Don't give up。〃
 〃Not me。〃
 〃The right spirit; rade Win〃
 A report like a cannon in the room below interrupted him。 It was merely a revolver shot; but in the confined space it was deafening。 The bullet sang up into the sky。
 〃Never hit me!〃 said Psmith with dignified triumph。
 The noise was succeeded by a shuffling of feet。 Psmith grasped his stick more firmly。 This was evidently the real attack。 The revolver shot had been a mere demonstration of artillery to cover the infantry's advance。
 Sure enough; the next moment a woolly head popped through the opening; and a pair of rolling eyes gleamed up at the old Etonian。
 〃Why; Sam!〃 said Psmith cordially; 〃this is well met! I remember you。 Yes; indeed; I do。 Wasn't you the feller with the open umbereller that I met one rainy morning on the Av…en…ue? What; are you ing up? Sam; I hate to do it; but〃
 A yell rang out。
 〃What was that?〃 asked Billy Windsor over his shoulder。
 〃Your statement; rade Windsor; has been tested and proved correct。〃
 By this time the affair had begun to draw a 〃gate。〃 The noise of the revolver had proved a fine advertisement。 The roof of the house next door began to fill up。 Only a few of the occupants could get a clear view of the proceedings; for a large chimney…stack intervened。 There was considerable speculation as to what was passing between Billy Windsor and Mr。 Gooch。 Psmith's share in the entertainment was more obvious。 The early ers had seen his interview with Sam; and were relating it with gusto to their friends。 Their attitude towards Psmith was that of a group of men watching a terrier at a rat…hole。 They looked to him to provide entertainment for them; but they realised that the first move must be with the attackers。 They were fair…minded men; and they did not expect Psmith to make any aggressive move。
 Their indignation; when the proceedings began to grow slow; was directed entirely at the dilatory Three Pointers。 With an aggrieved air; akin to that of a crowd at a cricket match when batsmen are playing for a draw; they began to 〃barrack。〃 They hooted the Three Pointers。 They begged them to go home and tuck themselves up in bed。 The men on the roof were mostly Irishmen; and it offended them to see what should have been a spirited fight so grossly bungled。
 〃G'wan away home; ye quitters!〃 roared one。
 〃Call yersilves the Three Points; do ye? An' would ye know what I call ye? The Young Ladies' Seminary!〃 bellowed another with withering scorn。
 A third member of the audience alluded to them as 〃stiffs。〃
 〃I fear; rade Windsor;〃 said Psmith; 〃that our blithe friends below are beginning to grow a little unpopular with the many…headed。 They must be up and doing if they wish to retain the esteem of Pleasant Street。 Aha!〃
 Another and a longer explosion from below; and more bullets wasted themselves on air。 Psmith sighed。
 〃They make me tired;〃 he said。 〃This is no time for a feu de joie。 Action! That is the cry。 Action! Get busy; you blighters!〃
 The Irish neighbours expressed the same sentiment in different and more forcible words。 There was no doubt about itas warriors; the Three Pointers had failed to give satisfaction。
 A voice from the room called up to Psmith。
 〃You have our ear;〃 said Psmith。
 〃What's that?〃
 〃I said you had our ear。〃
 〃Are youse stiffs in' down off out of dat roof?〃
 〃Would you mind repeating that remark?〃
 〃Are youse guys goin' to quit off out of dat roof?〃
 〃Your grammar is perfectly beastly;〃 said Psmith severely。
 〃Are youse guys?〃
 〃No; my lad;〃 said Psmith; 〃since you ask; we are not。 And why? Because the air up here is refreshing; the view pleasant; and we are expecting at any moment an important munication from rade Gooch。〃
 〃We're goin' to wai
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