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  On the second landing; Carys stopped。 She could hear voices; not; now she listened more closely; plural; but the same voice…Marty's voice…speaking and answering itself。 It was difficult to know where the exchange was ing from; the words seemed to be everywhere and nowhere。 She glanced into her room; then into Breer's。 Finally; steeling herself for a repeat of her nightmare; she looked into the bathroom。 He was in none of them。 There was no avoiding the unpalatable conclusion。 He'd gone upstairs; back to Mamoulian's room。
  Even as she crossed the landing to the flight of stairs that led up to the top story; another sound caught her attention: somewhere below a blade was hacking wood。 She knew at once it was the Razor…Eater。 He was up and itching to e for her。 What a house this is; she thought; for all its bland facade。 It would take another Dante to describe its depths and heights: dead children; Razor…Eaters; addicts; madmen and all。 Surely the stars that hung at its zenith squirmed in their settings; in the earth beneath it; the magma curdled。
  In the European's room; Marty cried out; a bewildered plea。 Calling his name in answer; and hoping to God he heard her; she scrambled to the top of the stairs and crossed; heart in mouth; toward the door。
  He had fallen to his knees; what was left of his self…preservation was a tattered and hopeless thought; gray on gray。 Even the voice had stopped now。 It was bored with the banter。 Besides; it had taught its lesson well。 Nothing is essential; it had said; and shown him the why and how; or rather dug up that part of him that had known all along。 Now he would just wait for the progenitor of this elegant syllogism to e and dispatch him。 He lay down; not certain if he was alive or dead; if the man who would presently e would kill him or resurrect him: only certain that to lie down was easiest; in this; the emptiest of all possible worlds。
  Carys had been in this Nowhere before。 She'd tasted its flat; futile air。 But in the past few hours she had glimpsed something beyond its aridity。 There had been victories today; not large; perhaps; but victories nevertheless。 She thought of the way Marty had e; his eyes with more than lust in them。 That was a victory; wasn't it? She'd won that feeling out of him; earned it in some incalculable way。 She would not be beaten by this last oppressor; this stale beast that smothered her senses。 It was only the European's residue; after all。 His sloughings; left to decorate his bower。 Scurf; dross。 It and he were contemptible。
  〃Marty;〃 she said。 〃Where are you?〃 〃Nowhere 。 。 。〃 came a voice。
  She followed it; stumbling。 Desolation pressed in; insisting on her。
  Breer paused for a moment。 A long way off; he heard voices。 He couldn't make out the words; but the sense was academic。 They hadn't escaped yet; that was the important thing。 He had plans for them once he got out: especially the man。 He would divide him into tiny pieces; until not even his loved ones could tell which part was his finger; which his face。
  He began to hack at the wood with renewed fervor。 Under his relentless attack the door finally began to splinter。
  Carys followed Marty's voice through the fog; but he eluded her。 Either he was moving around or else the room was somehow deceiving her; echoing his voice off the walls; or even impersonating him。 Then his voice called her name; close by。 She turned in the murk; utterly without bearings。 There was no sign of the door she'd entered by…it had disappeared; as had the windows。 The pieces of her resolve began to unglue。 Doubt seeped in; smirking。
  Well; well。 And who are you? somebody asked。 Perhaps herself。
  〃I know my name;〃 she breathed。 It wasn't going to unseat her that way。 〃I know my name。〃 She was a pragmatist; damn it! She wasn't prone to believing that the world was all in the mind。 That's why she'd gone to H: the world was too real。 Now here was this vapor in her ears; telling her she was nothing; everything was nothing; nameless muck。
  〃Shit;〃 she told it。 〃You're shit。 His shit!〃 It didn't deign to reply; she took the advantage while she had it。
  〃Marty。 Can you hear me?〃 There was no answer。 〃It's just a room; Marty。 Can you hear me? That's all it is! Just a room。〃 You've been in me before; the voice in her head pointed out。 Remember?
  Oh; yes; she remembered。 There was a tree in this fog somewhere; she'd seen it in the sauna。 It was a blossom…laden freak of a tree; and under it she'd glimpsed such horrid sights。 Was that where Marty had gone? Was he hanging from it even now: new fruit?
  Damn it; no! She mustn't give in to such thoughts。 It was just a room。 She could find the walls if she concentrated; even find the window maybe。
  Careless of what she might stumble over; she turned to her right; and walked four paces; five; until her outstretched hands hit the wall: it was shockingly; splendidly solid。 Ha! she thought; fuck you and your tree! Look what I've found。 She put her palms flat on the wall。 Now; left or right? She threw up an imaginary coin。 It came down heads; and she started to edge along to her left。
  No you don't; the room whispered。
  〃Try stopping me。〃 Nowhere to go; it spat back; just round and round。 You've always gone round and round; haven't you? Weak; lazy; ridiculous woman。
  〃You call me ridiculous。 You。 A talking fog。〃 The wall she was moving steadily along seemed to stretch on and on。 After half a dozen paces she began to doubt the theory she was testing。 Perhaps this was a manipulable space after all。 Perhaps she was moving away from Marty along some new Wall of China。 But she clung to the cold surface as tenaciously as a climber to a sheer cliff。 If necessary she would make her way around the entire room until she found the door; Marty; or both。
  Pure cunt; the room said。 That's all you are。 Can't even find your way out of a little maze like this。 Better just lie down and take what's ing to you; the way good cunts should。
  Did she sense a note of desperation in this fresh assault?
  Despair? said the room。 I thrive on it。 Cunt。
  She had reached a corner of the room。 Now she turned along the next wall。
  No you don't; said the room。
  Yes I do; she thought。
  I wouldn't go that way。 Oh; no。 Really I wouldn't。 The Razor…Eater's up here with you。 Can't you hear him? He's just a few inches ahead of you。 No; don't! Oh; please don't! I hate the smell of blood。
  Pure histrionics; that was all it could muster。 The more the room panicked; the more her spirits rose。
  Stop! For your own sake! Stop!
  Even as it shouted in her head her hands found the window。 This was what it was so frightened she'd discover。
  CUNT! it shrieked。 You'll be sorry。 I promise you。 Oh; yes。
  There were no curtains or shutters; the window had been entirely boarded up so that nothing could spoil this perfect nullity。 Her fingers scrabbled for purchase on one of the planks: it was time she let some outside world in。 The wood had been very firmly nailed in place; however。 Though she tugged; there was little or no give。
  〃Shift; damn you!〃 The plank creaked; splinters sprang off it。 〃Yes;〃 she coaxed; 〃here we are。〃 Light; a fractured; all…too…uncertain thread of it; filtered between the planks。 〃e on;〃 she cajoled; pulling harder。 The top joints of her fingers were bent back in her effort to wrest the wood from its place; but the thread of light had now widened to a beam。 It fell on her; and through a veil of dirty air she began to make out the shape of her own hands。
  It wasn't daylight that spilled between the planks。 Just the glimmer of streetlamps and car headlights; of starlight perhaps; of televisions blazing in a dozen houses along Caliban Street。 It was sufficient; though。 With every inch the gap increased; more certainty invaded the room; edge and substance。
  Elsewhere in the room; Marty too felt the light。 It irritated him; like someone throwing open spring…morning curtains on a dying man。 He crabbed his way across the floor; trying to bury himself in the fog before it dispersed; seeking out the reassuring voice that would tell him nothing was essential。 But it had gone。 He was deserted; and the light was falling in broader and yet broader strokes。 He could see a woman outlined against the window。 She had wrenched off one plank and thrown it down。 Now she was pulling at a second。 〃e to Mama;〃 she was saying; and the light came; defining her within ever more nauseating detail。 He wanted none of it; it was a burden; this being business。 He exhaled a little whistle of pain and exasperation。
  She turned to him。 〃There you are;〃 she said; crossing to him and pulling him to his feet。 〃We've got to be quick。〃 Marty was staring at the room; which was now revealed in all its banality。 A mattress on the floor; an upturned porcelain cup; beside it; a water jug。
  〃Wake up;〃 Carys said; shaking him。
  No need to go; he thought; nothing to lose if I stay here and the gray es again。
  〃For Christ's sake; Marty!〃 she yelled at him。 From below came the sound of wood shrieking。 He's ing; ready or not; she thought。
  〃Marty;〃 she shouted at him。 〃Can you hear? It's Breer。〃 The name awoke hor
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