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United States Navy; and Admiral Sergei Yevgennevich Pauker; mander…m…Chief of the Soviet Navy … a post unknown in any other navy in the world。' M took a deep breath。 'The latter has been invited because of the current thawing in relationships between East and West。 Glasnost。peres…troika; that kind of thing。'
 'They will be 。 。 。?' Bond began。
 They will be in Invincible。 They will have with them; like Gilbert and Sullivan's Sir Joseph Porter; all their sisters and their cousins and their aunts。 They will also be in danger。 Almost certainly attempted abduction。 At worst; murder。 You will be there; in Invincible; to see it does not happen。'
 〃Can you explain about the danger; sir?' The trigger of magnelie interest had been squeezed deep in Bond's mind。
 M smiled like a man who has just hooked the biggest fish in the river。 'Certainly; James。 Bill and I will a tale unfold。 It begins with that little problem in the Straits of Hormuz … the Japanese tanker。 Son of Hitachi; or whatever it's called 。 。 。'
 The Chief of Staff corrected the tanker's name; and for his pains received a venomous glare from M; who barked; 'You want to tell it。 Tanner?'
 'No; sir; you carry on; sir。'
 'Good of you。 Tanner。 Thank you。' M's mood was not only bellicose this morning; but sarcastic。 He fixed Bond with the same; cold fish…eye look。 'Ever heard of BAST9'
 'Anagram for stab; sir?'
 'No。 007。 1 mean BAST。 B…A…S…T。 and this is no laughing matter。'
 The smile on Bond's face disappeared quickly。 M was being too serious and prickly for jokes。 'No; sir。 BAST is news to me。 What is it?'
 With a wave of his hand and a vocal sound meant to signify deep displeasure。 M motioned to his Chief of Staff to explain。
 'James;' Tanner came over and leaned against the desk; 'this really is a very serious and alarming business。 BAST is a group; an organisation。 The name hasn't been circulated as yet; simply because we didn't have many leads or details at first。 The name's pretty puerile; that's why nobody took it very seriously to begin with。 But BAST appears to be an acronym for Brotherhood of Anarchy and Secret Terror。〃
 'Sounds like a poor man's SPECTRE to me。' Bond's brow wrinkled and there was concern in his eyes。
 'At first we thought it might be a splinter group of the old SPECTRE; but it appears this is something new; and oddly unpleasant。' Tanner continued。 'You recall the small bomb incidents in October of '87? All on one day; all co…ordinated? There were fire bombs in a couple of London stores 。 。 。'
 'The ones put down to animal rights activists?'
 Tanner nodded; 'But the others were not so easily explained。 One small plastique near the Vatican; another one which destroyed an American military transport … on the ground at Edwards Airforce Base: no casualties; one in Madrid; another; a car bomb; premature; shattering the French Minister of Defence's car; and a large one in Moscow: near the Kremlin Gate and not generally reported。'
 'Yes。 I saw the file。'
 'Then you know the file said it was co…ordinated; but nobody
 had taken responsibility。'
 Bond nodded。
 The file was lying by omission;' Tanner sounded grave now。 'There was a long letter; circulated to all the countries concerned。 In brief it said the incidents had been co…ordinated by the Brotherhood of Anarchy and Secret Terror; to be referred to as BAST。 Everyone did some back…tracking; because these kinds of groups do have a tendency to choose high…l'alutin names。 The damage from ihose first incidents was small and there were no deaths; but those who advise on international terrorism told us to take them damned seriously; if only because BAST is a demonic name。 BAST; it seems; is a word that es from Ancient Egypt: sometimes known as Aini or Aym。 BAST is said to appear as a three…headed demon … head of a snake; head of a cat; head of a man … mounted on a viper。 The demon BAST is connected with incendiarism; and we now have little doubt that the Brotherhood chose the name because of its demonic connotations。'
 'Demons?' Bond raised his eyes towards the ceiling。
 'Yes。 demons。〃 M; who was far from being a superstitious man; appeared to be taking the entire thing very seriously。 'A lot of research has been done on this。 Now; we know that there are indeed three leaders… like the snake; man and cat…and a prime leader upon which they all ride and exist。 The viper; if you like; es by the name of Biissam Baradj。 a former ranking member of the PLO; a former friend of Arafat's; and a wealthy man in his own right。 Baradj is certainly paymaster and mastermind。〃
 Tanner nodded and said that other intelligence had pinpointed three associates of Baradj; all one…time members of Middle…Eastern paramilitary political groups。 'Abou Hamarik; Ali Al Adwan; and a young woman; Saphii Boudai … the man。 the snake and the cat。 Apparently those are their key names: street names。 They're all experienced in the arts of lerrorism。 they're also disenchanted with all the old causes。
 They've embraced the idea of anarchy with one thought only。 They believe that Napoleon's definition of anarchy is the one and only true definition … 〃Anarchy is the stepping stone to absolute power〃。'
 Bond fell a tingling chill down his spine。 He had fought against fanatical shadows before。
 'Y'see。 James;' M appeared to have softened; 'these people who sound so childish with their BAST signature; are far from childish。 Baradj can lay his hands on billions; he is also a shrewd and cunning strategist。 The other leaders are trained soldiers in the terrorist wars。 They can teach skills; and; through Baradj; they can buy and sell as many mercenaries as they need。 Mad as it might seem; these people are pledged against practically all political and religious ideologies。 They have their own ideal … to gain absolute power。 What they do with that power once they've got it; heaven only knows。 But that's what they're after; and。 if recent activities are anything ю go by; they're going to be a nasty poisoned thorn in the sides of all nations and all types and conditions of government for some time to e。'
 'And how do we know they're after the little band of naval brass?' Bond asked。
 M explained。 He spoke at length about the voice prints they had on three of the leading members of BAST; how they had also stumbled across the organisation's call…sign or password; 'Health depends on strength。'
 The problem is;' M went on。 '(hat these people appear to be so flaky; as our American brothers…in…arms would say。 that one is inclined not to take them seriously。 We have to take them seriously。 That strange and almost ridiculous attack on the Japanese tanker was their doing; and that was a rehearsal; carried out in cold blood。 A supertanker; James; is not altogether unlike an aircraft…carrier。 They wanted to see it〃 they could take out a tanker; in order to test the feasibility of a similar assault on Invincible。'
 'But how do we know that?' Bond pressed。
 'We plucked two voices from the air。' M smiled for the first time since Bond had entered the room。 'We got voice prints on Baradj and Abou Hamarik。 It appears the latter organised the event … they coded it Operation WIN; incidentally … and Hamarik's trying to plant; or promise someone either already serving in Invincible; от on the staff of one of our visiting Admirals。 The ones to whom you; 007; will act as Nanny。'
 'Delighted; sir。' Bond's tips curved into one of the cruellest smiles M had ever seen。 Later the Chief was to say that; to use a Biblical expression; 'Iron had entered into oo7's soul。' He was
 not far wrong。
 Bond's thoughts lurned to Napoleon again and he remembered that he had also said; LA love of country; a spirit of enthusiasm; and a sense of honour; will operate upon young soldiers with advantage。' Not only young soldiers; James Bond considered; but Naval officers with a history of matters secret as well。
 Many people in (he intelligence world who knew Bond; were surprised a month later to read in the London Gazelle …
 BOND。 James。 mander RNVR。 Relieved of current liaison duties at the Foreign Office。 Promoted to the substantive rank of Captain RN and returned to active service forthwith。
 Reflections in a Harrier
 The Sea Harrier taxied to the foot of the so…called ski ramp … a wide metal hill; sweeping upwards at 12° … and the nose…wheel rolled into perfect alignment with the dark painted strip that was the centreline。
 The legendary V'STOL (Vertical'Short Take…Off & Landing) pronounced 'Veestol' … aircraft responded to the tiny throttle movement and climbed so that the entire fuselage became positioned into ihe upward configuration。
 Bond went through the take…off checks for the last time: brakes on; flaps OUT。 ASI (Air Speed Indicator) 'bug' to lift…off speed。 The aircraft was alive; trembling to the idling of the Rolls…Royce (Bristol) Pegasus 104 turbofan which could generate an impressive 21;500 pounds of thrust。
 On the Sea Harrier the thrust is channelled through two engine propulsion nozzles; set at port and starboard; capable of being rotated; from the aft horizontal position; through some 98。5°。 This is the Harrier's great advantage over conventional fixed…wing aircraft; for the jet nozzles allow vertic
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