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  〃Of course I believe you。 It was only a matter of time before he came。〃 〃You know who he is?〃 〃Yes。〃 〃Then you can have him arrested。〃 The private amusement had stopped。 The words that followed were colorless。
  〃This is no conventional trespasser; Strauss; as I'm sure you're aware。 The man is a professional assassin of the first rank。 He came here with the express purpose of killing me。 With your intervention; and that of the dogs; he was prevented。 But he will try again…〃 〃All the more reason to have him found; sir。〃 〃No police force in Europe could locate him。〃
  〃…if he's a known assassin…〃 Marty said; pressing the point。 His refusal to let this bone go until he had the marrow from it had begun to irritate the old man。 He growled his reply。
  〃He's known to me。 Perhaps to a few others who have encountered him down the years 。 。 。 but that's all。〃 Whitehead crossed from the window to his desk; unlocked it; and brought out something wrapped in cloth。 He laid it on the polished desk…top and unwrapped it。 It was a gun。
  〃You'll carry this with you at all times in future;〃 he told Marty。 〃Pick it up。 It won't bite。〃 Marty took the gun from the desk。 It was cold and heavy。
  〃Have no hesitation; Strauss。 This man is lethal。〃 Marty passed the gun from hand to hand; it felt ugly。
  〃Problem?〃 Whitehead inquired。
  Marty chewed on his words before speaking them。 〃It's only 。 。 。 well; I'm on parole; sir。 I'm supposed to be obeying the letter of the law。 Now You give me a gun; and tell me to shoot on sight。 I mean; I'm sure you're right about him being an assassin; but I don't think he was even armed。〃 Whitehead's expression; hitherto impartial; changed as Marty spoke。 His teeth showed yellow as he snapped his reply。
  〃You're my property; Strauss。 You concern yourself with me; or you get to Hell out of here tomorrow morning。 Me!〃 He jabbed finger at his own chest。 〃Not yourself。 Forget yourself。〃 Marty swallowed a throatful of possible retorts: none were polite。
  〃You want to go back to Wandsworth?〃 the old man said。 All signs of anger had disappeared; the yellow teeth were sheathed。 〃Do you?〃 〃No。 Of course not。〃 〃You can go if you want。 Just say the word。〃 〃I said no! 。 。 。 Sir。〃 〃Then you listen;〃 the old man said。 〃The man you met last night means me harm。 He came here to kill me。 If he es again…and he will…I want you to return the pliment。 Then we'll see; won't we; boy?〃…the teeth showed again; a fox's smile。 〃Oh; yes 。 。 。 we'll see。〃
  Carys woke feeling seedy。 At first she remembered nothing of the previous night; but she gradually began to recall the bad trip that she'd undergone: the room like a living thing; the phantom fingertips that had plucked…oh; so gently…at the hairs on the nape of her neck。
  She couldn't remember what had happened when the fingers had delved too deep。 Had she lain down; was that it? Yes; now she remembered; she had lain down。 It was only then; when her head hit the pillow and sleep claimed her; that the bad times had really begun。
  Not dreams: at least not like she'd had before。 There'd been no theatrics; no symbols; no fugitive memories weaving between the horrors。 There had been nothing at all: and that had been (still was) the terror。 She had been delivered into a void。
  〃Void。〃 It was just a dead word when she spoke it aloud: it didn't begin to describe the place she'd discovered; its emptiness more immaculate; the terrors it awoke more atrocious; the hope of salvation in its deeps more fragile than in any place she had ever guessed at。 It was a legendary Nowhere; beside which every other dark was blindingly bright; every other despair she had endured a mere flirtation with the pit; not the pit itself。
  Its architect had been there too。 She remembered something of his mild physiognomy; which had convinced her not a jot。 See how extraordinary this emptiness is; he had boasted; how pure; how absolute? A world of marvels can't pare; can never hope to pare; with such sublime nothingness。
  And when she awoke the boasts remained。 It was as if the vision were true; while the reality she now occupied was a fiction。 As if color and shape and substance were pretty distractions designed to paste over the fact of this emptiness he had shown her。 Now she waited; scarcely aware of time passing; occasionally stroking the sheet or feeling the weave of the carpet under her bare feet; waiting in despair for the moment it all peeled back and the void appeared again to devour her。
  Well; she thought; I'll go to the sunshine island。 If ever she deserved to play there awhile; she deserved it now; having suffered so much。 But something soured the thought。 Wasn't the island a fiction too? If she went there now; wasn't she weaker next time the architect came; void in hand? Her heart started to beat very loudly in her ears。 Who was there to help her? Nobody who understood。 Just Pearl; with her accusing eyes and her sly contempt; and Whitehead; content to feed her H as long as it kept her pliant; and Marty; her runner; sweet in his way; but so naively pragmatic she could never begin to explain the plexities of the dimensions she lived in。 He was a one…world man; he would look at her bewildered; trying to understand; and failing。
  No; she had no guides; no signposts。 It would be better if she went back the way she knew。 Back to the island。
  It was a chemical lie; and it killed with time; but life killed in time; didn't it? And if dying was all there was; didn't it make sense to go to it happy rather than fester in a dirty hole of a world where the void whispered at every corner? So when Pearl came upstairs with her H; she took it; thanked her politely; and went to the island; dancing。
  Fear could make the world go round if its wheels were efficiently oiled。 Marty had seen the system in practice at Wandsworth: a hierarchy built upon fear。 It was violent; unstable and unjust; but perfectly workable。
  Seeing Whitehead; the calm; still center of his universe; so changed by fear; so sweaty; so full of panic; had e as an unwele shock。 Marty had no personal feelings for the old man…or none that he was aware of…but he'd seen Whitehead's species of integrity at work; and had profited by it。 Now; he felt; the stability he had e to enjoy was threatened with extinction。 Already the old man was clearly withholding information…perhaps pivotal to Marty's understanding of the situation…about the intruder and his motives。 In place of Whitehead's previous plain talking; there was innuendo and threats。 That was his prerogative; of course。 But it left Marty with a guessing game on his hands。
  One point was unarguable: whatever Whitehead claimed; the man at the fence had been no conventional hired killer。 Several inexplicable things had happened at the fence。 The lights had waxed and waned as if on cue; the cameras had mysteriously failed when the man had appeared。 The dogs had registered this riddle too。 Why else had they shown such a confusion of anger and apprehension? And there remained the illusions…those air…burning pictures。 No sleight of hand; however elaborate; could explain them satisfactorily。 If Whitehead knew this 〃assassin〃 as well as he claimed; then he must know the man's skills too: he was simply too afraid to talk about them。
  Marty spent the day asking the discreetest of questions around the house but it rapidly became apparent that Whitehead had said nothing of the events to Pearl; Lillian or Luther。 This was odd。 Surely now was the very time to make everyone more vigilant? The only person to suggest he had any knowledge of the night's events was Bill Toy; but when Marty raised the subject he was evasive。
  〃I realize you've been put in a difficult situation; Marty; but so are we all at the moment。〃 〃I just feel I could do the job better 〃
  〃…if you knew the facts。〃 〃Yes。〃 〃Well; I think you have to concede that Joe knows best。〃 He made a rueful face。 〃We should all have that tattooed on our hands; don't you think? Joe Knows Best。 I wish I could tell more。 I wish I knew more。 I think it's probably easiest for all concerned if you let the matter drop。〃 〃He gave me a gun; Bill。〃 〃I know。〃 〃And he told me to use it。〃 Toy nodded; he looked pained by all of this; even regretful。
  〃These are bad times; Marty。 We're all 。 。 。 all having to do a lot of things we don't want to; believe me。〃 Marty did believe him; he trusted Toy sufficiently to know that if there'd been anything he could say on the subject; it would have been said。 It was entirely possible that Toy didn't even know who had broken the seal on the Sanctuary。 If it was some private confrontation between Whitehead and the stranger; then maybe a full explanation could only e from the old man himself; and that would clearly not be forthing。
  Marty had one final interviewee。 Carys。
  He hadn't seen her since he'd trespassed on the upper landing the day before。 What he'd seen between Carys and her father had unsettled him; and there was; he knew; a childish urge in him to punish her by withholding his pany。 Now he felt obliged to seek her out; however unfortable the meeting might prove。
  He found her that afternoon; loitering in the vicinity of the dovecote。 S
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