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ors in the gaming room。 It was dark out here; the light in the gaming room; that livid candlelight; was all but sealed off by the partially closed door。
  Marty knelt at Whitehead's side。 The old man took hold of his shirt。
  〃You've got to fetch her;〃 he said; the voice almost faded。 His eyes bulged; there was blood in his beard; and more ing with each word; but his hold was strong。 〃Fetch her; Marty;〃 he hissed。
  〃What are you talking about?〃 〃He has her;〃 Whitehead said。 〃In him。 Fetch her; for Christ's sake; or she'll be there forever; like the others。〃 His eyes flicked in the direction of the landing; remembering the scourge of Muranowski Square。 Was she there already? A prisoner under the tree; with Vasiliev's eager hands on her? The old man's lips began to tremble。 〃Can't 。 。 。 let him have her; boy;〃 he said。 〃You hear me。 Won't let him have her。〃 Marty had difficulty sewing the sense of this together。 Was Whitehead suggesting that he should find his way into Mamoulian and retrieve Carys? It wasn't possible。
  〃I can't;〃 he said。
  The old man registered disgust; and let go of Marty as though he'd discovered he had hold of excrement。 Painfully; he turned his head away。
  Marty looked toward the gaming room。 Through the gap in the door he could see Mamoulian moving toward the unmistakable figure of the Razor…Eater。 There was frailty on the European's face。 Marty studied it for a moment; and then looked down at the European's feet。 Carys lay there; her face startled by cessation; her skin bright。 He could do nothing; why didn't Papa leave him be to run away into the night and heal his bruises? He could do nothing。
  And if he ran; if he found a place to hide; to heal; would he ever wash away the smell of his cowardice? Would this moment…the roads dividing; and dividing again…not be burned into his dreams forever? He looked back at Papa。 But for the feeble movement of his lips he could have already been dead。 〃Fetch her;〃 he was still saying; a catechism to be repeated until his breath failed。 〃Fetch her。 Fetch her。〃 Marty had asked something similar of Carys…to go into the lunatic's lair and e back with a story to tell。 How could he now not return the favor? Fetch her。 Fetch her。 Papa's words were fading with every beat of his failing heart。 Maybe she was retrievable; Marty thought; somewhere in the flux of Mamoulian's body。 And if not; if not; would it be so hard to die trying to fetch her; and have an end to roads dividing; and choices turning to ash?
  But how? He tried to recall how she'd done it; but the procedures were too elaborate…the washing; the silence…and surely he had scant opportunity to make his voyage before circumstances changed。 His only source of hope lay in the fact of his bloody shirt…the way he'd felt; on his way here; that Carys had snapped some barrier in his head; and that the damage; once done; was permanent。 Perhaps his mind could go to her through the wound she'd opened; tracing her scent as relentlessly as she'd pursued his。
  He closed his eyes; shutting off the hallway and Whitehead and the body lying at the European's feet。 Sight was a trap; she'd said that once。 Effort too。 He must let go。 Let instinct and imagination take him where sense and intellect could not。
  He conjured her; effortlessly; putting the bleak fact of her corpse out of his head and evoking instead her living smile。 In his mind he spoke her name and she came to him in a dozen moments: laughing; naked; puzzled; contrite。 But he let the particulars go; leaving only her essential presence in his aching head。
  He was dreaming her。 The wound was open; and it pained him to touch it again。 Blood was running into his open mouth; but the sensation was a distant phenomenon。 It had little to do with his present condition; which was increasingly dislocated。 He felt as though he was slipping his body off。 It was redundant: waste matter。 The ease of the procedure astonished him; his only anxiety vas that he'd bee too eager; he had to control his exhilaration for fear he throw caution to the wind and be discovered。
  He could see nothing; hear nothing。 The state he moved in…did he even move?…was not susceptible to the senses。 Now; though he had no proof of the perception; he was sure he was abstracted from his body。 It was behind; below him: an untenanted shell。 Ahead of him; Carys。 He would dream his way to her。
  And then; just as he had thought he could take pleasure in this extraordinary journey。 Hell opened in front of himMamoulian; too intent on the Razor…Eater; felt nothing as Marty breached him。 Breer made a half…run forward; lifting the machete and aiming a blow at the European。 He sidestepped to avoid it with perfect economy but Breer pivoted around for a second strike with startling speed; and this time; more by chance than direction; the machete glanced down Mamoulian's arm; slicing into the cloth of his dark gray suit。
  〃Chad;〃 the European said; not taking his eyes off Breer。
  〃Yes?〃 the blond boy replied。 He was still leaning on the wall beside the door; posed there like an indolent hero; he had found Whitehead's cache of cigars; pocketing several and lighting one。 He blew a cloud of dusty blue smoke; and watched the gladiators through a blur of drink。 〃What do you want?〃 〃Find the pilgrim's gun。〃 〃Why?〃 〃For our visitor。〃 〃Kill him yourself;〃 Chad replied nonchalantly; 〃you can do it。〃 Mamoulian's mind revolted at the thought of laying his flesh on such decay; better a bullet。 At close range it would lay the Razor…Eater to waste。 Without a head even the dead couldn't walk。
  〃Fetch the gun!〃 he demanded。
  〃No;〃 Chad replied。 The Reverend had said plain speaking was best。
  〃This is no time for games;〃 Mamoulian said; taking his attention off Breer for a moment to glance across at Chad。 It was an error。 The dead man swung the machete again; and this time the blow found Mamoulian's shoulder; lodging in the muscle close to his neck。 The European made no sound but a grunt as the blow fell; and a second as Breer pulled the blade out of its niche。
  〃Stop;〃 he told his assailant。
  Breer shook his head。 This was what he had e for; wasn't it? This was the prelude to an act he'd waited so long to perform。
  Mamoulian put his hand up to the wound at his shoulder。 Bullets he could take and survive; but a more traumatic attack; one that promised the integrity of his flesh…that was dangerous。 He had to finish Breer off; and if the Saint wouldn't fetch the gun then he'd have to kill the Razor…Eater with his bare hands。
  Breer seemed to sense his intention。 〃You can't hurt me;〃 he tried to say; the words ing out in a jumble。 〃I'm dead。〃 Mamoulian shook his head。 〃Limb from limb;〃 he murmured。 〃If I must。 Limb from limb。〃 Chad grinned; hearing the European's promise。 Sweet Jesus; he thought; this was the way the world would end。 A warren of rooms; cars on the freeway winding their last way home; the dead and almost dead exchanging blows by candlelight。 The Reverend had been wrong。 The Deluge wasn't a wave; was it? It was blind men with axes; it was the great on their knees begging not to die at the hands of idiots; it was the itch of the irrational grown to an epidemic。 He watched; and thought of how he would describe this scene to the Reverend; and for the first time in his nineteen years his pretty head felt a spasm of pure joy。
  Marty hadn't realized how pleasurable the experience of travel had been a passenger of pure thought…until he plunged into Mamoulian's body。 He felt like a skinned man immersed in boiling oil。 He thrashed; his essence screeching for an end to this Hell of another man's physicality。 But Carys was here。 He had to keep that thought uppermost; a touchstone。
  In this maelstrom his feelings for her had the purity of mathematics。 Its equations…plex; but elegant in their proofs…offered a nicety that was like truth。 He had to hold on to this recognition。 If he once relinquished it he was lost。
  Though without senses; he felt this new state struggling to impinge a vision of itself upon him。 At the corners of his blind eyes lights flared perspective opened up and closed again in an instant…suns threatened to ignite overhead and were snuffed out before they could shed warmth or illumination。 Some irritation possessed him: an itch of lunacy。 Scratch me; it said; and you needn't sweat anymore。 He countered the seduction with thoughts of Carys。
  Gone; the itch said; deeper than you'd dare to go。 So much deeper。
  What it claimed was perhaps true。 He'd swallowed her whole; taken her down to wherever he kept his favorite things。 To the place where the zero he'd tampered with at Caliban Street was sourced。 Face…to…face with such a vacuum he would shrivel: there would be no reprieve this time。 Such a place; the itch salad; such a terrible place。 You want to see?
  e on; look! Look and tremble! Look and cease! You wanted to know what he was; well you're about to get a worm's…eye view。
  I'm not listening; Marty thought。 He pressed on; and though…like Caliban Street…there was no up or down; no forward or back in this place; he had a sense of descent。。 Was it just the metaphors he carried with him; that he pictured Hell as a pit? 
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