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。 Shards of thighbone; of vertebrae; the saucer of the European's skull。
  She crept in as if fearful of waking a sleeping child。 Maybe he had been sleeping。 There were feathery images in his head that could only have been dreams: life was not that terrible。
  〃I woke;〃 she said。 〃I knew you'd be here。〃 He could barely see her through the grimy air; she was a chalk drawing on black paper: so vulnerable to smudging。 The tears came again when he thought of that。
  〃We must go;〃 she said; not wishing to press him for explanations。 Perhaps she would ask him in time; when the plaintive look had left his eyes; perhaps she would never ask。 After several minutes of her coaxing him and pressing close to him; he slid up from his knee…hugging meditation and conceded to her care。
  When they stepped out of the hotel the wind buffeted them; as antagonistic as ever。 Marty looked up to see if the gusts had blown the stars off course; but they were steadfast。 Everything was in its place; despite the insanity that had mauled their lives of late; and though she hurried him on; he dawdled; his head back; squinting at the stars。 There were no revelations to be had there。 Just pinpricks of light in a plain heaven。 But he saw for the first time how fine that was。 That in a world too full of loss and rage they be remote: the minimum of glory。 As she led him across the lightless ground; time and again he could not prevent his gaze from straying skyward。



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