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  He found Pearl in the kitchen; told her he was hungry; and went upstairs to shower。 When he came down again she had a cold spread laid out for him: beef; bread; tomatoes。 He dug in with a will。
  〃Seen Carys this morning?〃 he asked; mouth crammed。
  〃No;〃 she replied。 She was at her most unmunicative today; her face pinched up with some fermenting grievance。 He wondered; watching her move around the kitchen; what she was like in bed: for some reason he was full of dirty thoughts today; as if his mind; refusing to be depressed by the burial; was eager for uplifting sport。 Chewing on a mouthful of salted beef he said: 〃Was it veal you fed the old man last night?〃 Pearl didn't look up from her labors as she said: 〃He didn't eat last night。 I left fish for him; but he didn't touch it。〃 〃But he had meat;〃 Marty said。 〃I finished it off for him。 And strawberries。〃 〃He must have e down and got those for himself。 Always strawberries;〃 she said。 〃He'll choke on them one of these days。〃 Now Marty came to think of it; Whitehead had said something about his guest providing the meat。
  〃It was good; whatever it was;〃 he said。
  〃None of my doing;〃 Pearl said; offended as a wife discovering her husband's adultery。
  Marty put the conversation to rest; it was no use trying to raise her spirits when she was in this kind of mood。
  The meal finished; he went up to Carys〃 room。 The house was pin…drop still: after the lethal farce of the previous night it had regained its posure。 The pictures that lined the staircase; the carpets underfoot; all conspired against any rumor of distress。 Chaos here was as unthinkable as a riot in an art gallery: all precedent forbade it。
  He knocked on Carys〃 door; lightly。 There was no answer; so he knocked again; more loudly this time。
  〃Carys?〃 Perhaps she didn't want to speak to him。 He'd never been able to predict from one day to the next whether they were lovers or enemies。 Her ambiguities no longer distressed him; however。 It was her way of testing him; he guessed; and it was fine by him as long as she finally admitted that she loved him more than any other fucker on the face of the earth。
  He tried the handle; the door wasn't locked。 The room beyond was empty。 Not only did it not contain Carys; it contained no trace of her existence there。 Her books; her toiletries; her clothes; her ornaments; everything that marked out the room as hers had been removed。 The sheets had been stripped from the bed; the pillowcases from the pillow。 The bare mattress looked desolate。
  Marty closed the door and started downstairs。 He'd asked for explanations more than once and he'd been granted precious few。 But this was too much。 He wished to God Toy was still around: at least he'd treated Marty as a thinking animal。
  Luther was back in the kitchen; his feet up on the table among a clutter of unwashed dishes。 Pearl had clearly left her province to the barbarians。
  〃Where's Carys?〃 was Marty's first question。
  〃You never quit; do you?〃 Luther said。 He stubbed out his cigarette on Marty's lunch plate; and turned a page of his magazine。
  Marty felt detonation approaching。 He'd never liked Luther; but he'd taken months of sly remarks from the bastard because the system forbade the kind of response he really wanted to give。 Now that system was crumbling; rapidly。 Toy gone; dogs dead; heels on the kitchen table: who the hell cared any longer if he beat Luther to pulp?
  〃I want to know where Carys is。〃 〃No lady by that name here。〃 Marty took a step toward the table。 Luther seemed to sense that his repartee had gone sour。 He slung down the magazine; the smile disappeared。
  〃Don't get edgy; man。〃 〃Where is she?〃 He smoothed the page in front of him; palm down across the sleek nude。 〃She's gone;〃 he said。
  〃Where?〃 〃Gone; man。 That's all。 You deaf; stupid; or both?〃 Marty crossed the kitchen in one second flat and hauled Luther out of his chair。 Like most spontaneous violence; there was no grace in it。 The ragged attack threw them both off…balance。 Luther half…fell back; an outflung arm catching a coffee cup; which leaped and smashed as they staggered across the kitchen。 Finding his balance first; Luther brought his knee up into Marty's groin。
  〃Je…sus!〃 〃You get your fucking hands off me; man!〃 Luther yelled; panicked by the outburst。 〃I don't want no fight with you; right?〃 The demands became a plea for sanity…〃e on; man。 Calm down。〃 Marty replied by launching himself at the other man; fists flying。 A blow; more chance than intention; connected with Luther's face; and Marty followed through with three or four punches to stomach and chest。 Luther; stepping back to avoid this assault;… slid in cold coffee and fell。 Breathless and bloodied; he stayed down on the floor where he was safe; while Marty; eyes streaming from the blow to his balls; rubbed his aching hands。
  〃Just tell me where she is 。 。 。〃 he gasped。
  Luther spat out a wad of blood…tinted phlegm before speaking。
  〃You're out of your fucking mind; man; you know that? I don't know where she's gone。 Ask the big white father。 He's the one who feeds her fucking heroin。〃 Of course; in that revelation lay the answer to half a dozen mysteries。 It explained her reluctance to leave the old man; it explained her lassitude too; that inability to see beyond the next day; the next fix。
  〃And you supply the stuff? Is that it?〃 〃Maybe I do。 But I never addicted her; man。 I never did that。 That was him; all along it was him! He did it to keep her。 To fucking keep her。 Bastard。〃 It was spoken with genuine contempt。 〃What kind of father does that? I tell you; that fucker could teach us both a few lessons in dirty tricks。〃 He paused to finger the inside of his mouth; he clearly had no intention of standing up again until Marty's bloodlust had subsided。 〃I don't ask no questions;〃 he said。 〃All I know is I had to clear out her room this morning。〃 〃Where's her stuff gone?〃 He didn't answer for several seconds。 〃Burned most of it;〃 he said finally。
  〃In God's name; why?〃 〃Old man's orders。 You finished?〃 Marty nodded。 〃I've finished。〃 〃You and I;〃 Luther said; 〃we never liked each other from the start。 You know why?〃 〃Why?〃 〃We're both shit;〃 he said grimly。 〃Worthless shit。 Except I know what I am。 I can even live with it。 But you; you poor bastard; you think if you brown…nose around long enough one of these days someone's going to forgive you your trespasses。〃 Marty snorted mucus into his hand and wiped it on his jeans。
  〃Truth hurt?〃 Luther jibed。
  〃All right;〃 Marty came back; 〃if you're so good with the truth maybe you can tell me what's going on around here。〃 〃I told you: I don't ask questions。〃 〃You never wondered?〃 〃Of course I fucking wondered。 I wondered every day I brought the kid dope; or saw the old man sweat when it started to get dark。 But why should there be any sense to it? He's a lunatic; that's your answer。 He lost his marbles when his wife went。 Too sudden。 He couldn't take it。 He's been out of his mind ever since。〃 〃And that's enough to explain everything that's going on?〃 Luther wiped a spot of bloody spittle off his chin with the back of his hand。 〃Hear no evil; speak no evil; see no evil;〃 he said。
  〃I'm no monkey;〃 Marty replied。
  It wasn't until the middle of the evening that the old man would consent to see Marty。 By that time the edge had been taken off his anger; which was presumably the intention of the delay。 Whitehead had forsaken the study and the chair by the window tonight。 He sat in the library instead。 The only lamp that burned in the room had been placed a little way behind his chair。 As a consequence; it was almost impossible to see his face; and his voice was so drained of color that no clue to his mood could be caught from it: But Marty had half…expected the theatrics; and was prepared for them。 There were questions to be asked; and he wasn't about to be intimidated into silence。
  〃Where's Carys?〃 he demanded。
  The head moved a little in the cove of the chair。 The hands closed a book on his lap and placed it on the table。 One of the science fiction paperbacks; light reading for a dark night。
  〃What business is it of yours?〃 Whitehead wanted to know。
  Marty thought he'd predicted all the responses…bribery; prevarication…but this question; throwing the onus of inquiry back onto him; he hadn't expected。 It begged other questions: did Whitehead know about his relationship with Carys; for instance? He'd tortured himself all afternoon with the idea that she'd told him everything; gone to the old man after that first night; and the subsequent nights; to report his every clumsiness; every na?veté。
  〃I need to know;〃 he said。
  〃Well; I see no reason why you shouldn't be told;〃 the dead voice replied 〃though God knows it's a private hurt。 Still; there are very few people I have left to confide in。〃 Marty tried to locate Whitehead's eyes; but the light behind the chair dazzled him。 All he could do was listen to the even modulation of the voice; and try to dig out the implications beneath the flow。
  〃She's been taken away; Marty。 At my request。 Somewhere where her problems can be dealt with in a proper manner。〃 〃The drugs?〃 〃You must hav
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